dividing the panels using flex - css

I am new to css and flex. Below is the working url in stackblitz.
I have a left panel and main panel and a click button on the top of the page.
Requirement 1 On the click of the button i want to open the side panel. For some reason the side panel is not opening.
Requirement 2. I want to update the css to use flex if is possible because i am new to flex also
Please help.

Your sidePanelOpen variable isn't updating, and your sidePanel element is translated -150%, so it's off to the left of the screen
Never done any Angular but using the power of logic I've figured out half your answer. Now all you need to do is read a quick CSS tutorial
You originally were just setting this variable true. Using ! you can negate the sidePanelOpen value and get a toggle action going
openSideBar() {
this.sidePanelOpen = !this.sidePanelOpen;
Here you had the toggled class being set on the wrong element.
<div [ngClass]="{'toggled' : sidePanelOpen}" class="sidebar" id="sidePanel">
<span id='close'>x</span>
<h4>Bangalore </h4>
Lastly, the toggled class won't do anything unless you have some css to hide your side panel
#sidePanel.toggled {
display: none;


Side Nav panel in Angular

I am trying add a button (to open the side panel) , but for some reason it shows up on the top left of the page. I want it to appear on the middle (right side) so when the user clicks on it the panel displays. I also want the current content on the page to zoom in when the side panel opens so the user is able to see both panel and the current content.
descripition of what you want talk
<button mat-button (click)="left.open()">Field Definitions</button>
what is the correct CSS to?
I believe you're looking for this, it's an example provided in the Angular Material Documentation.
There are several ways to position the sidenav toggle button, you can either use CSS Flexbox or just add float: right property to the button. I would choose the first method combined with the use of mat-toolbar.

Angular 2 background body only on single page

i have a Angular 2 project that uses Routes and differents components. one of this components is a login page that don't show any sidebar or footer... So, i need to put ONLY on this page a background (that covers all the body).
I try to use :host {..} but don't work.
How can access to the body background property on this component?
This component is on the same level that app.component.
app.component.html has the and the login component renders here.
Can you help me?
Not sure why you are applying backgorund. If you just want to hide side bar and footer for your login page then you can simply hide them based on your active route using hidden attribute or ngIf directive. Here the refernece for ngIf
It really depends on your login.component.html if :host will work and you didn't show it. You can wrap your login.component.html in a div container and add a class to it for its background color. This one works for me.
<div class="my-container>
<!--your content --!>
Here's a plunkr for the demo

angular animation on ng-click

I am using angular and I need to add an animation that will increase the size of the image.
<div class="card">
<div class="item images-parent">
<img src="img/carryout-icon.jpg" class="left-image"></img>
<img src="img/or.jpg" class="center-image"></img>
<img src="img/delivery-icon.jpg" class="right-image"></img>
I want to add same animation/transition to first and third image when the user clicks on it and should be removed when user clicks on the other one i.e if I click on first image, it increases in size, then if I click on the other one, first one goes back to normal and second one has that animation.
Also, I have tried doing it but I am just not able to get ngAnimate, I am not a CSS person either. Also, Any resources to help someone like me would be appreciated.
I see events such as ngView , ng if e.t.c But I do not really want these animations on such events. Only when user clicks on the image. Am I even supposed to use ngAnimate here?
I do not know which particular image you intend to increase it's size on click, but here's one way to go about it.
You can create a css class that increases the image, and you toggle on or off with NgClass, A tutorial Scotch.io
That is to make sure it changes class, but if you want to toggle on/off the class when you click CodePen snippet below
$scope.isActive = false;
$scope.activeButton = function() {
$scope.isActive = !$scope.isActive;

Datepicker partially hidden by overflow-y scroll

I am building a bootstrap-grid column inside of which I have a panel.
Inside this panel I have a datepicker and there must a lot of other controls so I would need to be able to scroll down (y-axis only) inside the panel.
Unfortunately the datepicker popup window is partially hidden because of the overflow-z and overflow-x styling which enables the scrolling :
<div style="height: 480px;overflow-y: scroll;overflow-x:hidden;">
Is it possible to overcome this with some CSS trick?
I have found an answer on SO when the element poping out can be placed outside of the div but in my case I'm using a directive from the Angular-strap library so I need to place it inside.
I have set up a plunker to illustrate the issue (you need full-view to see it) : plunker
Well, since no one bothered to answer, I just found the answer today, which was actually very simple.
I just needed to add this in the attributes :
Plunker here

Bootstrap 3 not handling inline elements correctly on page resize

I've run into some trouble with Bootstrap 3.2.0. Basically, I have a header menu with some li elements and inline with that I have a simple login form.
Please see my code here
the problem is that the css in not correctly handling the left and right floated elements
Weirdly enough, everything seems to work when only a single input element is present, as you can see here
Please note that the html is taken directly from Bootstrap examples at
- http://getbootstrap.com/examples/jumbotron/
- http://getbootstrap.com/examples/dashboard/
p.s. the Jumbotron seems to work just fine with the login form but I'm guessing that is because there is no ul/li left floating menu
I'd appreciate any help you can offer
Thank you
Hey guys and thank you for replies so far. I'm not sure whether this is the expected behaviour
i.e. the login form is pushed to the next row, but I would expect it to collapse everything into a "mobile" type of menu before pushing the form down onto the next row.
Edit 2
p.s. the screenshot above is from Firefox 31.0 (and I see the same Chrome Version 36.0.1985.125 m)
A few ways you can handle this...
1) Customize the Bootstrap CSS so the menu collapses at a different screen size: i.e. at http://getbootstrap.com/customizer, change #grid-float-breakpoint to = #screen-md-min.
2) Add some of your own custom CSS to shrink the input fields to ~ width:100px at the right time, via a custom class added to the input-group, and a media query:
#media(min-width:768px) and (max-width:992px){
.custom-class{width:100px;} /* tweak this px-count to get exactly what you want */
3) Using Bootstrap's hidden/visible column classes, put the login elements within a popover for only the sm screen size. This is the "Advanced" option, and is probably overkill, but fun to try. It would be something like:
<div class="visible-sm">
<div class="popover" html="true">Put your inputs, button and other HTML here</div>
<div class="hidden-sm">
<input ... ><!-- Put your regular login here -->
