How to download all files in a folder from Firebase Storage? - firebase

I'm trying to get all files from one folder/directory from Firebase Storage.
I'm using Flutter with firebase_storage dependency. I successfully downloaded one file in a folder but can't figure out how to download all files. If anyone knows how to do it, please help me.


Artifactory File Spec Upload: How to ignore existing artifacts / skip uploading artifacts on

Is there any option that allows uploading already existing artifacts without getting the error Not enough permissions to delete/overwrite artifact?
I know that I could give the "Delete" permission to my uploading user but this is not what I want since I don't want artifacts to be overwritten. For example, the python package uploader twine has such an option --skip-existing as well.
Related StackOverflow posts:
How to avoid overriding the existing files while uploading to Artifactory using JFrog rt CLI
How can I prevent previously deployed artifacts from being overwritten?
I already created a issue on GitHub for my question as well.

Fixing a zip path vulnerability in android when reading files from asset folder but not copying it to any location

I have zipped few script files in my asset folder while building application. In run time I read those file content and convert them as String for internal usage but not copying to any location. when I upload the application in play store got Fixing a Zip Path Traversal Vulnerability security warning.
I think this issue is not relevant to my application, how can I communicate to play store ?
If I am wrong please help me in fixing this issue.

Upload file to bitbucket repo

I am unable to find the exact REST API end points to upload a zip file to Bitbucket repository using REST API. Please help.
I am following the above documents.

Is there a way to download from Firebase storage as a file?

In my application I am attempting to download from Firebase as a file object so I may use the File.copy method to save the image or video locally as a file. Is there anyway to download from Firebase as a generic File object?
Check the documentation here, you should be able to download the file.

Why does firebase warn "* You are currently outside your home directory" during an init?

I am trying to deploy my first firebase app. I am getting the message "* You are currently outside your home directory" I googled it and found this reply
"commented on Dec 6, 2016
Just to make sure you're aware. If someone is experiencing the same problem with with the command firebase init
Make the files .firebaserc and firebase.json manually and the deploy should work normally."
I do not know where to create them or what the should contain.
I have also gone to to try to fix this problem.
If any one can help with this problem I would appreciate it.
If anyone else worried about this just keep going. I continued with the deployment and it deployed OK.
download firebase CLI binary (in case you didn't download it yet. this is an .exe file if you use windows).
copy the downloaded file into your project's root folder (Folder which contains all the files and folders of your projects).
run the firebase-tools-instant-win_2.exe (firebase CLI binary).
a command window will open.
execute all your command in there.
Initialize a Firebase project
Many common tasks performed using the CLI, such as deploying to a Firebase project, require a project directory. You establish a project directory using the firebase init command. A project directory is usually the same directory as your source control root, and after running firebase init, the directory contains a firebase.json configuration file.
To initialize a new Firebase project, run the following command from within your app's directory:
I used firebase init project in my project's directory to get it to work
