Posting graphite events to Hosted Graphite - graphite

I'm using Hosted Graphite and trying to add deploy events to my grafana dashboard. I first attempted to use the method described here.
The metric is added to graphite with a simple line at the end of the deploy script:
echo "$$ENVIRONMENT.api.deploy 1" \
| nc -uw0 2003
I can show those data points in a simple graph, but using the annotations feature with the "regular metric query" doesn't seem to be adding anything to the graphs.
I'm more interested in using real events, based on: This should allow us to tag the event with, for example, the commit hash or git tag. Unfortunately, I can't find anything in the Hosted Graphite documentation about how to get these data into graphite. I also can't find anything about it in the graphite docs.
Despite the lack of docs, I tried posting to a few endpoints, just hoping to get lucky. All of these returned 404:
where XXXXXX is the path prefix I have when accessing the graphite dashboard at /XXXXXX/graphite/dashboard.
I also tried contacting Hosted Graphite support but the "Support" link seems to go nowhere.

Hosted Graphite employee here.
UPDATE: We support Graphite Events and Annotations now:
We don't currently support events, but it is in development.
This is the reason there is no mention of this functionality in our documentation.
We do support annotations based on metrics.
Which support link didn't work for you? I'll get that fixed :)
You can email us at support+so# or on twitter, as you already discovered.
I'm sorry I don't have a better solution to tagging deploys right now ( it's something we want to be able to do too) but it should be available soon.
Please get in touch via email if there's anything else we can help with.
EDIT: We're using Intercom for support, do you have something like noscript/disconnect that might stop that from working?


Google Assistant Assistance find the API End Points that are being used

I am trying to fault find a Google assistant project that has stopped working suddenly. I am not an expert here in fact this is my first time looking at it but it's a needs must! I have also inherited this entire project with little to no documentation (this includes the AWS backend) - so fun! Anyway the first thing I want to do is find exactly which API end points are being used when various phrases are used. For example 'Turn On My Lamp' I am assuming at some point will call one of the (many many) end points on the AWS hosted API. I'm struggling with trying to find what API endpoints Google is using so I can check they resolve correctly. I found the fulfilment URL and that has taken me into the firbase console but from here I cannot find anything. How can I find which endpoints are being called?

Google One-tap project status

Does anyone know what is the status of Google One-tap AKA YOLO project?
It seems like all the official documentation on One-tap is gone. The cached version states:
The beta test program for this API is currently closed. We are improving the API's cross-browser functionality and will provide updates here in the coming months.
There are quite some websites which are still using this technology, either because they were in Beta and/or whitelisted by Google.
There is a new version that addresses the feedback and issues from the beta, it's available as of 2020 Q1:
All of the prior URLs regarding one tap are all 404 errors now. Seems like it was totally canned and they are deferring to the more generic sign in integration from a website login page.
The offical document of the project has been updated. Please see the latest status there.
this time stuff gonna be the opposite > 2. Headings:
reword//06{GUIDEDLATEVIEW||2022 blank

Braintree Hosted Fields Example

I am trying to get my head round the Hosted Fields framework of Braintree. It has been released just a few days ago and is still in beta.
I looked at the docs. I'm getting the overall idea but it would be nice to have some sort of small working example to start with. I found a github repo but the code does not seem to be working.
Google search did not deliver anything of value (just articles commenting on the idea). Can you point me to a working example (preferably one using rails) ?
I work at Braintree and was one of the developers on the Hosted Fields team. Glad to see so many people using it!
I made a GitHub repo that should answer your question. Basically, you have to set up Braintree on the server, create a client token, and then pass that client token to braintree.setup in the JavaScript.
The bulk of the Hosted Fields work happens in the "new transaction" view.
Hope this helps!

Google Analytics Report Automation (Magic Script) - Permissions Error for Advanced Segments

I recently watched a video by Nicholas Blexrud on how to integrate Google Google Spreadsheet with Analytics.
The tools works great accept when adding an advanced segment. See error below.
Error executing query1: User does not have sufficient permissions for this advanced segment.
Anyone know how to solve this issue?
I know that Nicholas Blexrud... super nice guy... :)
Sounds like you weren't the one who originally created the segment, could that be the case? You should be able to recreate the segment using the same login you are using for the api. That's funny though, I've never run across the error.

Data from Google Analytics

So Google Analytics does not have an API that we can use to get our data, so is there an efficient way to programaticly fetch the data collected by Google, without logging it locally?
I would prefer a Python or PHP solution but anything will work.
Google just announced that they're making available a data export API for Google Analytics. It sounds like that's exactly what you're looking for.
Per their announcement, the feature's currently in private beta, but I figure it'll be rolled out to all accounts in coming weeks/months. Depending on your needs, you may just want to wait, instead of building a short-term hackish solution.
If you're interested, I presume that the functionality's being rolled out first to members of the Google Analytics Trusted Tester program.
Also, I forgot about this: I never actually completely implemented this for a client because the deal fell through...
But you can customize the dashboard to include the sections of Google Analytics that your report might need and have a scheduled email. If the reports do not need to be too detailed and if Google already aggregates the data in the way you need it, then this might work for you.
The Google Analytics API is now open to everyone and looks like it contains the full data set
Well, it depends on what you want to do with the data. If you only want to process part of it, then I don't think it is difficult.
Here's a basic web search with a hit explanations from Google and someone else:
There is a completely programmatic way to access the data using greqo(PHP), but the analytics class is in beta. Check it out here.
If beta is not acceptable, you can use a mixture of the XML and Yahoo Pipes to get what you need.
Basic Method
Obtain the tracking data in a usable
format – We can schedule Google
Analytics to email this as an XML file
on a regular basis.
Make the XML file accessible online –
By emailing an attachment to Google
Groups, the file is automatically
given a public URL.
Work out the URL of the most recent
report – Since Google Groups provides
RSS/Atom feeds for all messages, we
can easily find the URL of the most
recent message and therefore work out
the URL of the XML report.
Prepare the data for use – We need to
manipulate the XML and massage it into
a handy JSON format that we can use on
our blog, which can all be done using
Yahoo Pipes.
Taken from here.
I implemented a solution where we scheduled the analytics report to be emailed to a gmail account each day and I pulled the report on demand via POP3. It's pretty easy and works fast. I've heard Epic1 will do this for you as well. I'm researching that now.
If you're using Python, Pandas io is also very helpful. Pandas has an interface on top of the Google Analytics API. It's pretty simple to get up and running and integrates with Pandas so you get the aggregation, time series features, and other data analysis library features.
instructions on how to authenticate and shows examples:
more examples:
I've also posted a few queries to get started
Its been a while since I had to deal with this, but Google Analytics has an XML output type, so you can parse that to get the data in your own system. However, I believe that there is no way to get the xml file programatically, so someone still has to go in and generate the file and feed it to your app.
Good question though, I'd love to see if there is a 100% automated solution.
We just released a product - Megalytic - that makes it very easy to create custom reports using data from the Google Analytics API. You can email these reports to others without sharing your Google Analytics account. Also, create links to reports, download as PDF, etc.
