Need Firebase Database behaviour clarification when inside a Service - firebase

I am testing a feature which requires a Firebase database write to happen at midnight everyday. Now it is possible that at this particular time, the client app might not be connected to the internet.
I have been using Firebase with persistence off as that can potentially cause issues of stale data in another feature of mine.
From my observation, if I disconnect the app before the write and keep it this way for a minute or so, Firebase eventually reconnects when I turn on the connectivity again and performs the write.
My main questions are:
Will this behaviour be consistent even if the connectivity is lost for quite a few hours?
Will Firebase timeout?
Since it is inside a forever running service, does it still need persistence to ensure that writes are not lost? (assume that the service does not restart).
If the service does restart, will the writes get lost?

I have some experience with this exact case, and I actually do NOT recommend the use of a background service for managing your Firebase requests. In fact, I wouldn't recommend managing Firebase requests at all (explained later).
Services, even though we can make them run forever, tend to get killed by the system quite a lot actually (unless you set their CPU priority to a higher level, but even then the system still might kill them).
If you call a Firebase Write call (of any kind), and your service gets killed, the write will get lost as you said. Unless, you create a sophisticated manager in which you store requests that haven't been committed into your internal storage, and load them up each time the service is restarted - but that is a very dirty work to do, considering the fact that Firebase Developers took care of us and made .setPersistenceEnabled(true) :)
I know, you mentioned you don't want to use it, but I STRONGLY advise you to do so. It works like charm, no services required, and you don't have to worry at all about managing your write requests. Perhaps it would be better to solve the other issue you have in order to make this possible.
To sum up, here's what I would do in your case:
I would call the .setPersistenceEnabled(true) someplace at the beginning (extending the Application class and calling it from onCreate() is recommended)
I would use Android's AlarmManager and register a BroadcastReceiver to receive an alarm at midnight (repetitive or not - you decide)
Inside the BroadcastReceiver, I'd simply call a write function of Firebase and worry about nothing :)
To make sure I covered all of your questions:
will this behaviour be consistent....
No. Case-scenario: Midnight time, your service has successfully received the call and is now trying to write into Firebase. If, for example, the user has no connection until 6 AM (just a case scenario), there is a very high chance that the system will kill it during those 6 hours, and your write will get lost. Flight Time, or staying in an area with no internet coverage - both are examples of risky scenarios that could break your app's consistency
Will Firebase Timeout?
It definitely could, as mentioned. I wouldn't take the risk and make a 80-90% working app. Use persistence and have a 100% working app :)
I believe I covered the rest of the questions..
Good luck!


Does Firebase Realtime Database guarantees FCFS order when serving requests?

This is rather just a straight forward question.
Does Firebase Realtime Database guarantees to follow 'First come first serve' rule when handling requests?
But when there is a write-request, and then instantaneously followed by a read-request, is the read-request will fetch updated data?
When there is a write-read-write sequence of requests, does for sure read-request fetch the data written by first write?
Suppose there is a write-request, which was unable to perform (due to some connection issues). As firebase can work even in offline, that change will be saved locally. Now from somewhere else another write-request was made and it completed successfully. After this, if the first device comes online, does it modify the values(since it arrived latest)? or not(since it was initiated prior to the latest changes)?
There are a lot of questions in your post, and many of them depend on how you implement the functionality. So it's not nearly as straightforward as you may think.
The best I can do is explain a bit of how the database works in the scenarios you mention. If you run into more questions from there, I recommend implementing the use-case and posting back with an MCVE for each specific question.
Writes from a single client are handled in the order in which that client makes them.
But writes from different clients are handled with a last-write-wins logic. If your use-case requires something else, include a client-side timestamp in the write and use security rules to reject writes that are older than the current state.
Firebase synchronizes state to the listeners, and not necessarily all (write) events that led to this state. So it is possible (and fairly common) for listeners to not get all state changes that happened, for example if multiple changes to the same state happened while they were offline.
A read of data on a client that this client itself has changed, will always see the state including its own changes.

Lowering Cloud Firestore API Latency

I developed an Android application where I use Firebase as my main service for storing data, authenticating users, storage, and more.
I recently went deeper into the service and wanted to see the API usage in my Google Cloud Platform.
In order to do so, I navigated to to see what it has to show inside APIs and Services:
And by checking what might cause it I got:
Can someone please explain what is the meaning of "Latency" and what could be the reason that specifically this service has so much higher Latency value compared to the other API's?
Does this value have any impact on my application such as slowing the response or something else? If yes, are there any guidelines to lower this value?
Thank you
Latency is the "delay" until an operation starts. Cloud Functions, in particular, have to actually load and start a container (if they have paused), or at least load from memory (it depends on how often the function is called).
Can this affect your client? Holy heck, yes. but what you can do about it is a significant study in and of itself. For Cloud Functions, the biggest latency comes from starting the "container" (assuming cold-start, which your low Request count suggests) - it will have to load and initialize modules before calling your code. Same issue applies here as for browser code: tight code, minimal module loads, etc.
Some latency is to be expected from Cloud Functions (I'm pretty sure a couple hundred ms is typical). Design your client UX accordingly. Cloud Functions real power isn't instantaneous response; rather it's the compute power available IN PARALLEL with browser operations, and the ability to spin up multiple instances to respond to multiple browser sessions. Use it accordingly.
Listen and Write are long lived streams. In this case a 8 minute latency should be interpreted as a connection that was open for 8 minutes. Individual queries or write operations on those streams will be faster (milliseconds).

Firebase Persistent database on first installation

My current application developed in Unity uses Firebase Realtime Database with database persistence enabled. This works great for offline use of the application (such as in areas of no signal).
However, if a new user runs the application for the first time without an internet connection - the application freezes. I am guessing, it's because it needs to pull down the database for the first time in order for persistence to work.
I am aware of threads such as: 'Detect if Firebase connection is lost/regained' that talk about handling database disconnection from Firebase.
However, is there anyway I can check to see if it is the users first time using the application (eg via presence of the persistent database?). I can then inform them they must go online for 'first time setup'?
In addition to #frank-van-puffelen's answer, I do not believe that Firebase RTDB should itself cause your game to lock up until a network connection occurs. If your game is playable on first launch without a network connect (ie: your logic itself doesn't require some initial state from the network), you may want to check the following issues:
Make sure you can handle null. If your game logic is in a Coroutine, Unity may decide to silently stop it rather than fully failing out.
If you're interacting with the database via Transactions, generally assume that it will run twice (once against your local cache then again when the cache is synced with the server if the value is different). This means that the first time you perform a change via a transaction, you'll likely have a null previous state.
If you can, prefer to listen to ValueChanged over GetValueAsync. You'll always get this callback on your main Unity thread, you'll always get the callback once on registration with the data in your local cache, and the data will be periodically updated as the server updates. Further, if you see #frank-van-puffelen answer elsewhere, if you're using GetValueAsync you may not get the data you expect (including a null if the user is offline). If your game is frozen because it's waiting on a ContinueWithOnMainThread (always prefer this to ContinueWith in Unity unless you have a reason not to) or an await statement, this could ValueChanged may work around this as well (I don't think this should be the case).
Double check your object lifetimes. There are a ton of reasons that an application may freeze, but when dealing with asynchronous logic definitely make sure you're aware of the differences between Unity's GameObject lifecycle and C#'s typical object lifecycle (see this post and my own on interacting with asynchronous logic with Unity and Firebase). If an objects OnDestroy is invoked before await, ContinueWith[OnMainThread], or ValueChanged is invoked, you're in danger of running into null references in your own code. This can happen if a scene changes, the frame after Destroy is called, or immediately following a DestroyImmediate.
Finally, many Firebase functions have an Async and synchronous variant (ex: CheckDependencies and CheckDependenciesAsync). I don't think there are any to call out for Realtime Database proper, but if you use the non async variant of a function (or if you spinlock on the task completing, including forgetting to yield in a coroutine), the game will definitely freeze for a bit. Remember that any cloud product is i/o bound by nature, and will typically run slower than your game's update loop (although Firebase does its best to be as fast as possible).
I hope this helps!
There is nothing in the Firebase Database API to detect whether its offline cache was populated.
But you can detect when you make a connection to the database, for example by listening to the .info/connected node. And then when that first is set to true, you can set a local flag in the local storage, for example in PlayerPrefs.
With this code in place, you can then detect if the flag is set in the PlayerPrefs, and if not, show a message to the user that they need to have a network connection for you to download the initial data.

Managing Firebase's concurrent users

I have a few microservices (AWS Lambda) which when started will authenticate with Firebase, change state in an appropriate manner, and then stop execution.
I have found out tonight though that I must not be cleaning up after myself as I have 100 concurrent users and it's only me doing some testing work (albeit testing authentication).
I've seen references to the goOffline() method and possibly could use that but it seems a little hacky. Are there any good examples of how one can ensure that you're closing and/or reusing an existing connection?
When spinning up server-side processes that use Firebase it's vital that you make sure the process is completed when killed.
If the process is killed, then the connection will get killed as well. But, there's nothing hacky about calling Firebase.goOffline(), as it will close the connection.

Meteorjs how much of a real time is it really?

I had my chance to play with this tool for a while now and made a chat application instead of a hello world. My project has 2 meteor applications sharing the same mongo database:
when I type a message from the operator console it sometimes takes as much as 7-8 seconds to appear to the subscribed client. So my question much of a real time can I expect from this meteor? Right now I can see better results with other services such as pubnub or pusher.
Should the delay come from the fact that it's 2 applications subscribed to the same db?
P.S. I need 2 applications because the client and operator apps are totally different mostly in design and media libraries (css/jquery plugins etc.) which is the only way I found to make the client app much lighter.
If you use two databases without DDP your apps are not going to operate in real time. You should either use one complete app or use DDP to relay messages to the other instance (via Meteor.connect)
This is a bit of an issue for the moment if you want to do the subscription on the server as there isn't really server to server ddp support with subscriptions yet. So you need to use the client to make the subscription:
connection = Meteor.connect("http://YourOtherMetorInstanceUrl");
Instead of
In your client app, of course using the same subscription names as you do for your corresponding publish functions on the other meteor instance
Akshat's answer is good, but there's a bit more explanation of why:
When Meteor is running it adds an observer to the collection, so any changes to data in that collection are immediately reactive. But, if you have two applications writing to the same database (and this is how you are synchronizing data), the observer is not in place. So it's not going to be fully real-time.
However, the server does regularly poll the database for outside changes, hence the 7-8 second delay.
It looks like your applications are designed this way to overcome the limitation Meteor has right now where all client code is delivered to all clients. Fixing this is on the roadmap.
In the mean time, in addition to Akshat's suggestion, I would also recommend using Meteor methods to insert messages. Then from client application, use'insertMessage', options ... to add messages via DDP, which will keep the application real-time.
You would also want to separate the databases.
