"bokeh: command not found" while connected via remote desktop (Windows Remote Desktop Connection) - bokeh

I'm using a Windows 10 machine to connect to a remote Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS machine via Windows' built-in Remote Desktop Connection (RDP) using xrdp 0.9.5.
The setup was working fine up until now.
However, I'm getting a weird error when trying to use bokeh through the Windows' remote desktop connection:
bokeh: command not found
Obviously, bokeh 1.4.0* is installed, but none of the bokeh commands work. I always get the same error message from above. I also can't pip install bokeh as it says bokeh is already installed. On the remote Ubuntu machine, the bokeh commands get recognized fine when running them directly on the Ubuntu machine (no remote connection).
Did anyone face similar problems or knows a possible solution?
*I can't really upgrade to the newest bokeh version because I unfortunately need to stick with Python 2.7 ...


How can I install NebulaGraph on Windows?

I want to install the Nebula Graph database on Windows, but I didn't find any references. I tried install on my own, but failed in the end.
I viewed NebulaGraph-related docs https://docs.nebula-graph.io/3.3.0/2.quick-start/2.install-nebula-graph/, but I didn't find what I want to.
How can I install NebulaGraph on Windows?
The situation for Windows is similar to macOS as explained here.
We could either leverage hypervisors(WSL2, VirtualBox, VMware player, etc)/or WSL1 to spawn a Linux machine to deploy it in the VM or go with Docker Desktop + Nebula-Docker-Compose.

Meteor Hanging on Ubuntu when building

I have an application that builds in 5 minutes on the Mac. When I try to build in Docker or directly in Ubuntu, the machine completely hangs at some point. It so bad that I can't even ssh into the machine. It eventually times out. I am using Meteor, Ubuntu 16.04 and Docker 16.04 with Meteor installed.
I thought maybe it was related to tar and 7z, so I upgraded tar and 7z. Still hangs. It hangs when I building on web.browser. There is high I/O waits and a bunch of blocked processes according to vmstat.
This is the command I'm running:
meteor build --allow-superuser --server-only --directory /tmp/build
Is their any way to get more info about what's going wrong? I also tried to
meteor remove ecmascript --allow-superuser
b/c one article said this may be an issue. Hangs.

Can I build Rstudio server from sources

I work on a centOS 6.6 distro and would like to use Rstudio. I would like to use an up to date version say v>0.99 but from the download page I can see that Rstudio desktop requires RHEL7.
Looking for older versions of rstudio desktop I see that RHEL6 can only get v<=0.981103, though Rstudio server seems fine, and I am OK if many can use a server version.
rpm is a no go for me so is there a way to get the sources for the server version like they provide for the desktop version ? I can't find it anywhere but it appears it is possible: see this post.
Of course if there is a trick to build Rstudio desktop on centOS 6.6 I am a buyer...
You won't be able to build RStudio Desktop for RHEL6 because of a glibc requirement induced by Qt 5.4. This is not easily evaded so if you have a platform requirement for RHEL6 you'll want to stick with the server version.
The desktop and server versions of RStudio are actually built from the same source code. You can get the source for any RStudio release here:
The make-package Server RPM command in rstudio/package/linux will start the build once you've got all the dependencies installed. See here for details (or INSTALL): https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/wiki/Installing-RStudio-Dependencies

Setting up Mono in Mac OSX

I started using mac for my application developments. So, I wanted to host my asp.net webservices in my mac machine itself. My mac version is 10.8.5.
Following these
I installed the mono framework and executed the xsp command to start running the server. But my localhost was not up and running. So, I created a sample .cs file to check whether the installation was fine. But when I'm trying to run it through the terminal, I'm getting error - The type or namespace name `system' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Am I missing something here ? Please help

Correct way to setup Virtualbox 4.3 to use symlinks on guest (for meteor)

I use Windows 8 and installed Virtualbox so i can access to a Linux (Ubuntu) System.
The most i still did to do this - so at this moment i have a working Virtualbox with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
In my case i need this Virtualbox with Linux for meteor.
The problem:
meteor uses nodejs and so i need to have symlinks access (i think its symlinks - i read a few about it)
Reference: How to run meteor app inside an Ubuntu VrtualBox and edit using an editor on a Windows host?
He describes the same problem i have now:
Error: EROFS, read-only file system '/media/sf_Shared/Dropbox/dev_uhurajr/chat/.meteor/local/.build320446.build/programs/server/npm/logging/main/node_modules'
So i tried to enabled Symlinks on my host (windows) this way:
VBoxManage setextradata YOURVMNAME VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/YOURSHAREFOLDERNAME 1
Reference: http://www.ahtik.com/blog/fixing-your-virtualbox-shared-folder-symlink-error/
This works fine! When i check the extradata for my VM the field SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate is on 1
I set this value for 2 folders. The shared folder on Windows and also the name of the shared folder on my Linux VM.
But .. the same problem. The following error occurs everytime meteor tries to write symlinks:
Error: UNKNOWN, unknown error '/media/Projekte/test/.meteor/local/.build320446.build/programs/server/npm/logging/main/node_modules'
So whats the right way to get this working ?
Guessing you were using Virtualbox version after 4.0, please:
Enable symlinks VBoxManage.exe setextradata YOUR_VM VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/YOUR_SHARED_FOLDER 1
Run VirtualBox 'as admininstrator' on Windows.
Replace the YOUR_VM and YOUR_SHARED_FOLDER with your own value. You can check the value via VBoxManage.exe getextradata YOUR_VM enumerate
VirtualBox enabled symbolic for shared folder since 4.0, it's Windows permissions blocking you. You can either enable the permission for user or simply run VirtualBox as an administrator.
Please to refer the Virtualbox documentation:
Doc updated, please refer to the doc Shared Folders:
Starting with version 4.0, VirtualBox shared folders also support symbolic links (symlinks), under the following conditions:
The host operating system must support symlinks (i.e. a Mac, Linux or Solaris host is required).
Currently only Linux and Solaris Guest Additions support symlinks.
I made a development vm with setup and run scripts.
Just put your meteor app in the app directory and follow the instructions in the readme.md
