I'm getting an error bellow when I run my application in the Android emulator:
Xamarin.form Android.Content.Res.Resources+NotFoundException: Drawable com.companyname.GroupChat:mipmap/icon with resource ID #0x7f030000
That's the Image Code
I've built a web app using flutter web and my hosting platform is firebase. When I run the app on my local machine the images appear but when I deploy my app the images won't appear. this was the error I received in my browsers console main.dart.js:33681 Error while trying to load an asset: Failed to load asset at "assets/icons/EmailIcon.svg"
here is a link to my webapp: http://portfolio-34678.web.app/
We are using xamarin essentials for camera permission. To capture photo/video we are using crossmedia nuget. After capture saved in local path then going to upload the photo/video. While upload the photo/video, I am getting below error in app center
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/myproj/files/Movies/myproj/VIDEO_20200729_114115.mp4"
How to resolve this error?
My flutter project is using firebase_dynamic_link package. I followed the instruction to register both my android and ios app on the firebase console without any problem. I've tested it out on android and it's working fine, opening the app I have running.
On iOS, I was expecting it to open the app I have running on it, instead I just get redirected to a preview page link.
Is it not opening my ios app because :
It's not yet published on the app store ?
Or is it because of an error in setup?
You can disable it in Firebase Console when you create/edit the dynamic link.
My App Maker project was working perfectly earlier. Suddenly, I am not able to open one of my projects, and progress spinner keeps on running. After some time It is giving Unexpected client error.
I can open other projects and create new project, but this one is not opening the project what I want.
The error toast:
Progress spinner:
Browswer log:
I've tried initializing Firebase on Unity for iOS app only, and I'm getting this error while running:
Unable to load options for default app ([/Users/yaniv/Downloads/21312111222/New Unity Project333/Assets/StreamingAssets/google-services-desktop.json, /Users/yaniv/Downloads/21312111222/New Unity Project333/Assets/StreamingAssets/google-services.json] are missing or malformed)
I know that for cross-platform apps, I usually download the google-services.json from the Firebase project settings, but in this case, I have no Android apps under this project (it's an iOS app only).
How can I prevent Firebase from request it?