MAMP http request to port 80 returns connection refused error on port 8888 - wordpress

I have set the Apache port to 80 on MAMP. The the request to "http://localhost/MAMP" (the startup page, port 80) works fine. However, when I try to access the "http://localhost/" it gives a connection refused error. on port 8888?
the MAMP page works fine
http://localhost/ redirects to localhost:8888 resulting in error
http request and corresponding error message
Things I have tried:
disable mac built-in Apache with apachectl stop - Does not work
check activity on port 80 (nothing suspicious) - Does not work
port 8888 works fine but my goal is to have an simple url format to able to use xdebug with it.


wordpress nginx docker reverse proxy does not work

I have a nginx server dockerized running like below:
I have a wordpress dockerized running like below:
and nginx config for it:
When I enter it returns worpdress page correctly.
But when I enter it returns 502 Bad Gateway
Here is the log when I enter it returns 502 Bad Gateway
But when I change the wordpress host:container port to 8080:9000 and fastcgi_pass to 9000 like many online tutorials show:
when I go to it cannot access wordpress page and shows:
The site can't be reached. refused to connect
With port 8080:9000, when I go to, It still shows 502 Bad Gateway with nginx logs:
*54 connect() failed(111: Connection refused) while connection to upstream 'fastcgi://ip:9000

Why Ngrok access encounter error 502 Bad Gateway?

I established a Ngrok tunnel on localhost, started service on port 8080, also run the command ./ngrok http 8080. All is ready, but cannot succeed:
access localhost:4040, see this following:
I use below command, it works well
ngrok http -host-header=""

Local wordpress installation issues on port 8080

I'm using XAMPP as my local apache server. For some reason I can't use Port 80 and hence I changed the Listen and Servername to localhost:8080.
Now when I'm trying to install a wordpress site I'm getting the below error if I put localhost:3306 or localhost
And If I try to specify localhost:8080 as DB host, it goes into a "waiting for localhost" and times out after few minutes.
Can someone help me how to set it up?

https://localhost:8080 is not working but http://localhost:8080 is working well

I am using Ubuntu 12.04LTS 64 bit pc.JBOSS as my local pc server and i have a project which is using mysql as database and struts framework.I can easily access my project using
but when I want to access my project using
It shows an error.
The connection was interrupted
The connection to was interrupted while the page was loading.
I have also checked
$ sudo netstat -plntu | grep 8080
this command which output is
"tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5444/java"
If i kill this process,my project also killed.
and i also mentioned u that my 80 port is free also.
Can you tell me what is the problem is occured for which I cannot access my project in my local pc using https.
Advance Thanks for helping.
SSL has to be on a different port. Here is the breakdown:
http:// watched on port, typically 80
https:// watched on a different port, typically 443
You need to RUN SSL on a different port.
Listen 8081
SSL VirtualHost
<VirtualHost *:8081>
# SSL Cert info here
> service httpd restart

Unable to run application on monodevelop

I'm on Ubuntu 11.10, have installed Monodevelop-2.8.5, on the first run, it said the xsp2 server was missing, I installed that.
Now, the application builds successfully, but, when I run my application, it just opens google chrome (and not my application). What is the problem?
The application output is,
Registering application:
Host: any
Port: any
Virtual path: /
Physical path: /home/tarun/MyWebsite/MyWebsite/
Listening on address:
Root directory: /home/tarun/MyWebsite/MyWebsite
Listening on port: 8080 (non-secure)
When I try to open, on chrome, I get the following error :
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
But, works just fine.
If you run "netstat -tlnp" from the terminal does it confirm that xsp2 really is listening on port 8080? You're looking for a line in the output something like:
LISTEN 8080/xsp
If it does seem to be listening, the next thing to try is one of the bundled sample applications. If you run /usr/lib/xsp/test/xsp then you should hopefully be able to connect to from Chrome and see the sample application running.
It looks to be a chrome-related problem, set firefox as default. Working fine now
