Opening the terminal in R - r

According to most articles on R the terminal simply shows up as a tab next to console in R or can be opened with shift+alt+R, however i still do not get anything
a picture of the workspacel do not get the terminal.

The "terminal"-tab next to "console" is for RStudio and you are not using RStudio. Thats why you cant use the Shortcut.


Sending code from Sublime Text 3 to R Terminal or SublimeREPL

I realise there are a few threads that already exist with regards to the second half of my question, but they don't seem to address the problem.
I am using R-Box, SendText, and SendCode to send lines of code from Sublime Text 3 to the R-GUI. However, I prefer working in Rterm rather than the GUI. Is there a way to modify settings in any of the three sublime text packages to send code to Rterm.exe instead?
In the mean time, I recently got a new laptop and can't seem to get Sublime Text 3 to send code to SublimeREPL properly. It decides to send the occasional line, but will not send some for no reason. Any ideas how to fix it?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I made Sublime/R-Box/SendCode work with Rterm by changing the settings in the RGui to SDI.
In RGui > Gui Settings > Select "SDI" > Click on "Save" > Close R Gui (this will show a warning)
Reopen R Gui to check that it opens Rterm.
In Sublime, working with SendCode/R-Box then will open the Rterm.
Use the standard settings in SendCode (In Sublime: Crtl+Alt+P > SendCode: Choose Program > Select "R Gui"), it works with R Term.
Note: You must open Rterm manually before using it from Sublime.
Let me know, please, if that worked for you.

R programming in RStudio on Windows 10: command prompt > disappearing

I'm doing some very basic commands in RStudio (in Windows 10), and suddenly/randomly the command prompt ">" disappeared. This is not the first time this has happened for me. Pressing escape, enter, or anything else doesn't get me back the >. Moreover, when I try to close RStudio, it just stays on "quitting r session" and never closes. I tried to embed a screen shot of the console I'm seeing, but I'm not sure if it worked. If anyone can help me with this issue (being able to get back the > and execute commands again) or direct me to another post where this was addressed, I would really appreciate it (otherwise I have to restart my whole system every time to fix it).

Sublime 3 not interfacing with R (tried R-box and REPL)

Super basic question here:
I installed the R-box package in Sublime 3 with no problems.
I changed the path to my in the SublimeREPL.sublime-settings in Sublime, although this should not make a differece on Mac.
I checked in Package Control -> R-Box:Select Program. It's set to R.
I'm simply unable to get Sublime to send code to R. Pressing Cmd+Enter does nothing (actually, it starts a new line on Sublime).
I'm running Sublime 3 on Maverics, and R version 3.2.1. But I had the same problems with Sublime 2 and a previous R version. I'm sure I'm missing something simple but I can't find any more information in the installation page.
Open up an R console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and typing REPL R (after a few times you’ll be able to just type R and it will come up). You can open up two windows using (Alt+Shift+2) so you can have your R code on the left and your R console on the right.
As for running the code, once you have called the R console, you have three options: To run the current line or your selected lines, press Ctrl+Shift (release) then l. To run just the selected text, press Ctrl+Shift (release) then s. To run the entire file, press Ctrl+Shift (release) then f.
Actually, I got an answer from the R-box developers, that worked perfectly:
Close Sublime Text 3, then reopen it. Then check that at the bottom right of the window it says R Extended.
If not, you need to set the Syntax on the file:
Set Syntax: R Extended

Automate RStudio processed RMarkdown?

I have an RMarkdown file that I use to generate a nice HTML report.
The problem is, I want to be able to automate it so that it can run on a headless server. As such there will be nobody there to start Rstudio and press the 'knithtml' button and it seems that Rstudio is doing a LOT of additional magic like having it's own version of pandoc, running all the necessary commands, applying css styles etc.
How can I take this report and generate the same thing Rstudio is generating when I press the 'knithtml' button, but by just running an R script?
Try using
rmarkdown::render("/PATH/TO/YOUR.Rmd", output_file="/PATH/TO/YOUR/OUTPUT.html")
instead. This assumes you've got the rmarkdown library loaded on your headless box. It will use the system pandoc, but make sure it's 1.12 or higher.
Here's what knit2html does (via the "R Markdown" tab near "Console"):
Here's a side-by-side. Left is clicking the button, right is running the command:
I had the same issue. After a lot of brute force, I got the same result as RStudio with this command line:
"path\to\Rscript.exe" -e "rmarkdown::find_pandoc(dir='path/to/RStudio/bin/pandoc'); rmarkdown::render('file.Rmd')"

Preventing what was/were previously copied on to my clipboard from appearing on R Console when using R

I am having some problems with my clipboard contents when using R. When I run my scripts/commands in tinn-r, very often I would get something that I had ran earlier pasted onto my R Console instead of the command that I have just selected.
To get over this, I would go to my clipboard and delete its content(text/syntax). However, the same text/syntax that I had just deleted would re-appear on my clipboard and would again appear on my R Console when trying to run a different syntax from my tinn-r.
Good luck. Tinn-R seems to be a particularly buggy way of interacting with R. Though it takes some effort to set up, the StatET plugin interface from Eclipse has been working way better for me than Tinn-R ever did.
