Firebase Deploy causing multiple errors and not deploying - firebase

Hello I am following this tutorial in order to do push notifications to multiple devices at once in Expo React Native using Firebase's cloud functions. The push tokens are stored in my RealTime-Database, but when I attempt to integrate this step after running firebase login and firebase init, I updated my index.js file to contain this code. After saving this file, I attempt to do firebase deploy and I get 70 errors. I tried to deploy it from my app directory, and didnt work, and I tried to do it from my functions directory and that didn't work. I deleted my node_modules and package-lock, and I tried to rerun expo again and clearing my npm cache. Nothing worked. I already had my firebase app initialized somewhere else, could that be the reason why? But my App itself still works, so I am not getting an error saying that the Firebase app is being initialized twice. I really dont know what else do to. Is the ESLint causing all of these errors? Should I run firebase init again without adding ESLint? Please let me know. My errors are below.

When deploying your code, by default, your code is linted using a tool called ESLint.
The "errors" you see are eslint complaining about trivial things like missing semicolons at the end of a line, using ' instead of ", improperly indented code, among other things. If you ever don't understand what a rule is trying to do, you can visit{rule-name} (such as
As shown in the error message, you can use eslint . --fix to automatically fix most of these. Just enter into your functions directory and execute eslint . --fix.
Most IDEs have a keyboard shortcut for automatically formatting your code to your rules. In VSCode for example, this shortcut is Alt+Shift+F.


GitLab pipeline merge request failed: Invalid Firebase project selection

I've been trying to merge a source branch with a target branch, but have consistently gotten the following error message on my failed job(s):
$ firebase use project_name --token $FIREBASE_TOKEN
Error: Invalid project selection, please verify project project-name exists and you have access.
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
I have followed the advice from this thread and logged out/in from Firebase to use the project again, which unfortunately hasn't worked:
firebase logout
firebase login
firebase use project_name
I've triple-checked that I'm using the correct project name in Firebase, rather than the name of my Gitlab repo.
Unsure if it's related, but when setting up the merge request, GitLab notes that The source branch is 3 commits behind the target branch. I don't believe this is part of the issue, but worth bringing up.
Merging branches has never been an issue until today, and this is the first time I'm seeing this particular error causing the failed jobs. Any advice is appreciated
I added a screenshot image of the projects list, showing I've logged into the necessary Project by Project ID on Firebase. Everything should be connected, but I can't see what I'm missing that's causing the failed jobs.
I've added firebase projects:list within the pipeline editor and get the following error message.
The issue I have here is I cannot find a firebase-debug.log file, after searching ways to find it, and trying to recreate the file by commenting out # firebase-debug.log* in my .gitignore file and running firebase init to try solutions from posts like this. Any thoughts on the original merging issue or how to find firebase-debug.log to move closer to a solution are greatly appreciated.
The setup appears incorrect for CI; eg. one doesn't need to pass $FIREBASE_TOKEN.
The issue might even stem from, that you use --token once and then not anymore.
Please refer to the user manual:
Using a service account might be the least troublesome.
There's also a login --reauth option; and login:ci.

Deploying over an existing Firebase Function without deleting it first fails silently or leads to "Internal" error when called

Our Firebase Functions have been working fine. However, we noticed that recently when we deploy a new version of a function over an existing one, e.g. "firebase deploy --only functions:PurchaseShopItem", the deploy will report success. But the PurchaseShopItem function will simply be the old version. We can even look at the source code and see that it's still the old version.
The only work around is to manually delete the function either from the CLI or from Firebase Functions console.
Related problem: When bulk deploying (for example, "firebase deploy --only functions") some of our functions get stuck in a state where they are present in the Functions Console, but trying to call them leads to an immediate "internal" error return code to the client. No log appears in the Firebase Functions Logs. The fix is the same: If we delete the function first then redeploy, it starts working.
Even deleting a function by removing it from index.js and redeploying doesn't seem to work (the existing function just fails with "internal" and no more information.) Only deleting the function from Console or explicitly from CLI seems to work to replace it.
Has anyone seen this where you must manually delete a function in Firebase Functions Console before you can deploy over it? Are there any work arounds? Are we doing something wrong?
It can take some time for a function to fully deploy after the CLI finishes. That's expected, and the total time can vary. You're not doing anything wrong.

Firebase deploy fails after adding second project

After adding a second project to my code using the command $ firebase use --add second-project, I get the error
There was an issue deploying your functions. Verify that your project has a Google App Engine instance setup at and try again. If this issue persists, please contact support.
Error: HTTP Error: 404, Could not find Application "second-project".
when I run $ firebase deploy.
I have added separate targets and a web app through Firebase console for the second project.
What should I be checking to get rid of this error?
I just ran into this same exact issue as well. Leaving this here for anyone that runs into this issue in the future. What caused this error for me was a permissions error, when Firebase tried to access specific resources in Google Cloud such as Cloud Functions without the necessary IAM/service accounts in place.
This happens when you create a new Firebase project without setting the Default GCP resource location under Settings > General in the Firebase Console, which occurs when you create a new Firebase project without doing any additional setup. You can set this in the settings or this is also set when you follow the walk-through instructions for setting up services such as Firestore or Firebase Storage in the Firebase console.
Without this set, the <YOUR_FIREBASE_PROJECT_NAME> IAM/service account will not be created in Google Cloud (which is needed to create/access specific resources), therefore when you run firebase deploy, it will fail with the error you mentioned above.
You can also check why your firebase deploy is failing in the firebase-debug.log that is generated when running this command (that's how I found out the cause of this error). Though I think this file is deleted after the command finishes execution, so you'll have to pipe the output into a file or save it some other way.
TL;DR: Set Default GCP resource location, one way this can be done is in the Firebase Console under Settings > General.

How long it takes for a firebase hosting to work?

I followed the instructions, and deployed a simple web yesterday. At first, it kept showing the default website, saying " you've deployed successfully...", not my web.
Also, the 'firebase open' command + "Hosting: Deployed Site" leads to a undefined site:' '.
But, magically, about an hour later when I open the link from 'firebase console' again, the web showed up... I am not sure whether 'firebase open' command worked cause I didn't try.
Today, I added some features, and deployed again. In the firebase CLI, it said deployed. But, the link still showed the old version.
I'll catch up an hours later to see whether it works, but even it works, it takes too long.
has anyone had the same experience? what's wrong with my web?
This is how I solved this issue for my angular 7 app deployment on Firebase hosting:
ng build --prod
go to dist/myproject and run command Firebase init and...
I went to dist/myproject that now contain build files along with Firebase related files. Copy all files except Firebase related files to dist folder in side dist/myproject.
there you will get overwrite warning just select overwrite option.
after copy process completes, run command Firebase deploy.
after completion of process go to shown URL and there you will find your running app.

Cloud Functions deployment failiure from Firebase

I seem to be unable to deploy Google Cloud Functions successfully.
I have created a project on Google Cloud Platform and then proceeded to link it to Firebase via the Firebase console. I select ADD PROJECT and Add Firebase to an existing project. Everything seems to link.
When I try to deploy a cloud function (the simple helloWorld that comes with installing firebase-tools) I keep getting deployment errors. This also happens when trying to deploy functions from Google Cloud Functions dashboard as well.
The error is something aboud setting up the environment.
After ttrying to rename the function to something else, I seem to have luck with deploying but then the function but there is a communication error Function load error: Error: cannot communicate with function.
I am unable to deploy functions on two of my projects, and firebase has been acting very strangely in the last few days, so can somebody please tell me if I am doing something wrong or is it a Firebase glitch
Maybe because there is an outage starting from early this morning. Check status here:
