Loop a function in r to create a new table - r

I have a dataframe in r and want to perform the levene's/ variance test on multiple variables with two groups and save all results in a table. I have tried to do this using a for() loop and sapply() but I get neither working:
df <- data.frame(
x = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
y = rnorm(100, 50, 1),
z = rnorm(100, 70, 2),
group = rep(c(0,1), each = 50)
varlist <- c("x","y","z")
res.var <- character(length(varlist))
res.f <- numeric(length(varlist))
res.p <- numeric(length(varlist))
Option 1)
for(i in seq_along(varlist)) {
form <- substitute(i ~ group, list(i = as.name(varlist)))
result <- var.test(
formula = form,
data = df)
res.var[i] <- varlist[i]
res.f[i] <- result$estimate
res.p[i] <- result$p.value
Option 2:
sapply(varlist, function(x) {
form <- substitute(i ~ group, list(i = as.name(varlist)))
result <- var.test(
formula = form,
data = df)
res.var[i] <- varlist[i]
res.f[i] <- result$estimate
res.p[i] <- result$p.value
Maybe there's an easier way to that this. I'd be glad for any help ;o) Thank you in advance.


Randomizing a distribution of data in a list

I have a data frame df that I would like to separate into a training set and a test set. Instead of getting only a single training and test set, I would like to get a distribution of them (n = 100).
I try and do this with lapply, but the values for each element in the list end up being exactly the same. How do I randomize the values in the two list (i.e., train.data and test.data)?
The expected output would be a list for both train.data and test.data, each containing 100 elements with different subsets of df in both of them.
date <- rep_len(seq(dmy("01-01-2013"), dmy("31-12-2013"), by = "days"), 300)
ID <- rep(c("A","B","C"), 50)
class <- rep(c("N","M"), 50)
df <- data.frame(value = runif(length(date), min = 0.5, max = 25),
training.samples <- df$class %>%
createDataPartition(p = 0.6, list = FALSE)
n <- 100
train.data <- lapply(1:n, function(x){
df[training.samples, ]
test.data <- lapply(1:n, function(x){
df[-training.samples, ]
Try using replicate
f1 <- function(dat, colnm) {
s1 <- createDataPartition(dat[[colnm]], p = 0.6,
list = FALSE)
return(list(train.data = dat[s1,], test.data = dat[-s1,]))
n <- 100
out <- replicate(n, f1(df, "class"), simplify = FALSE)

R bootstrapping for the two dataframe individual column wise

Want to do Bootstrapping while comparing two dataframe column wise with the different number of rows.
I have two dataframe in which row represent values from experiments and column with the dataset names (data1, data2, data3, data4)
emp.data1 <- data.frame(
data1 = c(234,0,34,0,46,0,0,0,2.26,0, 5,8,93,56),
data2 = c(1.40,1.21,0.83,1.379,2.60,9.06,0.88,1.16,0.64,8.28, 5,8,93,56),
data3 =c(0,34,43,0,0,56,0,0,0,45,5,8,93,56),
data4 =c(45,0,545,34,0,35,0,35,0,534, 5,8,93,56),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
emp.data2 <- data.frame(
data1 = c(45, 0, 0, 45, 45, 53),
data2 = c(23, 0, 45, 12, 90, 78),
data3 = c(72, 45, 756, 78, 763, 98),
data4 = c(1, 3, 65, 78, 9, 45),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
I am trying to do bootstrapping(n=1000). Values are selected at random replacement from emp.data1(14 * 4) without change in the emp.data2(6 * 4). For example from emp.data2 first column (data1) select 6 values colSum and from emp.data1(data1) select 6 random non zero values colSum Divide the values and store in temp repeat the same 1000 times and take a median value et the end. like this i want to do it for each column of the dataframe. sample code I am providing which is working fine but i am not able get the non-zero random values for emp.data1
nboot <- 1e3
boot_temp_emp<- c()
n_data1 <- nrow(emp.data1); n_data2 <- nrow(emp.data2)
for (j in seq_len(nboot)) {
boot <- sample(x = seq_len(n_data1), size = n_data2, replace = TRUE)
value <- colSums(emp.data2)/colSums(emp.data1[boot,])
boot_temp_emp <- rbind(boot_temp_emp, value)
boot_data<- apply(boot_temp_emp, 2, median)
From the above script i am able get the output but each column emp.data1[boot,] data has zero values and taken sum. I want indivisual ramdomly selected non-zero values column sum so I tried below script not able remove zero values. Not able get desired output please some one help me to correct my script
nboot <- 1e3
boot_temp_emp<- c()
for (i in colnames(emp.data2)){
for (j in seq_len(nboot)){
n_data1 <- nrow(data1); n_data2 <- nrow(data2)
boot <- sample(x = seq_len(n_data1), size = n_data2, replace = TRUE)
value <- colSums(data2[i])/colSums(data1[boot, ,drop = FALSE])
boot_temp_emp <- rbind(boot_temp_emp, value)
boot_data<- apply(boot_temp_emp, 2, median)
Thank you
Here is a solution.
Write a function to make the code clearer. This function takes the following arguments.
x the input data.frame emp.data1;
s2 the columns sums of emp.data2;
n = 6 the number of vector elements to sample from emp.data1's columns with a default value of 6.
The create a results matrix, pre-compute the column sums of emp.data2 and call the function in a loop.
boot_fun <- function(x, s2, n = 6){
# the loop makes sure ther is no divide by zero
nrx <- nrow(x)
i <- sample(nrx, n, replace = TRUE)
s1 <- colSums(x[i, ])
if(all(s1 != 0)) break
nboot <- 1e3
sums2 <- colSums(emp.data2)
results <- matrix(nrow = nboot, ncol = ncol(emp.data1))
for(i in seq_len(nboot)){
results[i, ] <- boot_fun(emp.data1, sums2)
ratios_medians <- apply(results, 2, median)
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for(j in 1:4) {
main <- paste0("data", j)
hist(results[, j], main = main, xlab = "ratios", freq = FALSE)
abline(v = ratios_medians[j], col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
Created on 2022-02-24 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Following the comments here is a revised version of the bootstrap function. It makes sure there are no zeros in the sampled vectors, before computing their sums.
boot_fun2 <- function(x, s2, n = 6){
nrx <- nrow(x)
ncx <- ncol(x)
s1 <- numeric(ncx)
for(j in seq.int(ncx)) {
i <- sample(nrx, n, replace = TRUE)
if(all(x[i, j] != 0)) {
s1[j] <- sum(x[i, j])
nboot <- 1e3
sums2 <- colSums(emp.data2)
results2 <- matrix(nrow = nboot, ncol = ncol(emp.data1))
for(i in seq_len(nboot)){
results2[i, ] <- boot_fun2(emp.data1, sums2)
ratios_medians2 <- apply(results2, 2, median)
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
for(j in 1:4) {
main <- paste0("data", j)
hist(results2[, j], main = main, xlab = "ratios", freq = FALSE)
abline(v = ratios_medians2[j], col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
Created on 2022-02-27 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Estimating separate regressions and generating predictions by group for different data sets

I want to use the same regression model for each group (id) using data "train" and use the estimated coefficients to create predicted values in data "test". I can do it using a loop, but how can I do it with lapply or something else?
train <- data.frame(x = 1:100, y = rnorm(100), id = rep(c('a', 'b'), 50))
test <- data.frame(x = 1:50, id = rep(c('a', 'b'), 25))
for (i in c('a', 'b')){
model <- lm(y ~ x, data = subset(train, id == i))
test$pred[test$id == i] <- predict(model, subset(test, id == i))
If you still insist on using lapply you can use the following solution:
test <- test[order(test$id),]
test$pred <- unlist(lapply(split(test, test$id), function(dt) {
model <- lm(y ~ x, data = subset(train, id == dt$id))
dt$pred <- predict(model, dt)

Using $ to refer to multiple variables in user defined function R

I am trying to run a function which calculates the marginal effects for different mixed effects models, based on two different main predictors (var1 vs. var2). The original code can be found here:
https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/dae/mixed-effects-logistic-regression/. Below is a reproducible example:
I create a dataframe (ex):
time <- seq(from = 1, to = 500, by =1)
var1 <- factor(sample(0:1, 500, replace = TRUE))
var2 <- factor(sample(0:1, 500, replace = TRUE))
var3 <- sample(1:500, 500, replace = TRUE)
group <- rep(1001:1005, 500)
out <- sample(0:1, 500, replace = TRUE)
group <- as.factor(group)
ex <- data.frame(time,var1,var2,var3,group,out)
Run the models:
m1a <- glmer(out ~ time + var1 + (1|group), data=ex, family = binomial(link = "logit"), nAGQ = 1,
control = glmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE))
m1b <- glmer(out ~ time + var2 + (1|group), data=ex, family = binomial(link = "logit"), nAGQ = 1,
control = glmerControl(calc.derivs = FALSE))
Create subsets of the data with only the predictors for complete cases:
sub1a <- na.omit(ex[, c("time", "var1", "group")])
sub1b <- na.omit(ex[, c("time", "var2", "group")])
I cannot attach my data frame, ex, because R says var1 and var2 are masked. Therefore, the only way I know to refer to the variables is using $. However, every function I create produces a wrong or null result. I first tried:
marg <- function(v1, v2, d, m) {
biprobs <- lapply(levels(v1), function(var) {
v2[ ] <- var
lapply(time, function(ti) {
d$time <- ti
predict(m, newdata = d, type = "response")
plotdat <- lapply(biprobs, function(X) {
temp <- t(sapply(X, function(x) {
c(M=mean(x), quantile(x, c(.25, .75)))
temp <- as.data.frame(cbind(temp,time))
colnames(temp) <- c("PP", "Lower", "Upper", "Dayssince")
plotdat <- do.call(rbind, plotdat)
result1 <- marg(ex$var1, sub1a$var1, sub1a, m1a)
Although this creates a data frame, it produces the same predicted probabilities for each level of var1 (0 vs. 1) at a given time (1-500), which is not what I want. So then I tried:
marg <- function(v, d, m) {
biprobs <- lapply(levels(ex$v), function(var) {
d$v[ ] <- var
lapply(time, function(ti) {
d$time <- ti
predict(m, newdata = d, type = "response")
result2 <- marg(var1,sub1a, m1a)
This produces a null result. I also tried, which produces a null result:
marg <- function(d1,v,d2,m) {
biprobs <- lapply(levels(d1$v), function(var) {
d2$v[ ] <- var
lapply(time, function(ti) {
d2$time <- ti
predict(m, newdata = d2, type = "response")
result3 <- marg(ex,var1,sub1a,m1a)
I also tried creating a new object to input directly into the function:
v1 <- ex$var1
marg <- function(d, m) {
biprobs <- lapply(levels(v1), function(var) {
That also produces a null result. How do I refer to different variables in an unattached data frame?? The code works with direct inputs, so it's a matter of correctly defining the function arguments. I appreciate any help!

Updating Arima in Data.Table

A very small version of my problem goes like this:
I have a number of time series
x <-arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.7), n = 100)
y <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.1), n = 100)
data <- data.frame(x,y) %>% gather(var,value) # place into a data.frame
And I have modeled these with the fantastic forecast package, using auto.arima and data.table (in reality I have 400+ ts)
models <- setDT(data)[,list(model=list(auto.arima(value))), by = var]
Which works wonders, my question is how do I update the Arima models for new data?
I have been trying to do something along the lines of
models <-setDT(data)[,list(model=list(Arima(value, model = models$model))), by = var]
But am having no luck!
I have a solution - but would love to know if there is a more R/data.table way to do this?
Note: As I was working to a solution, I changed the data to simulated ARIMA processes - to make sure the models were being updated correctly.
x <-arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.7), n = 100)
y <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.1), n = 100)
data <- data.frame(x,y) %>% gather(var,value) # place into a data.frame
models <- setDT(data)[,list(model=list(auto.arima(value))), by = var]
x <-arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.7), n = 200)
y <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.1), n = 200)
data_updated <- data.frame(x,y) %>% gather(var,value) # place updated data into data.frame
data_updated <- setDT(data_updated)[, list(dat=list(value)), by = var] # turn this into lists
#Use a loop to update the models
for(i in unique(models$var)){
models[var == paste0(i)][[1,2]] <- Arima(data_updated[var == paste0(i)][[1,2]] ,model = models[var == paste0(i)][[1,2]])
