How can I built a HOC for guarding routes if I am using httpOnly cookie? - next.js

I am storing my token in a httpOnly cookie, but when I want to built a HOC for guarding the routes there is no way to access the cookie directly inside a component, I have to do it inside the server side,
I tried to do something like this but it doesn't work:
import Cookie from "cookies";
const withAuth = (Page) => {
Page.getServerSideProps = async ({ req, res }) => {
const cookie = new Cookie(req, res);
const token = cookie.get("token");
if (!token)
return {
redirect: {
permanent: false,
destination: "/login",
return {
props: {
return Page;
export default withAuth;

The getServerSideProps function only works in pages, not components.
The following snippet should help you create a HOC for authentication. This example uses the concepts of closures. I'll call this one withAdministrator.jsx.
// withAdministrator.jsx
export default (GetServerSidePropsFunction) => async (ctx) => {
// 1. Check if there is a token.
const token = ctx.req.cookies?.jwt || null;
// 2. Perform an authorized HTTP GET request to the private API to get user data.
// In here, assume that 'getAuth' is a function to perform authorized GET request using the token value in the 'Authorization' header.
const { data } = await getAuth(`${process.env.PRIVATE_API_URL}/api/v1/users/user`, token);
// 3. If there is no user, or the user is not an admin, then redirect to unauthorized.
if (!data || data.role !== 'admin') {
return {
redirect: {
destination: '/unauthorized',
permanent: false,
// 4. Return via closure: 'GetServerSidePropsFunction'.
return await GetServerSidePropsFunction(ctx);
You'll call it like this. Let's say you want to access the /admin route.
export const getServerSideProps = withAdministrator(() => {
return {
props: {},
const Admin = () => {
return (
<YourComponent />
You can do anything you want inside the returned function. For example, you might want to fetch data after authenticating the user.
Further reading: Data fetching in Next.js.


How to redirect using `getServerSideProps` with props in Next.js?

After a user signs in, I use router.push() to redirect the user to their profile page. I am using getServerSideProps() for authentication right now. When the redirect happens, the props don't seem to be fetched and I have to refresh the browser myself to call gSSR. Is this behavior normal or is there a way to fix it?
Demonstration - Updated
import {useRouter} from 'next/router';
export default function Login({user}) {
const router = useRouter();
// invoked on submission
async function submitLoginForm(email, password) {
const user = await signIn(email, password)
const username = await getUsernameFromDB(user);
router.push("/" + username);
return ( ... );
export async function getServerSideProps({req}) {
const user = await getUserFromCookie(req);
if(user === null) {
return {
props: {}
return {
redirect: {
destination: `/${user.username}`,
permanent: false
export default function Profile({user, isUser}) {
// Use isUser to render different interface.
return ( ... );
export async function getServerSideProps({params, req}) {
// The username of the path.
const profileUsername = params.username
// Current user.
const user = await getUserFromCookie(req);
if(user !== null) {
return {
props: {
user: user,
isUser: user !== null && profileUsername === user.username
return {
notFound: true
The cookie is set in the _app.js using the Supabase auth sdk.
function MyApp({Component, pageProps}) {
supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange( ( event, session ) => {
fetch( "/api/auth", {
method: "POST",
headers: new Headers( { "Content-Type": "application/json" } ),
credentials: "same-origin",
body: JSON.stringify( { event, session } ),
} );
} );
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />
I would recommend that you update your _app.js like that:
import { useEffect } from 'react';
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
// make sure to run this code only once per application lifetime
useEffect(() => {
// might return an unsubscribe handler
return supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange(( event, session ) => {
fetch( "/api/auth", {
method: "POST",
headers: new Headers( { "Content-Type": "application/json" } ),
credentials: "same-origin",
body: JSON.stringify( { event, session } ),
}, []);
return <Component {...pageProps} />;
Also, please make clear what is happening. E.g. my current expectation:
Not authenticated user opens the "/login" page
He does some login against a backend, that sets a cookie value with user information
Then router.push("/" + username); is called
But the problem now: On page "/foo" he sees now the Not-Found page instead of the user profile
Only after page reload, you see the profile page correctly
If the above is correct, then it is possible the following line is not correctly awaiting the cookie to be persisted before the navigation happens:
const user = await signIn(email, password)
It could be that some internal promise is not correctly chained/awaited.
As an recommendation, I would log to the console the current cookie value before calling the router.push to see if the cookie was already saved.

Server side next auth cookies [duplicate]

Cookies are not sent to the server via getServerSideProps, here is the code in the front-end:
export async function getServerSideProps() {
const res = await axios.get("http://localhost:5000/api/auth", {withCredentials: true});
const data = await;
return { props: { data } }
On the server I have a strategy that checks the access JWT token.
export class JwtStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy, "jwt") {
constructor() {
ignoreExpiration: false,
secretOrKey: "secret",
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromExtractors([
(request: Request) => {
console.log(request.cookies) // [Object: null prototype] {}
let data = request.cookies['access'];
return data;
async validate(payload: any){
return payload;
That is, when I send a request via getServerSideProps cookies do not come to the server, although if I send, for example via useEffect, then cookies come normally.
That's because the request inside getServerSideProps doesn't run in the browser - where cookies are automatically sent on every request - but actually gets executed on the server, in a Node.js environment.
This means you need to explicitly pass the cookies to the axios request to send them through.
export async function getServerSideProps({ req }) {
const res = await axios.get("http://localhost:5000/api/auth", {
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
Cookie: req.headers.cookie
const data = await;
return { props: { data } }
The same principle applies to requests made from API routes to external APIs, cookies need to be explicitly passed as well.
export default function handler(req, res) {
const res = await axios.get("http://localhost:5000/api/auth", {
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
Cookie: req.headers.cookie
const data = await;

Get supabase `user` server side in next.js

I am attempting to get the current logged in supabase user while server side.
I have attempted to use const user = supabase.auth.user(); but I always get a null response.
I have also attempted const user = supabase.auth.getUserByCookie(req) but it also returns null. I think because I am not sending a cookie to the api when calling it from the hook.
I have tried passing the from the hook to the api but the api is not receiving the parameters.
I also attempted this approach but the token is never fetched. It seems to not exist in req.cookies.
let supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey);
let token = req.cookies['sb:token'];
if (!token) {
let authRequestResult = await fetch(`${supabaseUrl}/auth/v1/user`, {
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
'APIKey': supabaseKey
Does anyone know how to get the current logged in user in server side code?
If you need to get the user in server-side, you need to set the Auth Cookie in the server using the given Next.js API.
// pages/api/auth.js
import { supabase } from "../path/to/supabaseClient/definition";
export default function handler(req, res) {
if (req.method === "POST") {
supabase.auth.api.setAuthCookie(req, res);
} else {
res.setHeader("Allow", ["POST"]);
message: `Method ${req.method} not allowed`,
This endpoint needs to be called every time the state of the user is changed, i.e. the events SIGNED_IN and SIGNED_OUT
You can set up a useEffect in _app.js or probably in a User Context file.
// _app.js
import "../styles/globals.css";
import { supabase } from '../path/to/supabaseClient/def'
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
useEffect(() => {
const { data: authListener } = supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((event, session) => {
handleAuthChange(event, session)
if (event === 'SIGNED_IN') {
// TODO: Actions to Perform on Sign In
if (event === 'SIGNED_OUT') {
// TODO: Actions to Perform on Logout
return () => {
}, [])
return <Component {...pageProps} />;
async function handleAuthChange(event, session) {
await fetch('/api/auth', {
method: 'POST',
headers: new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }),
credentials: 'same-origin',
body: JSON.stringify({ event, session }),
export default MyApp;
You can now handle this user with a state and pass it to the app or whichever way you'd like to.
You can get the user in the server-side in any Next.js Page
// pages/user_route.js
import { supabase } from '../path/to/supabaseClient/def'
export default function UserPage ({ user }) {
return (
<h1>Email: {}</h1>
export async function getServerSideProps({ req }) {
const { user } = await supabase.auth.api.getUserByCookie(req)
if (!user) {
return { props: {}, redirect: { destination: '/sign-in' } }
return { props: { user } }
Here's a YouTube Tutorial from Nader Dabit -
And his GitHub Repository -
supabase have a library of helpers for managing auth for both client- and server-side auth and fetching in a couple of frameworks including Next.js: and appears to be the recommended solution for similar problems based on this thread:
This is how I'm using it in an API handler, but provided you have access to req, you can access the user object this way:
import { supabaseServerClient } from '#supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs';
const { user } = await supabaseServerClient({ req, res }).auth.api.getUser(req.cookies["sb-access-token"]);
Note that you will need to use the helper library supabaseClient and supabaseServerClient on the client and server side respectively for this to work as intended.
I was following a tutorial today and was having a similar issue and the below is how i managed to fix it.
I've got this package installed which is why i'm calling cookie.parse.
Supabase Instance:
import { createClient } from "#supabase/supabase-js";
export const supabase = createClient(
In my case this was my API page:
import { supabase } from "../../../utils/supabase";
import cookie from "cookie";
import initStripe from "stripe";
const handler = async (req, res) => {
const { user } = await supabase.auth.api.getUserByCookie(req);
if (!user) {
return res.status(401).send("Unathorized");
const token = cookie.parse(req.headers.cookie)["sb-access-token"];
supabase.auth.session = () => ({
access_token: token,
const {
data: { stripe_customer },
} = await supabase
For anyone who tries to figure out how to get the user server side with the new #supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs, Michele gave the answer.
Just a note: If you're trying to get the user on nextJs's Middleware, instead of:
... req.cookies["sb-access-token"]
You have to use: req.cookies.get('sb-access-token')
For example:
import { supabaseServerClient } from '#supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs';
const { user } = await supabaseServerClient({ req, res }).auth.api.getUser(req.cookies.get('sb-access-token'))
UPDATE: 2023. Available now on Supabase Docs here
import { createServerSupabaseClient } from '#supabase/auth-helpers-nextjs'
export default function Profile({ user }) {
return <div>Hello {}</div>
export const getServerSideProps = async (ctx) => {
// Create authenticated Supabase Client
const supabase = createServerSupabaseClient(ctx)
// Check if we have a session
const {
data: { session },
} = await supabase.auth.getSession()
if (!session)
return {
redirect: {
destination: '/',
permanent: false,
return {
props: {
initialSession: session,
user: session.user,

How do I properly keep user logged in, in nextjs

I am storing the token in a http only cookie and in redux and I am protecting my routes via getServerSideProps by checking req.cookies.token and if there is no token I redirect to login, the problem is if the user refreshes the page he can visit the protected routes because the token is still there, but to get the token on the client side I have to send a request to api/checkAuth which will return the data (token) in the cookie, this request I am sending from _app.js so I don't have to do in each page individually ( otherwise I could just sent the token from getServerSideProps to the page as props) but the problem is this request sent from _app.js takes time to finish while the user is allowed to visit the page and when I have request inside useEffect my token is not available immediately so I have to use token as dependency in the useEffect array and only send request if token exists, but this solution doesn't seem good to me, what is the correct way to do it?
Here is the way I am guarding routes:
const withAuth = (GetServerSidePropsFunction) => async (ctx) => {
const token = ctx.req.cookies?.token || null;
if (!token) {
return {
redirect: {
destination: "/login",
permanent: false,
return await GetServerSidePropsFunction(ctx);
export default withAuth;
And this is the request in _app.tsx that is being sent to get the token:
useEffect(() => {
let token = (store as any).user?.token;
if (!token) {
fetch("/api/checkAuth", {
method: "POST",
body: "",
.then((res) => {
return res.json();
.then((cookieData) => {
if (cookieData.token)
store.dispatch(setUser(token: cookieData.token }));
}, []);

NextAuth with custom Credential Provider Not creating session

I am attempting to implement NextAuth in my NextJs app. I am following the official documentation. But for one reason or the other, it seems like the user session object is not generated on login.
Here is my code from my pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js file
import NextAuth from "next-auth";
import Providers from "next-auth/providers";
import axios from "axios";
export default (req, res) =>
NextAuth(req, res, {
providers: [
id: 'app-login',
name: APP
authorize: async (credentials) => {
console.log("credentials_:", credentials);
try {
const data = {
username: credentials.username,
password: credentials.password
// API call associated with authentification
// look up the user from the credentials supplied
const user = await login(data);
if (user) {
// Any object returned will be saved in `user` property of the JWT
return Promise.resolve(user);
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid Username and Password combination'));
site: process.env.NEXTAUTH_URL || "http://localhost:3000",
session: {
// Use JSON Web Tokens for session instead of database sessions.
// This option can be used with or without a database for users/accounts.
// Note: `jwt` is automatically set to `true` if no database is specified.
jwt: true,
// Seconds - How long until an idle session expires and is no longer valid.
maxAge: 1 * 3 * 60 * 60, // 3 hrs
// Seconds - Throttle how frequently to write to database to extend a session.
// Use it to limit write operations. Set to 0 to always update the database.
// Note: This option is ignored if using JSON Web Tokens
updateAge: 24 * 60 * 60, // 24 hours
callbacks: {
// signIn: async (user, account, profile) => { return Promise.resolve(true) },
// redirect: async (url, baseUrl) => { return Promise.resolve(baseUrl) },
// session: async (session, user) => { return Promise.resolve(session) },
// jwt: async (token, user, account, profile, isNewUser) => { return Promise.resolve(token) }
pages: {
signIn: '/auth/credentials-signin',
signOut: '/auth/credentials-signin?logout=true',
error: '/auth/credentials-signin', // Error code passed in query string as ?error=
debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development",
secret: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH_SECRET,
jwt: {
secret: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_JWT_SECRET,
const login = async data => {
var config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': "application/json; charset=utf-8",
'corsOrigin': '*',
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
const url = remote_user_url;
const result = await, data, config);
console.log('result', result);
return result;
What am I not getting it right here? Thanks for the help.
I managed to resolve the issue eventually. Something was wrong due to specifying the 'id' and 'name' options for the custom credential provider
I have removed them and the code is working now.
