When i scan for my website domain google search gives spam links , how to remove it - wordpress

The website is a wordpress site and it was been attacked by xss attack. Ive already installed wordfence and malcare to scan and remove the malicious code and files. but still the google search results are show spam links under the main result. I most of the pages direct to 404 webpages and i was told the google bot will remove it automatically but the issue still remains after 4 days. if any expert regarding this have any solutions and advice i would much appreciate.

You can try resubmitting you sitemap to Google in the Search Console. 
Otherwise, similiarly try using the Google Removals tool to temporarily these links, hopefully the will be cleared from the search results by the the time the links are restored.
Tutorial: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9689846?hl=en


How to list all pages in Google search results?

My website was recently hacked and Google mentioned "This site may be hacked" so I removed the entire wordpress website and changed server. I installed a new wordpress website however, Google is still crawling the old pages. It runs into 20+ Google pages meaning there's over 200 links generated by the hack.
Now, I would like to do a 301 Redirect to all this links using htaccess so Google cache faster and remove these links.
How do I list all this links displayed in the searched result? or is there a better way to do? Yes, I have asked Google for Review but they said it will take several weeks :(
You can see all youre indexed pages by writing this in Google search
Just write youre domain name instead of example.com

Google listed a blog post with https and I don't know why?

Two days ago we posted a new blog on a site with the aim of being picked up for the search term "live comedy in chippenham". It’s been indexed by Google and we’re now 2nd in the results for the search query. The bad news is that for some reason the post has been indexed as a https URL so all browsers give a warning when the link is clicked.
Firefox gives this error:
The owner of www.neeld.co.uk has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
The host has confirmed that it's not a server config error and we have other posts and pages on the site that are being indexed correctly. We're using WordPress and the Yoast plugin. I can't see anywhere in Webmaster Tools that could be causing the problem.
Can anyone offer any advice please? If you search Google for "live comedy in chippenham" you'll see the issue (it's the link https://www.neeld.co.uk/live-comedy-in-chippenham/)?
It's a really strange one but something I've experienced before.
It has mostly likely been caused by an external link to the page using https protocol which Google has followed before indexing the page. Google are very keen to index https pages at the moment so we might start seeing this kind of issue more often.
There's not a lot you can do other than wait for Google to realise their mistake and list the correct URL in the SERPS. You can help speed this along with a canonical link (which I can see is there), XML sitemap (which you've got) and a server level redirect of https to http.
Do not try to remove the page in Webmaster Tools as this won't have the desired effect and will stop Google reindexing the page properly.
Hope this helps.

Pages not in directory showing up on google analytic

I've been using google analytics for my website for awhile now and haven't had any problems. Just today though I checked the all pages tab under Behavior->Site Content and found something very strange. A bunch of pages that aren't on in my websites directory are now appearing there and saying they have traffic (albeit very little). Here's a link to an image of the pages: http://imgur.com/keXaQzD
I've verified that non of these pages exist on my live server or in the directory on my local machine. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Or how I can get rid of these pages on my website? I've searched around on google but have had no luck figuring out whats going on.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Timothy it looks like you are just seeing Referral/Referrer Spam.
Here are a couple of my favorite links on the subject:
Definitive Guide to Removing Referral Spam
What is Referrer Spam and How to stop it
4 things you must know about Spam in Google Analytics
Its a good idea to have a Raw View with no filters, but then also a filtered view with a include:yourdomainname.com added, to filter out any possible hits sent by people copying your GA tracking code.

Wordpress site is appears clear of malware, but clicking on Google search results redirects to spam sites

An issue was brought to me involving malware on a WP environment. When I search the brand in Google and click the corresponding link, I'm redirected to a 3rd party spam site.
This has been happening for a while (over a week), but my site hasn't been put on Google's blacklist. Additionally, site scanners like , Norton Safeweb, etc. all claim the site isn't compromised.
Additional details:
I found and deleted some suspicious PHP eval() functions and then did a search and replace in my pages and database for any remaining code. After the site cleared into un-blacklisted status with Google I thought it was all over, ran updates and took numerous measures to protect the site from future infection.
However the issue still persists.
Were the nameservers ever changed by the malware or attackers? Google could have the wrong DNS information for your domain and thinks its hosted at said spam site? Resubmit your site to Google or report the issue to them to resolve (may also be resolved automatically next time Google tries to crawl your domain)?
It is a strange issue I have not seen before either, have you looked at your .htaccess file in the root directory? It is also possible that this has a rewrite condition that if the referrer is Google to redirect you to the spam site.
Solved this issue. At the time when this happened, this redirect attack was fairly new.
HTTP requests from visitors who passed referrer data from Google Search or Bing were being redirected, some of the time.
By targeting only those coming in from search, the webmaster or site owner is less likely to see the issue (until informed by a third party), while still manipulating a decent amount of the traffic (50% of traffic for most sites comes from search engines).
When I originally posted this question in 2012, this attack was new and because the redirect was being served server-side (directly in a lone PHP file, not via .htaccess), malware signatures from scanners didn't detect this.
Running Maldetect (with an updated database) was the best way to quarantine this issue and analyze the extent of the damage caused by malware.
This issue seems due to wp-vcd Malware that creates rogue WordPress admin users and injected spam links. I faced the similar issue and it got resolved after following these steps.
The files you should check for and delete:
Multiple copies of class.theme-modules.php, and
remove a bunch of code from the start of all the functions.php files.
For details you can find on this issue at following links...

Cannot see my wordpress website on google search

Hi guys I recently uploaded a site made with wordpress.
The site url is oakabeachvolley.gr
I have set on the privacy settings of wordpress for the site to be visible by search engines. However after almost 45 days the site is invisible on google even when I'm searching using the url name and very specific keywords.
Since I have made quite a few sites with wordpress I have never seen this behavior before. Sites will eventually be visible to google engine, sometimes even in the first day.
However in this case the site does not show nowhere in the first 20 pages.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should create two files robots.txt and sitemap.xml and upload on your site and then google crawler will come to your site. You can use Google Webmaster Tool for that.
Also, there are some wordpress plugins available to create sitemaps for example. See this:
