Side Nav panel in Angular - css

I am trying add a button (to open the side panel) , but for some reason it shows up on the top left of the page. I want it to appear on the middle (right side) so when the user clicks on it the panel displays. I also want the current content on the page to zoom in when the side panel opens so the user is able to see both panel and the current content.
descripition of what you want talk
<button mat-button (click)="">Field Definitions</button>
what is the correct CSS to?

I believe you're looking for this, it's an example provided in the Angular Material Documentation.
There are several ways to position the sidenav toggle button, you can either use CSS Flexbox or just add float: right property to the button. I would choose the first method combined with the use of mat-toolbar.


dividing the panels using flex

I am new to css and flex. Below is the working url in stackblitz.
I have a left panel and main panel and a click button on the top of the page.
Requirement 1 On the click of the button i want to open the side panel. For some reason the side panel is not opening.
Requirement 2. I want to update the css to use flex if is possible because i am new to flex also
Please help.
Your sidePanelOpen variable isn't updating, and your sidePanel element is translated -150%, so it's off to the left of the screen
Never done any Angular but using the power of logic I've figured out half your answer. Now all you need to do is read a quick CSS tutorial
You originally were just setting this variable true. Using ! you can negate the sidePanelOpen value and get a toggle action going
openSideBar() {
this.sidePanelOpen = !this.sidePanelOpen;
Here you had the toggled class being set on the wrong element.
<div [ngClass]="{'toggled' : sidePanelOpen}" class="sidebar" id="sidePanel">
<span id='close'>x</span>
<h4>Bangalore </h4>
Lastly, the toggled class won't do anything unless you have some css to hide your side panel
#sidePanel.toggled {
display: none;

Bootstrap navbar style change on toggle

I am using a WP theme(bootstrap). When resize my window to mobile view, i see a button of toggle menu (3 horizontal lines). On clicking it, i see a drop down type list of pages.
I want to change that drop down to open like right to left.
Just like this : Here is the link
How to change the dropping style from [top To Bottom] to [Right To Left]?
I think you might need to look at Bootstrap's 'off-canvas' menu. Unfortunately it's not just a simple change from top to bottom to right and left but it's quite straight forward to achieve using this demo example.

Info button ( i )

I'm trying to create an info button (the one that is round with an i in the middle) to appear on the right side of the navigation bar. I have seen the examples in the demo page of KendoUI mobile section and I see a button saying "Index" on the right side of some screens. Instead of displaying a button with a text inside, I would like to display the info button. Is that part of the KendoUI framework that I could just name that class and it will display that info button? If not, if I have the image, how will I be able to put that inside a button and that it will look good in iOS, Android and Windows phone?
It is possible in Kendo UI mobile framework itself.
If you want use 'info button' inside navigation bar then
you should use 'detailbutton' concept.
look at the following code
<div data-role="navbar">
<a data-role="detailbutton" data-icon="info" title="info button"></a>
It will display a button as you said.(Button that is round with an 'i' symbol in the middle)
It will work on all the platforms that Kendo UI supports

Twitter Bootstrap Submit Button Placement Not Behaving

Using a default/vertical form, the bootstrap documentation suggests that the submit button sits underneath the various inputs but that's not the case in my form.
When the browser has a large viewing space, it sits beside the last input field and is not in line. If you resize the browser to a phone or tablet width, Responsive takes over and it displays correctly.
Changing the wrapping div from .span12 to .span3 pushes the button down, but it seems like a hackish fix because adding .span3 to the inputs and buttons to make them uniform in size yields the button pushed off to the side.
Am I missing some markup or is there an issue with Bootstrap? In their docs, the button is preceded by a checkbox label and some help text wrapped in a p - so that could be affecting their styling to make it look correct.
You have to put your submit button in a div with the class controls.
If you check the source on the Bootstrap documentation page, they even divide all the inputs and buttons in control-groups and controls.

Can watir-webdriver click a css background-image or at an arbitrary position in the browser?

I have a "split button" from extjs much like the "Menu Button" demo on the extjs demo page at The button has a drop-down arrow on the right side that is a css-background image on a parent tag. When the right side is clicked a menu will drop down with additional selections for the button action. I can click the button or the em but in both cases the menu will not drop down.
I've also tried sending both the button and em javascript events in different orders ( mousedown, mouseup, click, etc) still I can only trigger the main button and cannot get the drop down menu to appear.
Somehow I need to place a mouse click precisely on that background image to get the menu to appear. Would there be a way for watir-webdriver to click at an arbitrary position in the browser? Assuming, of course, that I could get watir-webdriver to give me the current coordinates of the button or em. Or is there some other way to trigger the drop down?
I posted a similar inquiry on the google watir forum, but still have no solution. Thanks for any help that can be provided.
Try this, works like a charm:
b.em(:class, "x-btn-split x-btn-split-right").button(:class, "x-btn-center").send_keys :down
If you are just trying to expand the menu and are not specifically testing the 'click' event, you can send the down key instead:
browser.div(:id, 'splitbutton-1022').send_keys :down
This worked for the sample site on Firefox. I did not try any other browsers.
