Why Ngrok access encounter error 502 Bad Gateway? - nat

I established a Ngrok tunnel on localhost, started service on port 8080, also run the command ./ngrok http 8080. All is ready, but cannot succeed:
access localhost:4040, see this following:

I use below command, it works well
ngrok http -host-header=""


MAMP http request to port 80 returns connection refused error on port 8888

I have set the Apache port to 80 on MAMP. The the request to "http://localhost/MAMP" (the startup page, port 80) works fine. However, when I try to access the "http://localhost/" it gives a connection refused error. on port 8888?
the MAMP page works fine
http://localhost/ redirects to localhost:8888 resulting in error
http request and corresponding error message
Things I have tried:
disable mac built-in Apache with apachectl stop - Does not work
check activity on port 80 (nothing suspicious) - Does not work
port 8888 works fine but my goal is to have an simple url format to able to use xdebug with it.

OpenVPN 503 Service Unavailable behind http proxy

I have a OpenVPN server successfully setup on a digital ocean droplet following this amazing tutorial:
Then I also made a http proxy server using squid proxy on a different droplet.
When I try to connect to my VPN server, I get 503 Service Unavailable on the logs of the client.
Also when I try to curl my VPN server, still the same result:
curl -I -x myproxy.com:80 http://myvpn.com:1194 or
curl -I -x myproxy.com:80 http://myvpn.com
I turned off the ufw of my OpenVPN server, still the same results.
Where should I fix?
My OpenVPN server? My My OpenVPN server's iptables? My squid proxy conf?
Please help..

How to use ngrok with hosts file (laradock)

I am using Laradock to develop locally and so have an entry in the hosts file.
How can I get this working with ngrok?
I tried:
ngrok http -host-header=site.test 80
but get: Failed to complete tunnel connection
(site.test works)
I got this working by running ngrok on the host machine instead of the container.

ngrok not running due to proxy

I have ngrok installed on Ubuntu. I want to expose an application at 8080. The machine is behind a corporate proxy. I exported an environment variable http_proxy with the proxy value and tried to run the command:
./ngrok http 8080
The status remains reconnecting and the error says "Proxy Authorization required".
I have also tried it using a ngrok.yml config file with the proxy value. And specified the path of the file:
./ngrok http -config=./ngrok.yml 8080
This is how the config file looks:
console_ui: true
inspect_db_size: 50000000
log_level: debug
log_format: json
log: /var/log/ngrok.log
http_proxy: "http://username:password#proxyhost.co.in:8080"
addr: 8080
bind_tls: true
inspect: false
proto: http
Still the error persists. Inspite of specifying the correct proxy, its failing. Any help would be appreciated.
open CMD. And type this:
set http_proxy=
set https_proxy=
There should be the following entry:
in the configuration file. Perhaps, due to its absence you get the error.
The token you can find from your ngrok-account, from dashboard.

Varnish Cache - Connection Refused

I have Nginx running on 8080, while Varnish runs on port 80. I can do
wget localhost:8080
in shell and get a response, but if I run
wget localhost
I get connection refused. For reference, I'm trying to access it externally but get the same problem. Hopefully I can solve access from localhost first!
Thanks in advance!
netstat -tulnp shows you every port and service running
iptables -L shows you if port open or blocked
