Make a bitnami wordpress stack in virtual box host a wordpress site - wordpress

I have installed the follows
virtual box in my windows 10 home pc
the virtual box has a wordpress site stack VM whose image was from bitnami's site
I set up network as Bridged networking and the adapter is my realtek WLAN
I have installed wordpress and made my all required plugins in it
What do I actually need?
I am able to login using 192 168.43.xx
I want to use that virtual machine to host the site and I want to link the site to domain using A record
I want the Virtual machine to host not only to local network which is 192.168.xx.xx
I want to be available throughout internet
I have also tried using my laptop's IP and it does not work
Please help me regarding it. Iam a newbie.. so please comment if any queries (not too techie)

If you configured the network adapter as Bridged adapter, you should be able to access the WordPress machine from another computer in the same network by using the private IP address of the VM (192 168.43.xx). If you want to access the application from outside your network, you will need to configure the port forwarding rules in your router to redirect the incoming requests to the VM (publicIP:80 -> virtualmachineIP:80). This online site has a lot of information about how to configure this in different routers.


Cannot establish network link between host and VM on Hyper-V

I'm having trouble creating a network link between my Hyper-V host machine and its VM (both are running Windows 10).
I created an virtual external switch for both the host and VM so that both can access the internet and download programs and Windows updates, but I could not get them to communicate with each other directly. My research told me to create a virtual internal switch in Hyper-V and then have the devices be able to access each other that way (presumably by doing something like typing \\host_machine_IP\c$ into an explorer window once the network connection had been made). But once I created the virtual internal switch and assigned static IP address to both the host and VM on it, I still could not ping the host from the VM, or vice versa.
Am I missing a step? Let me know what more details you guys need.
By default you would have Windows Firewall blocking your communications until you confirm network profile to be other than Public. Try selecting a home\work network location profile via Control Panel > Network and Sharing canter. Or disable the firewall on the machine you try connecting to. Otherwise you should have no communication problem with the setup described, provided the subnet is the same for both machines.

Can I allow access to a site available only on LAN to another user connected to my computer?

So I know I can use ngrok to project a website I host on localhost to be available publicly. Can I do the same for another site, which is only available in the local network, but not hosted on my machine?
For example, there is a website hosted on, which is a version of the website that's only available to people connected to the internal wifi, but I want to so my customer a new feature that's only available on that website, without making it available to everyone. The customer can only access it while somehow connected to my machine. Can ngrok or a similar tool do this?
You can use ngrok to expose any host, accessible to you, to the internet. See
You have already used ngrok to tunnel traffic between internet and your localhost. Similarly, if you want to expose a web server in your LAN, say, just execute ngrok http, instead of ngrok http 80.

Local and Private IP Issue on Wamp Server

I'm having some problem regarding wamp server and my IP Address. In our company we have a machine that has a LOCAL IP of so basically we have wamp installed on it and every PC on the local network can access the websites hosted on it. However, that machine as also a PUBLIC IP of which when accessed on the outside network you can still access the websites hosted on it (C:/wamp/www) which I think shouldn't be happening. Is there a way that whenever I tried to access the Public IP there's a password prompt or something that will block the access using the public IP? Thanks
If you are using windows systems, you can restrict the access by using firewall settings using the inbound rules.
This may help your with your rules configuration

how do i make my website accessible from the internet without a static ip and from a virtual machine?

I have windows 8 host and i have installed ubuntu 14.10 server as a virtual machine in vmware. i have installed LAMP server and i am trying to host a website from it. i have created a virtual host. my website is accessible in the host machine when i go to the address
my router info:
IP Address :
IP Address :10.30.XXX.XXX
"what is my ip" in google: 113.XXX.XXX.XXX
how do i make my website accessible from the internet ? I know it is a dumb question, but i tried searching everywhere and could not get the solution.
Since you say that you can connect to the site from the host machine, it does not matter that it is in a VM.
You say that you can connect to your site via: on the LAN. You need to forward connections to your WAN address ( to your LAN address ( You can do this in most router settings in a section called Port forwarding. Use port 80 if you're hitting the LAN IP from a browser and you don't have to add a port after the address like http:\\ Otherwise, use whatever port you like.
Once you get that working, it is a good idea to use a dynamic DNS service, which will connect your IP to a domain name and update the connection whenever your WAN IP changes. This way, instead of using the WAN IP in a browser, you can use your domain name and it should always work. But that's not your first problem. First get it working with the WAN IP by itself. Once you've got that working, get some DynDNS.
If you think it should be working but can't figure out why it isn't, use a tool like nmap/zenmap to scan your WAN and LAN IPs. That will help you diagnose the problem.
A DynDNS should do the job!
It will automatically renew your dynamic ip address. All you need is; a tool that runs on your server with website.
Search for it on google, and you'll find a solution. Btw: there are, Free and paid solutions.
EDIT: by the way, your router requires additionally some port forwarding to make your website accessible from outside. Even with the DynDNS stuff installed.
Just to give you some indications.

Configuring vmware networking to access static IP

I have a dedicated virtual debian server running with my website, and now have a copy of that so that I can try some configurations by running it virtually on my own PC. It runs fine, but I'm unable to access the machine through http.
The problem is that my machine has a fixed ip, something like 194.247.x.x . My home network however has computers in the range of 192.168.1.x
Is it possible to not change anything in my virtual machine and still configure vmware networking so that I'm able to access the websites it's running?
The only way I can see this happening for you is to use NAT (Network Address Translation) between your home network and your VM.
To do this, you could use a free software based router - something like Vyatta ( - and create a VM with two NICs - one with an IP on your home network, and the other with an IP on the same network as your VM. You then configure NAT to translate your home IP to your web server IP and then you're done.
There's nothing 'de-facto' VMware that will allow you to do this (other than using vShield - which will do NAT'ing anyway)...
