Can I write an .aspx app on Windows XP? -

I'm planning to write a aspx pages on Windows XP machine. I have IIS 7.0 enabled and virtual directory setup. Are aspx page developments allowed on Win XP?

Yes, you can develop ASP.NET pages (.aspx) on Windows XP. XP only runs IIS 5.1, however you don't even need IIS installed as Visual Web Developer Express has a built-in web server you can use during development.. To get started, I would go to and download Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express. After doing that, go to to learn the basics. Post any questions or problems you encounter back here on StackOverflow.

The new Web Platform Installer now supports XP:


Visual Studio configures my local IIS website as an ASP.NET website

We are using Visual Studio 2008 on IIS 7, and on some machines we are having trouble getting Visual Studio to recognize our website as an IIS website. On most machines it is configured properly, displaying and running under http://localhost/websitename. But on a couple of machines - using the same solution file - it loads it as a directory/ site: in VS it appears as c:...\foldername, and when running it, it comes up as http://localhost:randomportnumber/websitename.
We tried removing and then re-adding the site through the File-> Open Website-> Local IIS, but when we select the site it automatically changes it to a site.
Thanks in advance.
In the properties of the project, you can specify whether or not to use IIS or the built-in ASP.NET server.
When you debug a website and you see the odd port number after local, you are running the visual studio web server Cassini and not through IIS.
You can configure this when you go to property settings on your website.

Installer App 4.0 Cassini SQL Express

We have built an ASP.NET application in 4.0 (we can change it to 3.5 if necessary) with a SQL Server database.
I am looking to create an installation package (exe or msi) so that I can provide this file to my clients and they can install it on all of their laptops. This application will be running on laptops that don't have access to the internet.
Some of these laptops have XP Home, Win 7 Home, and other windows operating systems and not all of them have IIS installed. Is there some sort of simple application that I can use to create an Installer application where it will install IIS or some other web server, SQL Express, and .NET framework 4.0. If these applications are installed already, then it shouldn't install it. Any suggestions?
You could accomplish this using a Setup Project in Visual Studio.
I know about Web Deployment Packages. See if that helps in some way.
Check this extensive list of useful links:
Overview Post for Web Deployment in VS 2010
My company (Comet Way) makes a product that is designed for this: Our customers use it when they need to access web databases offline on laptops. It's an assembly that you can distribute with your product without requiring a separate install, it works on any machine with .NET (or Mono), and it implements a full featured secure web server that runs any website that IIS will run.
Hope this helps,

Debugging HTTPS ASP.NET site in Visual Studio 2008?

How do other people debug HTTPS sites from Visual Studio 2008? This link seems to indicate that Visual Studio's built in web server does not support HTTPS, but there must be some way to debug these sites, right? If not the integrated server, can IIS7 be set as the debugging web server?
Yes, you may set IIS as the debugging server by clicking Properties on the project, (waiting patiently while it slowly loads), then go to the Web tab and choose Use IIS Web server instead of Use Visual Studio Development Server.
-- Edit
More generally, to answer the question, I typically just disable SSL while debugging. It's rare that I need to test how I'm dealing with things via SSL, and depending on how I'm creating the SSL links, it can be modified pretty simply, with an #if DEBUG.
This article Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0, gives an overview of using Visual Studio 2008 Web development features with IIS 7.

Vista Home Premium IIS 7.0 and

New laptop, new operating system. Windows Vista premium.
I've installed Visual Studio and IIS 7.0.
I open my web project in visual studio and vist the properties view for the web app.
The webDev server is currently selected.
I select IIS instead and I get the warning IIS telling me I need to install IIS 6.0 configuration compatability/meta base and windows authentication
All those are installed apart from windows authentication (which I am told is not supported for Vista Home Premium).
Is it possible to configure my web apps to run on IIS (I will also need debugging capability)
You need to turn on Windows Features on for IIS 6.0 configuration
Just go Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features On or Off.
In opened window choose which configuration is you want to configure your web application
For more information about IIS7 go to IIS.NET

Unable to start debugging on the Web Server. Visual Studio 2008

I am running visual studio 2008 on vista business 64-bit. I am getting the following exception when I try to debug against IIS.
"Unable to start debugging on the web server. The object identifier does not represent a valid object".
IIS and Visual Studio are on the same box.
I've tried adding Windows Authentication but no luck (my app requires forms authentication, fyi).
Any thoughts? I have a binding on the Web Site. The IIS app is a Web SIte not a virtual directly.
You have switch on Windows Authentication in IIS
Is your pc and the webserver on the same Windows domain? If not, or there is a DMZ between your pc and the web server you could experience problems unless you've explicitly setup trust between the machines.
Go to IIS right click on your project go to Asp.Net tab change the version to your current verion you are using.
This problem comes when you are using a higher version and decided to switch to a lower version and vice versa changing to your version might solve the problem
