I use R and the Magick package to process screenshots! Currently, I'm going through an external tool to get my screenshots. This tool gives me a file (png or other) that I have to reload to use it with Magick. Is there a package that would allow me to take screenshots (in whole or only partially) and to retrieve the image directly into a variable without going through an intermediate file? I found plenty of stuff for web-snapshots but nothing for a capture of my screen...
Thanks in advance
I simply want to open an AVI file with AviSynth and feed it into VirtualDub. However, when I open my .avs script (consisting of just one AviSource() call), I get the following error:
Avisynth open failure:
AVISource: Couldn't locate a decompressor for fourcc dvds
(H:\Videos\QTGMC\test.avs, line 1)
The required dvsd codec seems to be installed, according to software called GSpot (which identifies a video file's required codec's). Does anyone know why I can't open this file and how to fix it?
In case anyone has the same issue in the future, I solved it by installing Cedocida codec: http://www.cithraidt.de/cedocida/index.html#download.
Using DirectShowSource() instead of AviSource() also works.
You can use FmpegSource2() - it does not use codecs from the system like AVISource() or DirectShowSource() and recognizes a lot of modern format with frame accuracy.
Basically, it supports all the formats FFMPEG does.
I'm looking for a path to be able to use a Sketch UP 3D Model in babylon JS on a simple web page.
I think I have to convert the .skp file to a babylon JS Compatible format but I don't find a solution.
The only solution I know is to use the blender->babylon exporter.
You can install blender from Here
Then you can install the exporter by following these instructions
And finally, from sketchup, you can export your component in collada format (.dae), import it in blender then export it to babylon format.
After that, you can drag& drop the generated .babylon file on this page to see if your model was correctly generated. For most objects, I had no problem...
i want to display images in Jupyter using Image.jl.
the doc says:
If you're using the IJulia notebook, images will be displayed automatically.
Julia code for the display of images can be found in ImageView. Installation of this package is recommended but not required.
but i failed to find any way to automatically display images in a for loop. the code below is an example:
using Images
for i=1:10
i guess there exits an undocumented function to draw images in IJulia which can be called explicitly to show out those hidden results. thanks in advance! #tholy
You need to use the display function, which is what IJulia uses, you can find it's documentation in the Multimedia I/O section of the Julia manual.
On windows, I have two source files and want to create a patch with difference, like this one.
But I'm unsure, what format this patch is and what app to use in order to create it? GNU diff output is very different from the patch I can see in the link above.
Try WinMerge. You'll find a patch generator in the "Tools" menu.
Thanks, PhiLho & Lukáš! The diff program from UnxUtils works great under Windows 7 to generate the patch file:
diff -u oldfile newfile >patchfile
Likewise, the patch program from UnxUtils works great to apply the patch:
patch -u oldfile patchfile
The output format is called "unified diff", it can be generated using diff -u.
WinMerge is the best tool for windows.
To create a patch file, you need to do the following:
-- Here you open the files for which you are generating patch file.
Tools>Generate Patch
-- Here you specify the path where to save the patch file. And WinMerge will save patch file for you.
WinMerge (http://winmerge.org/) is what you need. You also can compare whole file trees with this tool, which is an absolute must-have for some people.
The UnxUtils package offers lot of useful Unix tools for Windows, with a minimal impact on Windows installation (unzip, add location to path, use it).
It has a diff.exe
In Beyond Compare 4 you can generate a unified diff by selecting the 'Session' > 'Text Compare Report...' menu item and then selecting 'Patch' for the layout and 'Unified diff' for the patch style. Then save the output to file, or to the clipboard.
I've also made a tool to generate patch files (like WinMerge html format) between two sets of changesets/folders/commits (as a zip downloaded from github or azure or just folders sitting in your drive) since currently WinMerge does NOT support path file generation from command-line to support automation.
use it like:
python diff_generator.py --c1 "path_to_file1.zip" --c2 "path_to_file2.zip" [--git]
python diff_generator.py --c1 "path_to_folder1" --ddc1 --c2 "path_to_folder2" --ddc2