Does Firebase Realtime Database guarantees FCFS order when serving requests? - firebase

This is rather just a straight forward question.
Does Firebase Realtime Database guarantees to follow 'First come first serve' rule when handling requests?
But when there is a write-request, and then instantaneously followed by a read-request, is the read-request will fetch updated data?
When there is a write-read-write sequence of requests, does for sure read-request fetch the data written by first write?
Suppose there is a write-request, which was unable to perform (due to some connection issues). As firebase can work even in offline, that change will be saved locally. Now from somewhere else another write-request was made and it completed successfully. After this, if the first device comes online, does it modify the values(since it arrived latest)? or not(since it was initiated prior to the latest changes)?

There are a lot of questions in your post, and many of them depend on how you implement the functionality. So it's not nearly as straightforward as you may think.
The best I can do is explain a bit of how the database works in the scenarios you mention. If you run into more questions from there, I recommend implementing the use-case and posting back with an MCVE for each specific question.
Writes from a single client are handled in the order in which that client makes them.
But writes from different clients are handled with a last-write-wins logic. If your use-case requires something else, include a client-side timestamp in the write and use security rules to reject writes that are older than the current state.
Firebase synchronizes state to the listeners, and not necessarily all (write) events that led to this state. So it is possible (and fairly common) for listeners to not get all state changes that happened, for example if multiple changes to the same state happened while they were offline.
A read of data on a client that this client itself has changed, will always see the state including its own changes.


Does it make sense to use Firestore Realtime as a way to interact with functions?

I have a good old fashioned piece of code that takes some inputs, runs some code and produces outputs for a variety of tasks. This code runs in a function, and it should be triggered by a UI action. It is relevant to store a history of these runs per user, to list them in a specific view of the UI, and, on returning users, put them back where they left.
Since the Firestore documentation and videos strongly encourage us to default to it for data exchange with the backend, I of course decided to entertain the idea before just moving on to simply implementing a callable.
First, it made sense to me to model the data as follows:
and make the data flow as follows:
The UI writes to the inputs field and it listens to the document.
The unction is triggered. It runs happily and it writes to outputs.
A second function listening to /assets puts copies over the inputs and outputs onto its corresponding /history subcollection.
The UI reacts to the change.
At this point, a couple of red flags are raised on my mind:
Since the UI has to both read and write /assets, a malicious user could technically trigger infinite loops here. I'm aware that the same thing is possible with a callable, but it somehow seems even easier in this scenario.
I lose the ability to do timeout and error handling the way one would with a simple API call.
However, I also understand that:
My function needs to write to the database anyway to store the outputs even if it was returning it à la API.
Logic for who's responsible for what has somewhat been broken down into pieces.
So - Am I looking at it wrong? Is there a world in which this approach would make sense over the callable?
The approach you're describing uses the database as a queue/cache/proxy for your backend functionality. I regularly use it myself with either Realtime Database or Firestore to expose backend functionality, because it:
Works more gracefully when there's intermittent loss of internet connection. Where a direct call to Cloud Functions would have to implement its own retries, the database SDKs already handle this scenario.
Uses the database as a proxy/cache for the result, so that repeated loads of the data don't cause additional calls to my Cloud Functions.
By setting a maximum number of instances on my Cloud Function, I can prevent overloading any legacy infrastructure my code calls, and the database becomes my queue of pending requests.
The pattern is also used in this video from Cloud Next 2019: Serverless in real life: a case study in the travel industry and this talk from Google I/O: Architecting for Data Contention in a Realtime World with Firebase.
That said, many of my team mates only ever use callable functions, so it's definitely a matter of preference and the requirements of your use-case.

Firebase Persistent database on first installation

My current application developed in Unity uses Firebase Realtime Database with database persistence enabled. This works great for offline use of the application (such as in areas of no signal).
However, if a new user runs the application for the first time without an internet connection - the application freezes. I am guessing, it's because it needs to pull down the database for the first time in order for persistence to work.
I am aware of threads such as: 'Detect if Firebase connection is lost/regained' that talk about handling database disconnection from Firebase.
However, is there anyway I can check to see if it is the users first time using the application (eg via presence of the persistent database?). I can then inform them they must go online for 'first time setup'?
In addition to #frank-van-puffelen's answer, I do not believe that Firebase RTDB should itself cause your game to lock up until a network connection occurs. If your game is playable on first launch without a network connect (ie: your logic itself doesn't require some initial state from the network), you may want to check the following issues:
Make sure you can handle null. If your game logic is in a Coroutine, Unity may decide to silently stop it rather than fully failing out.
If you're interacting with the database via Transactions, generally assume that it will run twice (once against your local cache then again when the cache is synced with the server if the value is different). This means that the first time you perform a change via a transaction, you'll likely have a null previous state.
If you can, prefer to listen to ValueChanged over GetValueAsync. You'll always get this callback on your main Unity thread, you'll always get the callback once on registration with the data in your local cache, and the data will be periodically updated as the server updates. Further, if you see #frank-van-puffelen answer elsewhere, if you're using GetValueAsync you may not get the data you expect (including a null if the user is offline). If your game is frozen because it's waiting on a ContinueWithOnMainThread (always prefer this to ContinueWith in Unity unless you have a reason not to) or an await statement, this could ValueChanged may work around this as well (I don't think this should be the case).
Double check your object lifetimes. There are a ton of reasons that an application may freeze, but when dealing with asynchronous logic definitely make sure you're aware of the differences between Unity's GameObject lifecycle and C#'s typical object lifecycle (see this post and my own on interacting with asynchronous logic with Unity and Firebase). If an objects OnDestroy is invoked before await, ContinueWith[OnMainThread], or ValueChanged is invoked, you're in danger of running into null references in your own code. This can happen if a scene changes, the frame after Destroy is called, or immediately following a DestroyImmediate.
Finally, many Firebase functions have an Async and synchronous variant (ex: CheckDependencies and CheckDependenciesAsync). I don't think there are any to call out for Realtime Database proper, but if you use the non async variant of a function (or if you spinlock on the task completing, including forgetting to yield in a coroutine), the game will definitely freeze for a bit. Remember that any cloud product is i/o bound by nature, and will typically run slower than your game's update loop (although Firebase does its best to be as fast as possible).
I hope this helps!
There is nothing in the Firebase Database API to detect whether its offline cache was populated.
But you can detect when you make a connection to the database, for example by listening to the .info/connected node. And then when that first is set to true, you can set a local flag in the local storage, for example in PlayerPrefs.
With this code in place, you can then detect if the flag is set in the PlayerPrefs, and if not, show a message to the user that they need to have a network connection for you to download the initial data.

Will Google Firestore always write to the server immediately in a mobile app with frequent writes?

Is it possible to limit the speed at which Google Firestore pushes writes made in an app to the online database?
I'm investigating the feasibility of using Firestore to store a data stream from an IoT device via a mobile device/bluetooth.
The main concern is battery cost - receive a new data packet roughly two minutes, I'm concerned about the additional battery drain that an internet round-trip every two minutes, 24hrs a day, will cost. I also would want to limit updates to wifi connections only.
It's not important for the data to be available online real-time. However it is possible for multiple sources to add to the same datastream in a 2-way sybc, (ie online DB and all devices have the merged data).
I'm currently handling that myself, but when I saw the offline capability of Datastore I hoped I could get all that functionality for free.
I know we can't directly control offline-mode in Firestore, but is there any way to prevent it from always and immediately pushing write changes online?
The only technical question I can see here has to do with how batch writes operate, and more importantly, cost. Simply put, a batch write of 100 writes is the same as writing 100 writes individually. The function is not a way to avoid the write costs of firestore. Same goes for transactions. Same for editing a document (that's a write). If you really want to avoid those costs then you could store the values for the thirty minutes and let the client send the aggregated data in a single document. Though you mentioned you need data to be immediate so I'm not sure that's an option for you. Of course, this would be dependent on what one interprets "immediate" as based off the relative timespan. In my opinion, (I know those aren't really allowed here but it's kind of part of the question) if the data is stored over months/years, 30 minutes is fairly immediate. Either way, batch writes aren't quite the solution I think you're looking for.
EDIT: You've updated your question so I'll update my answer. You can do a local cache system and choose how you update however you wish. That's completely up to you and your own code. Writes aren't really automatic. So if you want to only send a data packet every hour then you'd send it at that time. You're likely going to want to do this in a transaction if multiple devices will write to the same stream so one doesn't overwrite the other if they're sending at the same time. Other than that I don't see firestore being a problem for you.

Need Firebase Database behaviour clarification when inside a Service

I am testing a feature which requires a Firebase database write to happen at midnight everyday. Now it is possible that at this particular time, the client app might not be connected to the internet.
I have been using Firebase with persistence off as that can potentially cause issues of stale data in another feature of mine.
From my observation, if I disconnect the app before the write and keep it this way for a minute or so, Firebase eventually reconnects when I turn on the connectivity again and performs the write.
My main questions are:
Will this behaviour be consistent even if the connectivity is lost for quite a few hours?
Will Firebase timeout?
Since it is inside a forever running service, does it still need persistence to ensure that writes are not lost? (assume that the service does not restart).
If the service does restart, will the writes get lost?
I have some experience with this exact case, and I actually do NOT recommend the use of a background service for managing your Firebase requests. In fact, I wouldn't recommend managing Firebase requests at all (explained later).
Services, even though we can make them run forever, tend to get killed by the system quite a lot actually (unless you set their CPU priority to a higher level, but even then the system still might kill them).
If you call a Firebase Write call (of any kind), and your service gets killed, the write will get lost as you said. Unless, you create a sophisticated manager in which you store requests that haven't been committed into your internal storage, and load them up each time the service is restarted - but that is a very dirty work to do, considering the fact that Firebase Developers took care of us and made .setPersistenceEnabled(true) :)
I know, you mentioned you don't want to use it, but I STRONGLY advise you to do so. It works like charm, no services required, and you don't have to worry at all about managing your write requests. Perhaps it would be better to solve the other issue you have in order to make this possible.
To sum up, here's what I would do in your case:
I would call the .setPersistenceEnabled(true) someplace at the beginning (extending the Application class and calling it from onCreate() is recommended)
I would use Android's AlarmManager and register a BroadcastReceiver to receive an alarm at midnight (repetitive or not - you decide)
Inside the BroadcastReceiver, I'd simply call a write function of Firebase and worry about nothing :)
To make sure I covered all of your questions:
will this behaviour be consistent....
No. Case-scenario: Midnight time, your service has successfully received the call and is now trying to write into Firebase. If, for example, the user has no connection until 6 AM (just a case scenario), there is a very high chance that the system will kill it during those 6 hours, and your write will get lost. Flight Time, or staying in an area with no internet coverage - both are examples of risky scenarios that could break your app's consistency
Will Firebase Timeout?
It definitely could, as mentioned. I wouldn't take the risk and make a 80-90% working app. Use persistence and have a 100% working app :)
I believe I covered the rest of the questions..
Good luck!

Flex - best strategy for keeping client data in synch with backend database?

In an Adobe flex applicaiton using BlazeDS AMF remoting, what is the best stategy for keeping the local data fresh and in synch with the backend database?
In a typical web application, web pages refresh the view each time they are loaded, so the data in the view is never too old.
In a Flex application, there is the tempation to load more data up-front to be shared across tabs, panels, etc. This data is typically refreshed from the backend less often, so there is a greater chance of it being stale - leading to problems when saving, etc.
So, what's the best way to overcome this problem?
a. build the Flex application as if it was a web app - reload the backend data on every possible view change
b. ignore the problem and just deal with stale data issues when they occur (at the risk of annoying users who are more likely to be working with stale data)
c. something else
In my case, keeping the data channel open via LiveCycle RTMP is not an option.
a. Consider optimizing back-end changes through a proxy that does its own notification or poling: it knows if any of the data is dirty, and will quick-return (a la a 304) if not.
b. Often, users look more than they touch. Consider one level of refresh for looking and another when they start and continue to edit.
Look at BuzzWord: it locks on edit, but also automatically saves and unlocks frequently.
If you can't use the messaging protocol in BlazeDS, then I would have to agree that you should do RTMP polling over HTTP. The data is compressed when using RTMP in AMF which helps speed things up so the client is waiting long between updates. This would also allow you to later scale up to the push methods if the product's customer decides to pay up for the extra hardware and licenses.
You don't need Livecycle and RTMP in order to have a notification mechanism, you can do it with the channels from BlazeDS and use a streaming/long polling strategy
In the past I have gone with choice "a". If you were using Remote Objects you could setup some cache-style logic to keep them in sync on the remote end.
Can't you use RTMP over HTTP (HTTP Polling)?
That way you can still use RTMP, and although it is much slower than real RTMP you can still braodcast updates this way.
We have an app that uses RTMP to signal inserts, updates and deletes by simply broadcasting RTMP messages containing the Table/PrimaryKey pair, leaving the app to automatically update it's data. We do this over Http using RTMP.
I found this article about synchronization:
It doesn't go into technical details but you can guess what kind of coding will implement this strategies.
I also don't have fancy notifications from my server so I need synchronization strategies.
For instance I have a list of companies in my modelLocator. It doesn't change really often, it's not big enough to consider pagination, I don't want to reload it all (removeAll()) on each user action but yet I don't want my application to crash or UPDATE corrupt data in case it has been UPDATED or DELETED from another instance of the application.
What I do now is saving in a SESSION the SELECT datetime. When I come back for refreshing the data I SELECT WHERE last_modified>$SESSION['lastLoad']
This way I get only rows modified after I loaded the data (most of the time 0 rows).
Obviously you need to UPDATE last_modified on each INSERT and UPDATE.
For DELETE it's more tricky. As the guy point out in his article:
"How can we send up a record that no longer exists"
You need to tell flex which item it should delete (say by ID) so you cannot really DELETE on DELETE :)
When a user delete a company you do an UPDATE instead: deleted=1
Then on refresh companies, for row where deleted=1 you just send back the ID to flex so that it makes sure this company isn't in the model anymore.
Last but not the least, you need to write a function that clean rows where deleted=1 and last_modified is older than ... 3days or whatever you think suits your needs.
The good thing is that if a user delete a row by mistake it's still in the database and you can save it from real delete within 3days.
Rather than caching on flex client, why not do caching on server side? Some reasons,
1) When you cache data on server side, its centralized and you can make sure all clients have the same state of data
2) There are much better options available on server side for caching rather than on flex. Also you can have a cron job which refreshes data based on some frequency say every 24 hours.
3) As data is cached on server and it doesn't need to fetch it from db every time, communication with flex will be much faster
