Does MariaDB support data subscriptions? - mariadb

Every time I try Googling for this I end up looking at a "Pricing" page. Does anyone know if MariaDB offer subscriptions similar to Postgres?


Appsmith AWS Dynamo Plugin query

Anyone here using Appsmith open source here:
I have an issue with DynamoDb Plugin.
If anyone worked with Dynamodb in Appsmith, can you guys please show me a simple query that I can put into appsmith query editor and run it correctly? Cause they don't have documents yet.
I saw the DynamoDB Documents in AWS, but don't know how to write it in Appsmith.
Thank guys.
The documentation change has been merged and it is now available at:
A pull request has been raised to add the documentation for DynamoDB plugin. If everything goes well, it should be available in a week or so. I will update after the pull request has been merged. After the merge it will be available on Appsmith's documentation site.
Appsmith also has a very active Discord channel where you can ask questions and get resolution super fast. Apart from this please feel free to initiate a Github discussion or send an email to

Can I migrate to Woo Commerce from Big Commerce

Have been using BigCommerce for quite sometime for my online store. Now that they are increasing the price, I'm pondering about switching to another platform.
Wordpress with Woocommerce certainly did catch my attention. Wanted to find out if anybody had moved from Bigcommerce to Woocommerce successfully (or to any other platform for that matter) and if yes, are you missing anything as far as features or ease of use concerned.
Did the move affect sales/customer satisfaction? Also any comments on any potential problems highly appreciated too.
To answer your question in the subject: Yes, a migration should be possible using a tool like Shopping Cart Migration
To your second question: I have no experience with this tool or a shop to shop migration in general. Important points that come to my mind:
Replication of the design and functionality of the front end
Migration of user data
Migration of order data (connected to user data)
Migration of stored credit card information (in case of stored subscriptions)

Posting graphite events to Hosted Graphite

I'm using Hosted Graphite and trying to add deploy events to my grafana dashboard. I first attempted to use the method described here.
The metric is added to graphite with a simple line at the end of the deploy script:
echo "$$ENVIRONMENT.api.deploy 1" \
| nc -uw0 2003
I can show those data points in a simple graph, but using the annotations feature with the "regular metric query" doesn't seem to be adding anything to the graphs.
I'm more interested in using real events, based on: This should allow us to tag the event with, for example, the commit hash or git tag. Unfortunately, I can't find anything in the Hosted Graphite documentation about how to get these data into graphite. I also can't find anything about it in the graphite docs.
Despite the lack of docs, I tried posting to a few endpoints, just hoping to get lucky. All of these returned 404:
where XXXXXX is the path prefix I have when accessing the graphite dashboard at /XXXXXX/graphite/dashboard.
I also tried contacting Hosted Graphite support but the "Support" link seems to go nowhere.
Hosted Graphite employee here.
UPDATE: We support Graphite Events and Annotations now:
We don't currently support events, but it is in development.
This is the reason there is no mention of this functionality in our documentation.
We do support annotations based on metrics.
Which support link didn't work for you? I'll get that fixed :)
You can email us at support+so# or on twitter, as you already discovered.
I'm sorry I don't have a better solution to tagging deploys right now ( it's something we want to be able to do too) but it should be available soon.
Please get in touch via email if there's anything else we can help with.
EDIT: We're using Intercom for support, do you have something like noscript/disconnect that might stop that from working?

Nagios Availability

It is possible to generate a Availability Report order by Time Ok?
I'm trying to make in the nagios and centreon without any result.
Can someone tell me if it is possible and how to make it?
I think what you are asking for is commonly called an SLA Report -- IE, a listing of services/hosts showing the amount of time in an OK (or scheduled downtime) state.
If you use the Thruk frontend for Nagios (required the livestatus plugin to be installed) then this has such a report built in.

Connecting Zope to Postgres with savepoint support - Alternatives to ZPsycopgDA

Is there a way to get savepoint support in a Zope connection to Postgres?
I'm currently using ZPsycopgDA, which doesn't support savepoints, and is also hard to install with buildout. Would switching to something like SQLAlchemyDA make things easier?
Background: I've got my users in a postgres database, but when I try look at the history, I get errors about savepoints. That problem is explained here:
I would recommend asking in the Plone forums:
I'm not using much relational databases myself, but in general you can use collective.tin and other integration products that hook up SQLAlchemy to Plone for content, or if you want to store everything in a relational database, look at RelStorage.
It turned out that SQLAlchemyDA does seem to support savepoints - at least when I switched to it, it did fix the issue.
