Can anyone help me with the R packages EcoSimR and bipartite? - r

I'm trying to use these packages to niche analysis but both seems to be removed from CRAN and packages which should replace them are not working. There is a new source for these packages or any way to carry out this analysis using another package?
Thank you!

Here you can download the archived file:
Save the EcoSimR_0.1.0.tar to your folder.
Got to Packages in RStudio and press install
Install from archive


Cannot install tidymodels package

I am not too sure why the tidymodels package is not installing for me, can someone help me with this?
From Start, go to R and open RGui. Type install.packages("tidymodels"). This should work. You will probably need to select the cran location (closest to you). If this does not work, uninstall and then reinstall R and then follow the above steps. Close RGui and do not save workspace image.

termstrc in version of R 3.5.2

I'm writing my master thesis degree and I have to estimate the term structure of some European banks interest rate, and I have to estimate them by the Svensson model. My version of R si 3.5.1 and it doesn't recognize the "termstc" package and I don't know how can I solve the problem. Can someone tell me how I can fix it? I would be very grateful if someone can. I should deliver my thesis within a month.
You can install archived packages using remotes::install_url. For example,
Of course there is a reason the package was archived, and it hasn't been updated in 5 years, so you probably should not. But you can, if you want.
Package 'termstrc' was removed from the CRAN repository. You can download it from the archive and install the package manually in Rstudio or using the following command:
Besides, there will be some errors when you load this packages (eg. Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘termstrc’ in loadNamespace). Just install the related packages as the following command:

Installation package r2excel R package

I would like to install the package r2excel.
Unfortunately, I can't do that because of my proxy.
So, I have to obtain r2excel.tar.gz to install my package.
Could you help me?
Of course I tried:
but it isn't working as I said because of my proxy...
Thanks in advance!
If you're using RStudio,
Go to the Packages tab, click the Install button, and change "Install from:" to Package Archive File (.tgz; .tar.gz)

Installing Packages in R - mgarch

im trying to install mgarch package from Github. I downloaded the zip file: mgarch_0.00-1.tar.gz
I tried this procedure:
install.packages('', lib='destination_directory',repos = NULL)
as said here Manually Downloading and Installing Packages in R
But didnt work
Another procedure was: How to install development version of R packages github repository
As suggested at this link i had to install devtools from Hadley.
I did, and nothing happened.
As a begginer im really lost. Just want something to clear my way, because i need to run an BEKK GARCH Model.
try this
installs this package
is that the one you want?
the syntax for install_github is (usually) install_github("username/repository") this is rather poorly documented in the ?install_github documentation

How to upload arules package in R

I am not able to upload arules package
Below is the following command I am using
I have downloaded the file from still it is not able to upload it.
Can anyone help me out
pls. find below GUI - Screen for Rcmdr Package
Open RStudio.
Go to the “Packages” tab and click on “Install Packages”. The first time you’ll do this you’ll be prompted to choose a CRAN mirror. R will download all necessary files from the server you select here. Choose the location closest to you (probably “USA CA 1” or “USA CA 2”, which are housed at UC Berkeley and UCLA, respectively).
Install packages in Windows
Start typing “Rcmdr” until you see it appear in a list. Select the first option (or finish typing Rcmdr), ensure that “Install dependencies” is checked, and click “Install”.
Install Rcmdr in Windows
Wait while all the parts of the R Commander package are installed.
I had a similar problem. I solve it using
#install and load devtools to install directly from github
If you want to install "arules" package, you may not be able to install it just using the code below.
<< install.packages("arules") >>
follow the steps in order to solve problem:
go to the package's address and download it will find it in the link below:
If you are using R-Studio just install that package you have got, by "tools" menu in your IDE (R-studio)
Tools->Install packages->...
brows the file in your computer and install it.
go to the command line and using library(arules) function test the package. If there is still an error it could belong to incompatibility of the package with the version of R (Not R-Studio or any other IDE that you are using), just upgrade R and try installation period again.
I had a related problem where I could not install arules after being able to successfully install many libraries. I finally learned that I needed to update to 3.4 for arules. In order to do that, I followed duckmayr's answer HERE. Then, I was able to install arules with no issues, and it worked.
