I am using this code:
mtcars <- melt(mtcars, id="am")
mtcars$am <- as.character(mtcars$am)
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = variable, y = value)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(color = am), width = 0.4, size = 0.4, position = position_dodge(0.6),
outlier.shape=NA, notch=T) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "blue")) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) +
scale_fill_discrete(name="No name", labels=c("A", "B")) + #Why does this line not work?
Why do the legend name and variable names not change? How can I change them?
Does this solve your problem?
mtcars <- melt(mtcars, id="am")
mtcars$am <- as.character(mtcars$am)
p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = variable, y = value)) +
geom_boxplot(aes(color = am), width = 0.4, size = 0.4, position = position_dodge(0.6),
outlier.shape=NA, notch=T) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "blue"),
name="No name", labels=c("A", "B")) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) +
The issue is that you don't use "fill" in the plot (you use "color"), so adjusting the "fill" scale doesn't have any effect.
Also, change guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) to guides(color = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)) to reverse the legend order.
I want to create a plot that looks like this:
df <- tibble(x=x,y=y)
But the codes unabled to show legends.
Could anyone help me, thanks!
I'm perhaps being a bit over-literal in your requirements, but you could do:
tibble(x = 1:20, y = sample(20)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y)) +
geom_smooth(aes(linetype = "line")) +
geom_point(aes(shape = "point"), color = "red", size = 3) +
theme_gray(base_size = 20) +
theme(legend.position = c(0.75, 0.9),
legend.background = element_blank()) +
labs(shape = NULL, linetype = NULL)
You could set them inside their aes() as variables:
x <- 1:20
y <- sample(20)
df <- tibble(x=x,y=y)
geom_smooth(aes(color = "line"))+
geom_point(aes(color = "point"))+
scale_color_manual(values = c("blue","red"))
With ggnewscale you could try:
df1 <- tibble(x=x, y=y)
ggplot(df1, aes(x, y))+
geom_smooth(aes(colour = "line"))+
scale_colour_manual(values = "black") +
labs(colour = NULL)+
geom_point(aes(colour = "point"))+
scale_colour_manual(values = "red")+
labs(colour = NULL)
#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'
Created on 2022-11-27 with reprex v2.0.2
How to remove inclined lines added to legend? And also the dots on the yellow and gray... Why is it happening?
x <- seq(from = 1, to = 10, by = 1)
df = data.frame(x=x, y=x^2, v=2*x)
df2 = data.frame(x=x, y=x^2-5*x-10)
ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_point(aes(size = v)) +
theme_classic() +
scale_size("blabla") +
geom_point(data=df2, aes(x, y, color = "blue")) +
geom_line(data=df2, aes(x, y, color = "blue")) +
geom_hline(aes(color="gray",yintercept=25)) +
geom_abline(aes(color="yellow", intercept=0, slope=1)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("blue","gray","yellow"), labels = c("nanana","hhh","abab"), name = "other")
That's the legend for the color aesthetic and it tries to combine all the needed information for geom_point, geom_line, geom_hline, and geom_abline. To get rid of the lines, we instead need
geom_abline(aes(color = "yellow", intercept = 0, slope = 1), show.legend = FALSE)
while for the dots we have to add
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = c(19, NA, NA))))
This gives
I'm working on some data on party polarization (something like this) and used geom_dumbbell from ggalt and ggplot2. I keep getting the same aes error and other solutions in the forum did not address this as effectively. This is my sample data.
df <- data_frame(policy=c("Not enough restrictions on gun ownership", "Climate change is an immediate threat", "Abortion should be illegal"),
Democrats=c(0.54, 0.82, 0.30),
Republicans=c(0.23, 0.38, 0.40),
diff=sprintf("+%d", as.integer((Democrats-Republicans)*100)))
I wanted to keep order of the plot, so converted policy to factor and wanted % to be shown only on the first line.
df <- arrange(df, desc(diff))
df$policy <- factor(df$policy, levels=rev(df$policy))
percent_first <- function(x) {
x <- sprintf("%d%%", round(x*100))
x[2:length(x)] <- sub("%$", "", x[2:length(x)])
Then I used ggplot that rendered something close to what I wanted.
gg2 <- ggplot()
gg2 <- gg + geom_segment(data = df, aes(y=country, yend=country, x=0, xend=1), color = "#b2b2b2", size = 0.15)
# making the dumbbell
gg2 <- gg + geom_dumbbell(data=df, aes(y=country, x=Democrats, xend=Republicans),
size=1.5, color = "#B2B2B2", point.size.l=3, point.size.r=3,
point.color.l = "#9FB059", point.color.r = "#EDAE52")
I then wanted the dumbbell to read Democrat and Republican on top to label the two points (like this). This is where I get the error.
gg2 <- gg + geom_text(data=filter(df, country=="Government will not control gun violence"),
aes(x=Democrats, y=country, label="Democrats"),
color="#9fb059", size=3, vjust=-2, fontface="bold", family="Calibri")
gg2 <- gg + geom_text(data=filter(df, country=="Government will not control gun violence"),
aes(x=Republicans, y=country, label="Republicans"),
color="#edae52", size=3, vjust=-2, fontface="bold", family="Calibri")
Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong?
I think it would be easier to build your own "dumbbells" with geom_segment() and geom_point(). Working with your df and changing the variable refences "country" to "policy":
# gather data into long form to make ggplot happy
df2 <- gather(df,"party", "value", Democrats:Republicans)
ggplot(data = df2, aes(y = policy, x = value, color = party)) +
# our dumbell
geom_path(aes(group = policy), color = "#b2b2b2", size = 2) +
geom_point(size = 7, show.legend = FALSE) +
# the text labels
geom_text(aes(label = party), vjust = -1.5) + # use vjust to shift text up to no overlap
scale_color_manual(values = c("Democrats" = "blue", "Republicans" = "red")) + # named vector to map colors to values in df2
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1), labels = scales::percent) # use library(scales) nice math instead of pasting
Produces this plot:
Which has some overlapping labels. I think you could avoid that if you use just the first letter of party like this:
ggplot(data = df2, aes(y = policy, x = value, color = party)) +
geom_path(aes(group = policy), color = "#b2b2b2", size = 2) +
geom_point(size = 7, show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_text(aes(label = gsub("^(\\D).*", "\\1", party)), vjust = -1.5) + # just the first letter instead
scale_color_manual(values = c("Democrats" = "blue", "Republicans" = "red"),
guide = "none") +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1), labels = scales::percent)
Only label the top issue with names:
ggplot(data = df2, aes(y = policy, x = value, color = party)) +
geom_path(aes(group = policy), color = "#b2b2b2", size = 2) +
geom_point(size = 7, show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_text(data = filter(df2, policy == "Not enough restrictions on gun ownership"),
aes(label = party), vjust = -1.5) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Democrats" = "blue", "Republicans" = "red")) +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1), labels = scales::percent)
I have a data frame d like this:
d <- data.frame("name" = c("pippo","pluto","paperino"),
"id" = c(1,2,3),"count" = c(10,20,30),
and I plot a dotplot using the library ggplot:
ggplot(data = d,aes(geneRatio,name,size=count,colour = pvalue)) +
ggtitle("Significantly Pathways") +
xlab("Gene Ratio") +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color=d$type))
This is the plot at the moment
I would like to add to legend the information of "type" contained in dataframe d.
I would like to have a new item in the legend with color red = Reactome and color black= KEGG
Not saying that this is a good idea, but you can add a nonsensical geom to force the adding of a guide:
d <- data.frame("name" = c("pippo","pluto","paperino"),
"id" = c(1,2,3),
"count" = c(10,20,30),
ggplot(data = d, aes(geneRatio,name,colour = pvalue)) +
geom_polygon(aes(geneRatio,name,fill = type)) +
ggtitle("Significantly Pathways") +
xlab("Gene Ratio") +
ylab("Pathways") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c('Reactome'='red', 'KEGG'='black')) +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color=d$type))
geom_polygon may not work with your actual data, and you may not find a suitable 'nonsensical' geom. I agree with #zx8754, a facet would be clearer:
ggplot(data = d, aes(geneRatio,name,colour = pvalue)) +
geom_point(aes(size=count)) +
ggtitle("Significantly Pathways") +
xlab("Gene Ratio") +
ylab("Pathways") +
facet_grid(type ~ ., scales = 'free_y', switch = 'y')
You could accomplish this using annotate, but it is a bit manual.
ggplot(data = d, aes(geneRatio, name, size = count, colour = pvalue)) +
geom_point() +
ggtitle("Significantly Pathways") +
xlab("Gene Ratio") +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color=d$type)) +
annotate("text", x = 0.25, y = 3.5, label = "Reactome", color = "red") +
annotate("text", x = 0.25, y = 3.4, label = "KEGG", color = "black")
in the following sample data , how can i display the abline ( i e the red color line) in legend with y.
my code and data:
plot1<- ggplot(df, aes(x)) +
geom_line(size=0.5,lty="dashed", aes(y=y),color="Blue") +
geom_point(aes(y=y,shape="y"),size=4, color="Gray24",fill="Green")
what i got is the below image. i need the red line to be displayed in legend
You can use the show_guide=TRUE argument:
plot1<- ggplot(df, aes(x)) +
geom_line(size=0.5,lty="dashed", aes(y=y),color="Blue") +
geom_abline(aes(slope=-0.62,intercept=1670,colour="break"), size=0.9,show_guide = TRUE)+
geom_point(aes(y=y,shape="y"),size=4, color="Gray24",fill="Green")
You'll probably need to change the labels in the legend, but you should be able to do that with theme.
Edit: To remove the slash from the legend, you can use guides and override.aes:
plot1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_point(aes(shape = "y"), size = 4, color = "Gray24", lty = 0) +
geom_line(size = 0.5, lty = "dashed", color = "Blue") +
geom_abline(aes(slope = -0.62, intercept = 1670, colour = "break"), size = 0.9,
show_guide = TRUE) +
guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = 0)))