R fast cosine distance between consecutive rows of a data.table - r

How can I efficiently calculate distances between (almost) consecutive rows of a large-ish (~4m rows) of a data.table? I've outlined my current approach, but it is very slow. My actual data has up to a few hundred columns. I need to calculate lags and leads for future use, so I create these and use them to calculate distances.
set_shift_col <- function(df, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols, byvars = NULL){
df[, (paste0(data_cols, "_", shift_dir, shift_num)) := shift(.SD, shift_num, fill = NA, type = shift_dir), byvars, .SDcols = data_cols]
set_shift_dist <- function(dt, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols){
stopifnot(shift_dir %in% c("lag", "lead"))
shift_str <- paste0(shift_dir, shift_num)
dt[, (paste0("dist", "_", shift_str)) := as.numeric(
.SD[,data_cols, with=FALSE],
.SD[, paste0(data_cols, "_" , shift_str), with=FALSE]
), use.names = FALSE),
method = "cosine")
), 1:nrow(dt)]
n <- 10000
test_data <- data.table(a = rnorm(n), b = rnorm(n), c = rnorm(n), d = rnorm(n))
cols <- c("a", "b", "c", "d")
set_shift_col(test_data, "lag", 1, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lag", 2, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lead", 1, cols)
set_shift_col(test_data, "lead", 2, cols)
set_shift_dist(test_data, "lag", 1, cols)
I'm sure this is a very inefficient approach, any suggestions would be appreciated!

You aren't using the vectorisation efficiencies in the proxy::dist function - rather than call it once for each row you can get all the distances you need from a single call.
Try this replacement function and compare the speed:
set_shift_dist2 <- function(dt, shift_dir, shift_num, data_cols){
stopifnot(shift_dir %in% c("lag", "lead"))
shift_str <- paste0(shift_dir, shift_num)
dt[, (paste0("dist2", "_", shift_str)) := proxy::dist(
.SD[,data_cols, with=FALSE],
.SD[, paste0(data_cols, "_" , shift_str), with=FALSE],
method = "cosine",
pairwise = TRUE
You could also do it in one go without storing copies of the data in the table
test_data[, dist_lag1 := proxy::dist(
as.data.table(shift(.SD, 1)),
pairwise = TRUE,
method = 'cosine'
), .SDcols = c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')]


data.table, apply function to portion of a table

I want to apply function to portion of a table.
With data.frame, no problem:
df <- data.frame(name = paste("a", 1:10, sep = "-"),
x = 1:10,
y = rep(1:5),
z = rep(1:2, each = 5))
df[2:5, -1] <- scale(df[2:5, -1], center = c(1,2,3), scale = c(4,5,6))
But data.table complains:
dt <- data.table(name = paste("a", 1:10, sep = "-"),
x = 1:10,
y = rep(1:5),
z = rep(1:2, each = 5))
dt[2:5, -1] <- scale(dt[2:5, -1], center = c(1,2,3), scale = c(4,5,6))
Error in [<-.data.table(*tmp*, 2:5, -1, value = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, :
Item 1 of column numbers in j is -1 which is outside range [1,ncol=4]. Use column names
instead in j to add new columns.
What is the correct way in data.table? Thanks!
data.table needs more work to apply scale :
cols <- names(dt)[-1]
dt[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = cols]
dt[2:5, (cols) := Map(scale, .SD, c(1,2,3), c(4,5,6)), .SDcols = cols]

combining separate data.table calls into one by group call

I'm trying to improve the efficiency of the following simple data.table syntax, so I'm trying to combine it into one call without repeatedly calling by = "group".
DT <- data.table(group = c(rep("a", 40), rep("b", 40)),
other = rnorm(80),
num = c(1:80))
#reduce this to one "by" call
DT[, c1 := ifelse(num <= 7, NA, num), by = "group"]
DT[, sprintf("c%d", 2:10) := shift(c1, 1:9, type = 'lag'), by = "group"]
DT[, d1 := shift(c10, 1, type = 'lag'), by = "group"]
DT[, sprintf("d%d", 2:10) := shift(d1, 1:9, type = 'lag'), by = "group"]
DT[, e1 := shift(d10, 1, type = 'lag'), by = "group"]
DT[, sprintf("e%d", 2:10) := shift(e1, 1:9, type = 'lag'), by = "group"]
Something like
DT[, .(c1 := ifelse(num <= 7, NA, num),
sprintf("c%d", 2:10) := shift(c1, 1:9, type = 'lag'),
d1 := shift(c10, 1, type = 'lag'),
sprintf("d%d", 2:10) := shift(d1, 1:9, type = 'lag'),
e1 := shift(d10, 1, type = 'lag'),
sprintf("e%d", 2:10) := shift(e1, 1:9, type = 'lag')), by = "group"]
This is similar but slightly different to this question as the variables created here are not independent of one another.
Any suggestions?
Here is an option:
ix <- 2L:10L
m <- 1L:9L
DT[, c(sprintf("c%d", ix), sprintf("d%d", ix), sprintf("e%d", ix)) := {
c1 = replace(num, num <= 7L, NA_integer_)
lc = shift(c1, m)
d1 = shift(lc[[9L]])
ld = shift(d1, m)
e1 = shift(ld[[9L]])
c(lc, ld, shift(e1, m))
}, group]
# You can write function:
f <- function(num) {
c1 <- ifelse(num <= 7, NA, num)
cl <- shift(c1, 1:9, type = 'lag')
names(cl) <- sprintf("c%d", 2:10)
d1 <- shift(cl[9], 1, type = 'lag')
dl <- shift(d1, 1:9, type = 'lag')
names(dl) <- sprintf("d%d", 2:10)
e1 <- shift(dl[9], 1, type = 'lag')
el <- shift(e1, 1:9, type = 'lag')
names(el) <- sprintf("e%d", 2:10)
c(c1 = list(c1), cl, d1 = d1, dl, e1 = e1, el) # list of desired columns
x <- DT[, f(num), by = group] # apply it by group
DT <- cbind(DT, x[, -'group']) # add to initial data
Maybe this will be faster. Also, the function probably could be written better. Make sure that the function return list with your desired column names.
You can call by once using the fact that (1) every column in the j argument of a data.table
becomes a column in the return data.table, and that (2) curly braces can be used for
intermediate calculations in j.
Because the default value of the argument type in the shift function is lag,
I did not specify it.
Note that the last line in the curly braces, lst, is the only object returned.
DT[, {
nms = paste0(rep(c("c", "d", "e"), each = 10), 1:10)
lst = setNames(vector("list", 30), nms)
lst[["c1"]] = ifelse(num <= 7, NA, num)
lst[sprintf("c%d", 2:10)] = shift(lst[["c1"]], 1:9)
lst[["d1"]] = shift(lst[["c10"]], 1)
lst[sprintf("d%d", 2:10)] = shift(lst[["d1"]], 1:9)
lst[["e1"]] = shift(lst[["d10"]], 1)
lst[sprintf("e%d", 2:10)] = shift(lst[["e1"]], 1:9)
}, by = group]
The output contains 30 columns: c1, ...,c10, d1,...,d10 and e1,...,e10

Utilizing roll functions with data.table

I'm having problems specifically applying functions from the roll package using data.table. I'm attempting to calculate rolling metrics on column DT$obs for each group DT$group. I'm able to calculate rolling metrics using the zoo package, but I'd like to use some of the additional arguments in roll package functions.
Demo of the error is below.
# Fabricated Data:
DT <- data.table(group = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 20), obs = runif(40, min = 0, max = 100))
# Calculate a rolling sum (this is working properly)
DT[, RollingSum := lapply(.SD, function(x) zoo::rollsumr(x, k = 5, fill = NA)), by = "group", .SDcols = "obs"]
# Attempt to calculate a rolling z-score (this throws me an error)
DT[, RollingZScore := lapply(.SD, function(x) roll::roll_scale(as.matrix(x), width = 10, min_obs = 5)), by = "group", .SDcols = "obs"]
I can't figure out what's different about the zoo function and the roll function. They each return numeric vectors. Any guidance appreciated.
As #Frank describes, the problem is that the result of roll_scale (and thus each element of lapply output) is a matrix. You can either use sapply instead of lapply, or put as.vector in your function definition.
DT[, RollingZScore := sapply(.SD,
function(x) roll::roll_scale(as.matrix(x), width = 10, min_obs = 5)),
by = "group", .SDcols = "obs"]
DT[, RollingZScore := lapply(.SD,
function(x) as.vector(roll::roll_scale(as.matrix(x), width = 10, min_obs = 5))),
by = "group", .SDcols = "obs"]
This can be done with rollapplyr by simply defining a function that returns NA if the input has fewer than 5 elements:
Scale <- function(x) if (length(x) < 5) NA else tail(scale(x), 1)
DT[, rollingScore := rollapplyr(obs, 10, Scale, partial = TRUE), by = "group"]

Subset data.table columns independently

I'm starting with the below table dt and try to subset its column by the list keys:
randomchar <- function(n, w){
chararray <- replicate(w, sample(c(letters, LETTERS), n, replace = TRUE))
apply(chararray, 1, paste0, collapse = "")
dt <- data.table(x = randomchar(1000, 3),
y = randomchar(1000, 3),
z = randomchar(1000, 3),
key = c("x", "y", "z"))
keys <- with(dt, list(x = sample(x, 501),
y = sample(y, 500),
z = sample(z, 721)))
I can get the result I want by using a loop:
desired <- copy(dt)
for(i in seq_along(keys)){
keyname <- names(keys)[i]
desired <- desired[get(keyname) %in% keys[[i]]]
The question is - Is there a more data.table idiomatic way to do this subset?
I tried using CJ: dt[CJ(keys)], but it takes a very long time.
What about building a mask and filter dt on this mask:
dt[Reduce(`&`, Map(function(key, col) col %in% key, keys, dt)),]

rolling average to multiple variables in R using data.table package

I would like to get rolling average for each of the numeric variables that I have. Using data.table package, I know how to compute for a single variable. But how should I revise the code so it can process multiple variables at a time rather than revising the variable name and repeat this procedure for several times? Thanks.
Suppose I have other numeric variables named as "V2", "V3", and "V4".
data[ , `:=` ('RollConc' = rollmean(AvgConc, 48, align="left", na.pad=TRUE)) , by=Receptor]
A copy of my sample data can be found at:
I would like to get 5-hour rolling means for "AvgConc","TotDep","DryDep", and "WetDep" by each receptor.
From your description you want something like this, which is similar to one example that can be found in one of the data.table vignettes:
DT <- data.table(x = rnorm(10), y = rlnorm(10), z = runif(10), g = c("a", "b"), key = "g")
DT[, paste0("ravg_", c("x", "y")) := lapply(.SD, rollmean, k = 3, na.pad = TRUE),
by = g, .SDcols = c("x", "y")]
Now, one can use the frollmean function in the data.table package for this.
xy <- c("x", "y")
DT[, (xy):= lapply(.SD, frollmean, n = 3, fill = NA, align="center"),
by = g, .SDcols = xy]
Here, I am replacing the x and y columns by the rolling average.
# Data
DT <- data.table(x = rnorm(10), y = rlnorm(10), z = runif(10),
g = c("a", "b"), key = "g")
