JavaScript for fillable Adobe Stamp - adobe

I have a script for the autofill date (which is great), but I need a simple script for where the user can enter in a number when the stamp is placed.


Add Multiple Time Values to A UserForm

I need assistance with displaying multiple time values on a userform. They will be listed in a list box and will need to remain static should a record require editing.. The user will not have access to the excel worksheet. I need to didplay: time in: time seen; time out on the userform and on a hidden worksheet. I can use the NOW function to record the current time when the customer fills out the form and submits their record(time in). How would I go about writing code that will record the time when the clerk retrieves the customer for service(time seen) and when the customer leaves the office(time out)?
Our clerks have to bring walkin customers in for service within 30 mins of arrival. They also have to issue badges to customers with appointments within 30mins of arrival. Hope that explanation helps. Thanks.
If you are talking about frontend technology then i will suggest Angular with Reactive forms where you can generate the form fields without writing multiple times by using form builder feature. follow below link to know more.
Angular Reactive form guide

IFTTT - record timestamp (rather than time range) in Google Calendar

I created an IFTTT recipe that logs the time I arrive and leave work every day, but it always records it in 1hr blocks.
I'm using iPhone's location to track when I arrive and leave. Everything seems to be working, but calendar events are showing as 1hr blocks rather than just a timestamp.
For example, if I arrive at 8:05am it will show as a block on my calendar from 8:05 to 9:05 rather than just showing for one minute. I'd rather it just say "I arrived at work at 8:05". Thanks in advance!
Am I right in assuming you used the default "Track your work hours in Google Calendar" applet made by Google ?
It uses the Quick add event action to add this event to your calendar. Instead, create your own version of the applet that uses the Create a detailed event action. This allows you to set the following parameters (specifically, it includes Start time and End time):
You can set the start time and end time to the same value, but it will, of course, still read as an event that runs from e.g. 9:05 to 9:05.
If you want to record just a single timestamp, you will need to use a different service to store your data. Perhaps record the data in a Google spreadsheet ?
Any queries, post a comment and I'll get back to you.

Culture specific dates Report Builder 3.0

I have a report that will be published for consumption in both the US and the UK. I thought report builder would display the dates based on the users specific OS Culture. To test this out I changed my PCs Culture to French and the dialog in report builder showed the proper formats, but when I run the report it still shows in the US Format.
The backend SQL Database is in the US.
My other option is to use YYYY-MM-DD, but I'd rather show the dates in the users preferred format.
You can control the display format of dates, numbers etc. by setting the Language property of the affected textboxes (or the entire Report). If you don't set this property then these types of data are rendered using the culture settings of the Report Server (in your case this will be U.S. formats).
To make your report responsive to the culture setting of the client PC you can set the Language property (of the whole Report or individual text boxes) using the expression
More information:

Controlling UI for SSRS ReportViewer for Start and End Date Picking

I've got a situation where I want the user to enter a start date and end date for report data. In addition there should be a drop down which allows the user to choose one of the following:
last 7 days
last 14 days
last 30 days
If the user selects one of these values, the datepickers should adjust there values? I can't quite figure out how to approach this. Anyone have any ideas.
This isn't possible solely from within SSRS. However, you can still achieve your goal with a bit of extra work. Here's a bit of pseudocode to get you going. This technique works and we use it in our organization often.
In SSRS, hide the report parameters
Create a new blank HTML/ASPX page
Using only HTML, create create your own datapickers and custom "last 7 days" dropdown.
Use Javascript/jQuery on the client to handle your custom logic.
Place a "Generate Report" button on the page.
Insert a hidden iFrame on the page
When the user clicks "Generate Report", perform an HTTP POST passing the report parameters in the URL (something like http://server/reportserver?/dir/Report&rs:Command=Render&Parm1=VALUE1&Parm1=VALUE2&Parm1=VALUE3)
Display the report in the iFrame
Your users won't know the difference and this will give you total control over the layout and presentation of your report parameters.
You can do this within in SSRS. Not great but acceptable.
Have the first parameter be a pick list with two choices.
Pick Dates or Last X Days.
Have the next parameter be the start date.
The third parameter is another pick list. It is either a list of dates or a list of numbers depending on the choice they made in the beginning.
Another way would be to have two reports displayed to the user. one with an open date range and one with a predefined pick list of dates. These would be linked reports that call the same underlying report but display different parameters. This is the approach I would take for such a user request.

How to save times, timezone question

I'm building an ASP web app that stores appointment times; it'll be used in different timezones. I'm currently saving an appointment in the database as a datetime field. Do I also need to add a field to save the timezone? What's the best option to solve these multi-timezone issues?
Most common approach is to save all date/times as UTC in the database, then apply a user specific timezone offset to them when displaying them.
If I am in GMT+10, and I choose 10:00 AM as a time for a certain event, store the time in the database as midnight.
When a GMT+5 person comes to view the site, get the UTC time out of the database and add their offset to it (5 hours) to display the time at 5:00 AM.
