why can I see wordpress site directories & files in browser? - wordpress

I installed WP locally on XAMPP.
When I manually type my project root in a browser I start seeing this. But when I run the project through VScode Live server I start seeing all files and directories of my site see here.
Why does this happen? Is it because I run the project locally? Or is it because the root is followed by :5050 port number?
My theme style.css is empty.
My theme index.php contains only starting html !+tab attributes (see here)

The first image looks like to be served by apache which loads mod_php which "executes" the php code of every .php file and serve the result as html.
The second image looks like an application running on port 5000 (which might not be apache) and NOT using a module to "execute" .php file so it just shows the content of the folder.


Netbeans step through out of project tree files for debugging (PHP)

I am writing a Wordpress plugin that depends on another plugin with netbeans.
The project is just containing the files of my plugin and I want to keep it that way to have a clean git repository.
The problem:
I rely on another plugin and want to understand how that plugin works. For this, I want to "step through" the other plugin.
I want to do this on my localhost configuration.
I have basically two destinations:
The project is in my home directory in my github folder
The server files are under c:\wamp64\www\wordpress ...., where the localhost is running
The project is essentially set up correctly to copy files from my github directory to the localhost path (Properties -> Sources)
I set an include path to the localhost -> wordpress folder in the project properties, and when I now search for a definition in my code that refers to the other plugin, the corresponding file is opened (did not work before setting the include path)
Debugging essentially works, but when I step into a function of the other plugin, the bar becomes grey and the corresponding file is not opened.
Can I change some setting for netbeans to open up the other file (not in the project tree) and step through it?
I have found a reasonable workaround.
I just created a new PHP project in Netbeans with existing sources.
As source, I used the entire wordpress installation in the wamp server path, i.e. c:\wamp64\www\wordpress
I can now 'debug' and step through this new project, but I also need to add the corresponding breakpoints in the files from the server path.
It requires some discipline as I have to open the files from my plugin twice, once in the server path and once in the project path, but only edit the files in the project path.
It works 'ok', but I would still be interested to hear if someone has a more proper solution to this.

Multiple wordpress installations on 1 AWS EC2 instance

I want to have several wordpresssites on one EC2 instance and folled this tutorial:
Running Multiple Sites on EC2 Instance
So far, so good, it looks, that all works pretty fine, but now I have this folder:
I tried to put a index.html file into /var/www/vhosts/webillusions.it, but if I want to test it in a browser like my-public-ip/vhosts/webillusions.it it says, that "the requested URL /vhosts/webillusions.it was not found on this server."
In the html folder it works like a charme, but why not with my vhosts folder?
I've created in the html folder a folder called website and I can access it easily with my-public-ip/website, perhaps I need to configure the php.ini for the standard html folder, but that isn't described in the tutorial and I am a totally newbie, any help would be appreciated.

MAMP Start Page Only Shows Index

I'm trying to install Wordpress on MAMP using this tutorial. When I start the MAMP server and go to the MAMP startup page, I see this index instead of a GUI. As a result, I can't access the PHPMyAdmin GUI (despite the PHPMyAdmin link) to create a database for Wordpress. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? I'm running OSX 10.9.5.
Try that url to access phpmyadmin
This is the directory listing that Apache provides in some cases. When a folder is requested, Apache looks in a folder for a file name matching the DirectoryIndex directive, which are often files such as index.php, index.html, home.htm, and so on. Since none of those exist here, the directory listing is shown.
Basically, something isn't right here with your MAMP install; either this URL is not designed to be accessed by you ever or your installation is incomplete. First, try loading http://localhost:8888 directly and see if that works any better for you. Failing that, I suggest you make a backup of any MAMP related files (databases, web pages, or configuration changes) and reinstall. One possible cause of this is if the MAMP package is not installed to /Applications/
In short, when you're using an all-in-one package like MAMP this shouldn't happen. You say that when you uninstalled and reinstalled that fixed the problem which is what I would have suggested anyway. It seems something went wrong with the installation and that should (and did) fix it.
I add the solution that helped me in the similar situation just in case someone later will face the same problem when after the Wordpress has been installed, a browser just show "Index of/" instead of the required site.
Check the following points:
There is 'index.php' file in the root folder of your project. (web server tries to open exactly this file).
If the file actually is located there, check the configuration of your web server. For example in my case my web server is Apache 2.4. After I added the directive "DirectoryIndex index.php" in the Apache configurations file (thereby saying to the server which file it should open if it received the address of the root folder) my problem was solved.

wordpress fresh install showing blank page

I am using linux. I downloaded wordpress zip file. I have a folder life.com and unzipped the wordpress contents in it.
I have created a virtual host life.com (its not a live site). its only accessible from my computer.
I set my apache web server and hosts so that life.com points to the folder.
When i open life.com it shows blank page. I just renames index.php to index1.php then it shows the contents of the folder life.com
I put a sample.php with hello. when i open life.com/sample.php it shows hello
there is no problem with the apache and php.
generally the fresh install of the wordpress should show the page
There doesn't seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get started.
Need more help? We got it.
You can create a wp-config.php file through a web interface, but this doesn't work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually create the file.
Create a Configuration File
instead of opening life.com, i made a folder in the apache root directory /srv/wordpress and unzipped the files there.
when i open localhost/wordpress then it shows
There doesn't seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get started.
Need more help? We got it.
You can create a wp-config.php file through a web interface, but this doesn't work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually create the file.
Create a Configuration File
its showing blank page when i open from virtual host (life.com) but opens correctly from localhost/wordpress.

xampp includes not working

First off, how do I know if my html file is running on localhost in Xampp?
Is there a tutorial on how to manage files/directories and get that all working under htdocs?
Is there a good tutorial on how to setup includes?
I want to use "includes" in Xampp with my html.
Can I use both html includes AND php includes?
Do I have to put shtml?
Can I use shtml, html, htm, and php includes?
Do they have to be in an includes directory that is a subdirectory right under htdocs?
Can I reference includes in some other subdirectory?
My site will have over 100 pages, and I am trying to do "experiments" with different versions until I am happy. So, I have subdirectories for the various drop down menus. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to get this working in xampp.
Having trouble getting my javascript menus from Vista Buttons to show up, now that I moved my main directory for my site to the htdocs directory.
Since XAMPP uses Apache you need to configure it to permit SSI.
To permit SSI on your server, you must have the following directive either in your httpd.conf file, or in a .htaccess file:
Options +Includes
This tells Apache that you want to permit files to be parsed for SSI directives. Note that most configurations contain multiple Options directives that can override each other. You will probably need to apply the Options to the specific directory where you want SSI enabled in order to assure that it gets evaluated last.
Not just any file is parsed for SSI directives. You have to tell Apache which files should be parsed. There are two ways to do this. You can tell Apache to parse any file with a particular file extension, such as .shtml, with the following directives:
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
One disadvantage to this approach is that if you wanted to add SSI directives to an existing page, you would have to change the name of that page, and all links to that page, in order to give it a .shtml extension, so that those directives would be executed.
The other method is to use the XBitHack directive:
XBitHack on
XBitHack tells Apache to parse files for SSI directives if they have the execute bit set. So, to add SSI directives to an existing page, rather than having to change the file name, you would just need to make the file executable using chmod.
chmod +x pagename.html
According to Apache Tutorial: Introduction to Server Side Includes
I have faced the same issue but I was not able to figure out where exactly I have to modify and which files. So to fix it follow the below steps in XAMPP Localhost server.
Go to your:
Search for:
AddType text/html .shtml
Add the below two lines:
AddType text/html .html
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html
Go to Xampp Control Panel and stop the session and restart again.
Refresh the page in browser and see, the virtual includes will start working.
To answer your first question, can you access http://localhost/? If so, then xampp is running correctly and there is nothing more that you need to do.
EDIT: If you want to ensure that things are working correctly, place foo.html under /xampp/htdocs and then access it in a browser at http://localhost/foo.html. If you can't get this page then xampp still isn't running correctly.
In answer to your second question, all Includes whether in the HTML or within PHP are server side. If you have xampp installed correctly, then you can begin working in PHP immediately and can use the include functions within PHP (please note that even if a page only contains HTML, if you're using PHP it must still have a .php extension).
If you would rather use SSI in your .html pages, then this link might provide some help on how to set up and debug SSI in xampp.
Additionally, if you are not already doing so I would recommend that you work in Firefox with Firebug installed. Firebug will handle most of your JavaScript debugging needs.
As a final note, if you've moved directories and the like, the first thing I would check would be the src attributes on your script tags.
I found out that for includes to work in XAMPP your page with the include function needs to have the extension '.shtml' while the included file has '.html'. Most modern browsers don't require the shtml extension but XAMPP seems to.
.js seems to be the same.
You might want to look at AMPstart instead of xampp-control. It has some nice ability to allow you to place site-folders outside of htdocs w/o messing around with apache conf stuff
