Gluon Mobile : Bluetooth Low Energy no instance for interface com.gluonhq.attach.ble.BleService - javafx

I am new on stackoverflow, this is my first post. I recently started using Gluon Mobile to develop an android mobile application using Bluetooth Low Energy.
I'm having trouble using the BLE technology. If I copy the piece of code provided in the gluon mobile documentation and I get the following message :
WARNING: No new instance for interface com.gluonhq.attach.ble.BleService and class com.gluonhq.attach.ble.impl.AndroidBleService
here is the code from the example:
ble.startScanningDevices().addListener((ListChangeListener.Change<? extends BleDevice> c) -> {
while ( {
if (c.wasAdded()) {
for (BleDevice device : c.getAddedSubList()) {
System.out.println("Device found: " + device.getName());
device.stateProperty().addListener((obs, ov, nv) -> {
if (State.STATE_CONNECTED == nv) {
System.out.println("Device connected: " + device.getName());
I also modified the AndroidManifest.xml file to provide the necessary permissions to use the bluetooth by adding the following lines to the file :
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>
Have any of you encountered this kind of problem and managed to solve it? I feel like I can't access the bluetooth.
here is a copy of the pom.xml file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->

The solution was to add <list>ble</list> to the <attachList> in pom.xml file.


How to define a path for Tiles configurer?

My Spring application can not start because the path of the tiles.xml file that was working fine until now can not be reached. I can deploy it locally, but when I create a .war to upload it to the server it gives me the error.
Can anybody tell how much path should I define not to crash on this error when I am deploying the application?
(And why).
This is my qualified name is... path: /VotaIdeas/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tiles.xml
2018-01-25 09:43:26.015 ERROR 2587 --- [-nio-80-exec-77] o.s.boot.SpringApplication
: Application startup failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'tilesCon
figurer' defined in com.caveofprogramming.App: Invocation of init method failed; nested exceptio
n is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No URL for ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/tiles.xml]
zeBean( ~[spring-beans-4.2.6.RELEASE.jar:4.2.6.RELE
Bean( ~[spring-beans-4.2.6.RELEASE.jar:4.2.6.RELEASE
... and here is the tiles configurer in
public TilesConfigurer tilesConfigurer() {
TilesConfigurer tilesConfigurer = new TilesConfigurer();
String[] defs = {"/WEB-INF/tiles.xml"};
return tilesConfigurer;
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

Jetty ALPN/NPN has not been properly configured. When tried to use google cloud speech api

I tried using Google cloud speech API after setting GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in system environment variable. Not able to figure out any issues or work around for more than 2 days.
Here is the error i am getting
24-May-2017 17:58:22.287 WARNING [grpc-default-executor-0] io.grpc.internal.ChannelExecutor.drain Runnable threw exception in ChannelExecutor
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Jetty ALPN/NPN has not been properly configured.
at io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts.selectApplicationProtocolConfig(
at io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts.configure(
at io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts.configure(
at io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts.forClient(
at io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder.createProtocolNegotiatorByType(
at io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder.createProtocolNegotiator(
at io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder$NettyTransportFactory$DynamicNettyTransportParams.getProtocolNegotiator(
at io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder$NettyTransportFactory.newClientTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.CallCredentialsApplyingTransportFactory.newClientTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.InternalSubchannel.startNewTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.InternalSubchannel.obtainActiveTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl$SubchannelImplImpl.obtainActiveTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.GrpcUtil.getTransportFromPickResult(
at io.grpc.internal.DelayedClientTransport.reprocess(
at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl$LbHelperImpl$
at io.grpc.internal.ChannelExecutor.drain(
at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl$LbHelperImpl.runSerialized(
at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl$NameResolverListenerImpl.onUpdate(
at io.grpc.internal.DnsNameResolver$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Here is my POM File
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Hibernate -->
<!-- jsr303 validation -->
<!-- MySQL -->
<!-- JSON -->
<!-- Joda-Time -->
<!-- To map JodaTime with database type -->
<!-- Servlet+JSP+JSTL -->
<dependency> <!-- security-core for core authentication and access-control classes-->
<dependency> <!-- security-web for web-security infrastructure code -->
<dependency> <!-- security-config contains the security namespace parsing code -->
JAVA implementation i tried
public String convertToText(MultipartFile file) throws Exception {
SpeechClient speech = SpeechClient.create();
byte[] data = file.getBytes();
ByteString audioBytes = ByteString.copyFrom(data);
// Builds the sync recognize request
RecognitionConfig config = RecognitionConfig.newBuilder()
RecognitionAudio audio = RecognitionAudio.newBuilder()
// Performs speech recognition on the audio file
RecognizeResponse response = speech.recognize(config, audio);
List<SpeechRecognitionResult> results = response.getResultsList();
String recText = "";
for (SpeechRecognitionResult result: results) {
List<SpeechRecognitionAlternative> alternatives = result.getAlternativesList();
for (SpeechRecognitionAlternative alternative: alternatives) {
System.out.printf("Transcription: %s%n", alternative.getTranscript());
recText+= " "+alternative.getTranscript();
return recText;
I am using to Tomcat (I don't want to use Jetty) to deploy my .war file.
There are lot of questions around the Internet none of them seems to be having the question answered! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Netty-tcnative 1.x is incompatible with tcnative as used by Tomcat. The incompatibility is resolved with netty-tcantive 2.x. Using the new netty-tcnative required updates to grpc-java, which will be included in the next release, 1.4.0, scheduled for June 6th.

issue in resolving dependencies in gradle custom plugin

I developed one utility in maven.That maven utility i want to use in gradle and maven custom plugins with maven custom plugin this utility is working fine but in case of gradle plugin it is throwing following issue.
Exception is:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':hiveUnitTask'. at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.LogDivertAppender.setWriter(Ljava/io/Writer;)V
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.LogDivertAppender.<init>(
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.OperationManager.initOperationLogCapture(
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.OperationManager.init(
Gradle plugin is developed in java.
Pom file of my utility is as follows:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Remove log4j-over-slf4j from your class path.
I copied class from the package of hive service jar's source code in which this error is coming and placed it in my plugin project by making same package structure as it was in hive service jar,this solved my issue I know its know perfect solution but its workaround that solved my purpose

Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not find artifact

Hi I have an sample project in Magnolia Blossom. When i run the project it is showing Error.
This is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Hyro Magnolia Blossom</name>
<description>Hyro Magnolia and Blossom working example</description>
<!-- Add the Attributes from the POM to properties files -->
<!-- Compiler version -->
<!-- Add timestamp to configuration files -->
<!-- Magnolia Dependencies -->
<!-- Blossom Module -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- Spring MVC -->
at the it is showing the following error:
Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not find artifact info.magnolia:magnolia-parent-pom-community-module:pom:1.0.12-SNAPSHOT and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM
some where i got an idea of deleting all the *lastupdated.xml file but it is not helping.
Anything wrong with the Pom.xml ?
can anyone suggest me how to resolve this.
I tried building your pom. It was missing </project> at the end. I assume this was just copy paste error. Anyway it built fine for me using maven 3.2.1. I did verify info.magnolia:magnolia-parent-pom-community-module:pom:1.0.12-SNAPSHOT does not exist in the nexus.
I did a mvn dependency:tree on your pom and I don't see any dependency on the pom referenced in your error. Maybe you should try and analyze the pom and your end and see where this dependency is being brought in.
Looking at Magnolia Nexus the latest version of parent pom is 29. Your one is quite old. I suggest you change your pom to

Magnolia Activation Module (version 5.1.0) Ensures that the key property '' is present in the Magnolia properties file

I have checked out the following example project ant tried to get it started with magnolia 5
I have updated maven dependencies, fixed a ton of exeptions and errors and my magnolia-empty-webapp pom.xml looks now like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>The basic Magnolia webapp on which projects can depend.</description>
<!-- <version>5.2.4</version> -->
<!-- <version>4.3.1</version> -->
<!-- these are the resources copied by the remote-resources-plugin -->
<!-- <fileset> -->
<!-- <directory>src/main/webapp/templates</directory> -->
<!-- </fileset> -->
<!-- these are the resources copied by the remote-resources-plugin -->
Now when I start magnolia-empty-project, I come to the magnolia installation page. When I click on "Start installation", it comes the following message:
BTW if anyone runs into this issue, to get rid of it, go to WEB-INF/config/default/ and add something like:${magnolia.home}/WEB-INF/config/default/
Pls note that while this is fine for development, you should keep all the files, incl. the keys outside of the (exploded) war file for production use.
Also related (but off topic for the discussion) - you should not need to have DMS in your pom file. Magnolia 5 doesn't need DMS. It was replaced by DAM. Pom file above looks like generated by some old version of the archetype or copied from old project.
I think the problem here is that you are mixing up two different versions of Magnolia. You say you checked out the empty webapp tagged 4.3.1 and then made a lot of changes to it. Have you tried checking out a v5 webapp from the Git repository that replaces the SVN one?
Alternatively, you may find it easier to use the Maven archetypes.
here is the easiest way to get magnolia5 running with an empty-project:
