How to list all pages in Google search results? - wordpress

My website was recently hacked and Google mentioned "This site may be hacked" so I removed the entire wordpress website and changed server. I installed a new wordpress website however, Google is still crawling the old pages. It runs into 20+ Google pages meaning there's over 200 links generated by the hack.
Now, I would like to do a 301 Redirect to all this links using htaccess so Google cache faster and remove these links.
How do I list all this links displayed in the searched result? or is there a better way to do? Yes, I have asked Google for Review but they said it will take several weeks :(

You can see all youre indexed pages by writing this in Google search
Just write youre domain name instead of


Unable to get Google to index certain pages on website

WordPress website
Checked and no security issues
Checked and not black listed
Checked correct settings in Yoast
Checked basics in Google Search Console
Checked asked Google to reindex pages with issues
Pages appear in the sitemap
25 pages are indexed on the site so know there is no wider issue
Have a client website the issue is that many of the pages are not being indexed by Google. Have taken all the above steps, and see no issue with the way pages are built.
Example page with issue indexing is
Any help would be handy, going crazy with this.
Have requested indexing of pages several times over the last 3-4 weeks.
Is there anything else I can do or try to get these pages indexed?
Once try the Rankmath SEO plugin and add the sitemap url to Google Console provided by Rankmath and check wether the pages is indexing or not.
Check the Yoast setting of the page which is not indexing and make sure it is set to "index"

When i scan for my website domain google search gives spam links , how to remove it

The website is a wordpress site and it was been attacked by xss attack. Ive already installed wordfence and malcare to scan and remove the malicious code and files. but still the google search results are show spam links under the main result. I most of the pages direct to 404 webpages and i was told the google bot will remove it automatically but the issue still remains after 4 days. if any expert regarding this have any solutions and advice i would much appreciate.
You can try resubmitting you sitemap to Google in the Search Console. 
Otherwise, similiarly try using the Google Removals tool to temporarily these links, hopefully the will be cleared from the search results by the the time the links are restored.

Does Wordpress list all pages for crawlers?

I created a page on a Wordpress site that was for internal use only and triggers some backend code. Within a few days I started seeing hits on that page from "bingbot".
I'm not using any kind of sitemap plugin. How are crawlers finding this page?
I know the robots.txt file can block them but I want to make sure they don't show up for crawlers that don't respect this. I still want to have the page publicly accessible if someone types in the URL.
What needs to be done in Wordpress to make sure a page can't be discovered except by typing in the URL?
Any given URL is potentially "discovered" once the post is published and if there's a link to it from elsewhere on your site. There's no guaranteed way to prevent search engines from indexing a URL.

Will a Sitemap in localhost create duplicate content issue?

For my site I use the Google Sitemap Generator plugin by Arne B. While in localhost I activated the plugin and it works.
I usually update my website in localhost and then upload the database to my webhost. So now I am wondering if Google search results will now enter both urls below?? Reason I am asking is because I am afraid Google will consider this as duplicate content.
Google can't access your localhost ( so it will most likely ignore those URL's.
If you are afraid of the above situation the best thing you can do is to delete all the previous sitemaps and re-generate a new one while your site is online. By going to Google's webmasters tools Resubmit the sitemap if necessary and crawl your websites main domain link for e.g: and let Google crawl all direct links from associated to the homepage.
This way you will not lose rankings on Google while it may become a helping factor to your website.

Cannot see my wordpress website on google search

Hi guys I recently uploaded a site made with wordpress.
The site url is
I have set on the privacy settings of wordpress for the site to be visible by search engines. However after almost 45 days the site is invisible on google even when I'm searching using the url name and very specific keywords.
Since I have made quite a few sites with wordpress I have never seen this behavior before. Sites will eventually be visible to google engine, sometimes even in the first day.
However in this case the site does not show nowhere in the first 20 pages.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should create two files robots.txt and sitemap.xml and upload on your site and then google crawler will come to your site. You can use Google Webmaster Tool for that.
Also, there are some wordpress plugins available to create sitemaps for example. See this:
