Upload file to bitbucket repo - bitbucket-api

I am unable to find the exact REST API end points to upload a zip file to Bitbucket repository using REST API. Please help. https://docs.atlassian.com/bitbucket-server/rest/7.12.1/bitbucket-build-rest.html
I am following the above documents.


Is there a way to download from Firebase storage as a file?

In my application I am attempting to download from Firebase as a file object so I may use the File.copy method to save the image or video locally as a file. Is there anyway to download from Firebase as a generic File object?
Check the documentation here, you should be able to download the file.

How to download all files in a folder from Firebase Storage?

I'm trying to get all files from one folder/directory from Firebase Storage.
I'm using Flutter with firebase_storage dependency. I successfully downloaded one file in a folder but can't figure out how to download all files. If anyone knows how to do it, please help me.

Connecting Firebase Storage and Compute Engine Storage

Now, I make an application that use google cloud platforms. First I use firebase and google cloud Compute Engine.
In Android Studio , I make a folder in firebase Storage.
And, I want to use this folder in google Compute Engine. So I mounted this bucket and a directory in Compute Engine VM. However I can't see the folder that made by application.
And, I try use 'gsutil' command , I can check this folder in my storage but I copied this folder to my directory , then my directory is deleted. What's the problem..... help me please...
enter image description here
enter image description here

Is it possible to publish a git repository or a zip file to CloudControl directly by REST API?

I want to publish a maven project to CloudControl by REST API, not by command line tool, is it possible? That means, create a app by REST API, deploy source or binary code by REST API. Just like Heroku, I can build a url directly into app using REST API https://api.heroku.com/apps/myapp/builds. Thanks very much!
We currently don't provide a way to upload images directly. You'd first have to push to the Git remote which will build the image. All other steps like creating an app/deployment, deploying or adding add-ons are available via the REST-API. You can see examples of the API usage in the python library the command line client uses.

How do I download the javascript library for mapstraction v2?

I am setting up a map on a drupal website using the mapstraction module. I am planning to use the 6.x-2.x-dev development branch of mapstraction because I need some of its additional functionality.
In the instructions for installing the module, it says to download the mapstraction v2 library from mapstraction.com Navigating through their site, I found this page:
code.google.com/p/mapstraction/source/checkout which tells you:
Command-line access
Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:
'# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout http://mapstraction.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ mapstraction-read-only
I don't understand what command-line access is? I've tried pasting mapstraction.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ into my browser, and I get a whole directory listing. Do I download each of these files? How do I know what is actually the mapstraction v2 library? Am I going about accessing the javascript library in the wrong way?
They moved to git hub.
You can now just download the zip file from here without a client installed
What you need is a Subversion Client. The Apache project maintains a list where you should be able to find a client for your operating system. Once you have a client, you will have to perform the "Checkout" function on the url provided by Google Code. Once you have the directory downloaded by the SVN client, you can look at the examples for proper usage and file inclusion.
