FileNotFoundException occurred while upload the photo/video using xamarin forms android - xamarin.forms

We are using xamarin essentials for camera permission. To capture photo/video we are using crossmedia nuget. After capture saved in local path then going to upload the photo/video. While upload the photo/video, I am getting below error in app center
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/myproj/files/Movies/myproj/VIDEO_20200729_114115.mp4"
How to resolve this error?


Azure Communication UI Library - Xamarin Forms Error

I have been trying to use azure communication services mainly video chatting in my Xamarin Forms application. I have downloaded the aar files via the script. However, I cannot seem to fix the error below:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error
error: failed to open file.
error: failed to open file.".

Xamarin Form Project

I'm getting an error bellow when I run my application in the Android emulator:
Xamarin.form Android.Content.Res.Resources+NotFoundException: Drawable com.companyname.GroupChat:mipmap/icon with resource ID #0x7f030000
That's the Image Code

ClosedXML - Could not load file or assembly exception

I am trying to use ClosedXML to produce excel documents within an application, however, Whenevet I try to run it I receive a could not load file or assembly server error.
This is my form application
This is my Package
and this is my error when I click the import file button
Since you're developing for SharePoint, all used assemblies need to be strongly-named. They are deployed in the GAC, which is only possible for signed assemblies.
More info in this post:
You can change the NuGet reference to be ClosedXml.Signed, the signed version of ClosedXml.

How to configure log4net for Xamarin

I am trying to use Log4Net for
Xamarin forms Project (Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS)
to write a temp log file
How can I configure it?
where should I add appender code?
Is there permission required and what is the preferred path should I use for the log file for Android and iOS?

How to run .csproj files downloaded from a website? Shows error "the system cannot find the file specified"?

enter image description hereI downloaded an ASP.NET project from a website. The project is an online banking project and contains multiple web forms and a database features. When I open the .csproj file it throws me an error saying "the system cannot find the file specified". how can I open and run the file?
