Can I allow access to a site available only on LAN to another user connected to my computer? - networking

So I know I can use ngrok to project a website I host on localhost to be available publicly. Can I do the same for another site, which is only available in the local network, but not hosted on my machine?
For example, there is a website hosted on, which is a version of the website that's only available to people connected to the internal wifi, but I want to so my customer a new feature that's only available on that website, without making it available to everyone. The customer can only access it while somehow connected to my machine. Can ngrok or a similar tool do this?

You can use ngrok to expose any host, accessible to you, to the internet. See
You have already used ngrok to tunnel traffic between internet and your localhost. Similarly, if you want to expose a web server in your LAN, say, just execute ngrok http, instead of ngrok http 80.


Ngrok for local network

Trying to share my local web server with only computers connected to our internal network.
If I run ngrok http it loads and is public.
I thought running it without http might work but all i get is an unrecognizable command error.
In this case, you don't need to use ngrok while your local web server is connected with the computers in your internal network.
You can access your Web Server via the other computers using its local IP address.

Create a local wireless without internet

I would like to create a local wireless without internet.
I would like to have the possibility to connect 50 clients and access to a website using a domain name.
That means, I need a DNS and DHCP.
I sreach on internet an I found a way to achieve that but not totally and i am not sure if it will work and if it is the best way to achieve that.
I can maybe have a mini PC (server) with ad hoc network and have the client to connect on the server but:
Will it be possible on a connection to assign a ip to the client and set a DNS server ip on the client as the same ip of the server.
I found mini PCs but how can I know if the PC will handle a lot of client ? Which network card to choose ?
I think also that a router and configure DHCP on it to distribute the IPs but I would like to have one box ready object as a mini PC.
I need an advice on the best way to go with what i want to achieve and materials i need to buy and good references.
For a linux domain controler you will need to install bind to host your own DNS. It's a little involved to set up, but necessary if your network doesn't have a DNS server. If you're using a windows domain controller you will need a server OS (expensive). If you only have 50 clients the DNS resources needed will be small and you could run bind from any old box, even a Raspberry Pi. You will also need a host machine for the "website" a.k.a. an intranet. This can be the same machine as your DNS server, but can be any computer on the network. When all is done you will have your router configured with the IP of your local DNS server. The DNS server will point your local domain to whatever box hosts the intranet website.

Can not connect to Azure web site hosted at VM

I deployed a web site into a Azure VM and did the following
1) Create a HTTP Endpoint with TCP protocol and port 80 (both
internal and external) for the VM
2) configure the web site to be assigned with the internal IP
I can browse to the site within the VM, but can not connect to it from external using either the DNS or the public VIP assigned by Azure. the browser said "can not connect to [vip]".
Have I missed any steps or any advice on how to trouble shoot this issue?
If this is a "normal" VM and not a Cloud Service then you need to connect to the VM and open port 80 in the Windows Firewall directly on the machine as well.
In the end, i found it is caused by the selection of "direct connect" at the Endpoint setting.
Untick it, it works... web page over vpn

I published a web application to one of app servers. Now, if I am connected within my company network (no login require), I can access the web site no problem. Now, if I am connected from outside of the network over VPN, I can't access the website (Getting page not found appears). Do I need to configure IIS on the app server for allowing the connection over VPN?
Thanks for your time.
It sounds like you do not have your firewall/router configured correctly to allow traffic from external sources. When your connected via VPN it is like you are connected to the internal network. Without the VPN you need to make sure it is routed correctly and visible through your firewall. Can you ping the IP that you are trying to get to?
Do you get DNS resolution when you connect over the VPN? If you are trying to hit an internal machine name address, you might try changing to the IP address of the machine.

ASP.NET - Virtual PC

I have created an ASP.NET application on my local machine. In order to test this application in IE 6, I have created a VPC. I am trying to connect to this web application through the VPC. However, I cannot connect to it. I can however connect to the internet.
What am I doing wrong?
Can you ping from the virtual PC? If not, you have network configuration issues.
Otherwise, check firewalls, and make sure that port 80 is open and sending traffic to IIS.
there are many possibilities. first I'd consider would be any firewall rules on the ASP.NET side preventing incoming HTTP connections.
What is the URL you are using to go to your site? If you are using localhost, you will need to change that to the actual IP address of your development machine, as localhost on the Virtual PC image will be a different IP address than localhost on the development machine.
