Spinner options for a math calc with other inputs - math

I have a spinner drop down list in lbs or kgs how do I then get the user to input the numerical value, so I can then do a math calc with other spinner inputs .
bit of a novice so any help appreciated.


Number of Inputs selected in selectInput() function in R

This might be a very basic question but I have been banging my head for this for the past 2 days.
Is there any way to get the number of options that are chosen in the dropdown box which is created by using SelectInput() (Multiple options are acceptable) function.
Depending upon the Number of Inputs, I need to change the size (width, height) of the ggplot in the dashboard.
Thanks in Advance

Replicate thinkcell "cutout/breaks" in R chart

I have very sparse data and I want to adjust the chart so that I can show the amount of the positive event rather than it being a speck on the chart next to the negative class.
In thinkcell ( an excel and powerpoint add in), there is a cool feature where you can effectively "hide" a part of the frequency. An example is here.
The squiggly lines are a cut off to change the scale.
The kind of data I am working with
Any suggestions on how to do this or how to represent this? I guess at worst I could change the limit of the chart and just label it to show the value in the base... but its not that pretty or obvious.
Appreciate any thoughts.

Is it possible to hide a (conditional) input in Shiny?

I am trying to build a dynamic UI that reacts to user input. Is there a way that in a first step, an input mask is shown and after filling in a value, I can do some computation and conditional on it show a second input mask?
I am new to shiny and just trying to clarify whether it is possible or not to do this in Shiny. I very much appreciate any help!

Qualtrics: Slider bar with two sliders knobs to indicate intervals

I am looking for a way to create a slider with two knobs on a combined range, such that people can indicate an interval by setting the upper and lower limit. I would hope for it to look like this:
It would be great if one slider could be the "upper" and one the "lower" limit; i.e., for both not to be able to cross over.
In addition, I would like to display a value computed based on the values of both sliders. Thanks!
Please find a Qualtrics survey file with the modified slider here.

How to create a plot with sliders in maxima?

In order to illustrate a Cauchy problem for first order ode with infinite family of solutions, I would plot the parametrized solution and having the possility of control the value the parameter through a slider.
To be complete the Cauchy problem is y'=sqrt(|y|), y(0)=0, and the parametric solution is y_c(x):={0, if c=>x; (x-c)^2/4, if x=>c}.
So I would get a plotting of y=y_c(x) with a slider to control the value of c.
Thank you.
You can use with_slider_draw in wxMaxima to do this.
Y(c,x) := if c>x then 0 else (x-c)^2/4;
c, /* the name of the variable to attach to the slider */
makelist(i,i,0,1,0.1), /* a list of values that the variable can have */
explicit(Y(c,x), x, 0, 2) /* plot the function */
In wxMaxima, click on the graph and then click on the Play button on the toolbar to play the animation,
or use the slider on the tool bar to change the value of c.
You could use Maxima from within the Sage notebook and resort to the interact command. See also Sage's interface to Maxima.
