Hosting an website in a windows 10 virtual machine -

Is it possible and an acceptable solution to use a machine with windows os (not windows server) to host an website? Is all I need IIS regardless the os?

Yes it is possible. if your working with all you need is IIS witch is only integrated with Windows platforms. on the other hand if you're working with core it does not require IIS and can also be deployed to linux platforms.


Can I host a .Net Framework Website on Synology NAS

I have written a website in Visual Studio using .Net Framework (4.7.2). (Note: it is not using .net Core)
It is an website that uses .aspx pages and uses a SQL Server Database on my laptop.
Is it possible to run this website on my Synology NAS and if so would it be able to connect to the database on my laptop (that is on the same network).
.Net framework app can only be run in Windows OS. But Synology is Linux based.
So if you want to run your app in Synology badly, you need to convert it to .Net Core app.
Here is my answer in another question explaining how to run .Net core app in Synology.
Publish Net Core Web API in NAS Synology
You need a full os running windows, and then you also need sql server installed, and you also need iis (internet services (the web server)) installed on that server.
So you need a windows os, and preferably a server based version of windows (such as windows server 2019).
Unless that server allows you to install and run windows software? Then no that will not work.

windows server Active Directory users data into Windows Phone 7?

How do I connect to windows server active directory using Windows Phone 7 without using a web service/ WCF. Microsoft didn't provide "System.DirectorySerice" namespace in Windows Compact Framework.
Unfortunately this is not an available part of the platform for WP7 developers. A web service and/or WCF is the only option in this first release.

How can i find out what version of IIS i need to deploy ASP.NET+VB App?

I just got application written in ASP.NET and VB, can i deploy it on any IIS?
Are there any files in project with that kind of information?
There are no files or magic numbers anywhere that can tell you this. Chances are preety good that it will run on a newer versions of IIS but even then your goign to need to know what functionality it requires. For example is it using WebDav? IIS is preety good at being backwards compatible but forward compability not so good. For example IIS7 introduced new functionality which if the application is using it, would prevent it from running on IIS6.
Do you know what version of .net it requires that is more likely to bite you then anything else?
Any IIS that supports ISAPI, I guess, but IIS 5.1 + is recommended (.NET probably won't run on OS that run IIS4 anyway).
Here is a good MSDN link detailing which IIS version comes with which version of Windows as well as useful links for configuring it.
ASP.NET and IIS Configuration
IIS 6 is the minimum for recent .NET versions (i.e. Windows 2003) because Win2000 is not supported (considering server only here).
The Windows version will tell you the IIS version:
Server 2003: IIS 6
Server 2008: IIS 7
Server 2008 R2: IIS 7.5
Also XP: IIS5.1; Vista: IIS7

Can I write an .aspx app on Windows XP?

I'm planning to write a aspx pages on Windows XP machine. I have IIS 7.0 enabled and virtual directory setup. Are aspx page developments allowed on Win XP?
Yes, you can develop ASP.NET pages (.aspx) on Windows XP. XP only runs IIS 5.1, however you don't even need IIS installed as Visual Web Developer Express has a built-in web server you can use during development.. To get started, I would go to and download Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express. After doing that, go to to learn the basics. Post any questions or problems you encounter back here on StackOverflow.
The new Web Platform Installer now supports XP:

Is it possible to host an ASPX web site on Linux?

We are trying to convert a lot of things at work over to Linux Red hat. Recently Windows Server 2003 was installed. We are currently hosting an asp .net web site on the windows server machine, what I'm wondering is if there is any software that will allow you to host the same web site on linux?
To a certain extent, yes. The Mono Project has support for ASP.NET 2.0 web sites.
You could consider running a windows virutal machine on a linux host using virtualization software like vmware. I don't know if this fits with what you're trying to do, but it is another option.
