Multiple wordpress installations on 1 AWS EC2 instance - wordpress

I want to have several wordpresssites on one EC2 instance and folled this tutorial:
Running Multiple Sites on EC2 Instance
So far, so good, it looks, that all works pretty fine, but now I have this folder:
I tried to put a index.html file into /var/www/vhosts/, but if I want to test it in a browser like my-public-ip/vhosts/ it says, that "the requested URL /vhosts/ was not found on this server."
In the html folder it works like a charme, but why not with my vhosts folder?
I've created in the html folder a folder called website and I can access it easily with my-public-ip/website, perhaps I need to configure the php.ini for the standard html folder, but that isn't described in the tutorial and I am a totally newbie, any help would be appreciated.


Drupal Site configuration issues

Good day every one,
I am new in DRUPAL.
I am having problem with the drupal site.
I got the repository for the drupal site. I have successfully clone it and got every things and the database. I have uploaded the database to the local host server.
Now, I can see that initially the directory is like this
Then when i first open the site through local host the directory automatically becomes like this
The "file" directory contains the empty folder of css, images etc/
which I believe is downloaded from the database for the first time.
The site is giving many console error like missing images etc.
Instead of having the empty folder in file directory there must be images and css files and everything I do not know what is wrong becs the folder should not be empty there must be files and and image sand css files and should be downloaded from the database when I first open the site.
Please help me to locate the problem.
Thank you very much.
Usually, you will put on git drupal core, modules and theme files.., basically everything except the files uploaded by user (admin). Those files are usually located at:
So, since they are not on git repo you need to copy them to your local environment from the working site (i.e. over (S)FTP).
If your "file" is not "files" dir I'm talking about then it's something specific to your site - don't know nothing about it.

MAMP Start Page Only Shows Index

I'm trying to install Wordpress on MAMP using this tutorial. When I start the MAMP server and go to the MAMP startup page, I see this index instead of a GUI. As a result, I can't access the PHPMyAdmin GUI (despite the PHPMyAdmin link) to create a database for Wordpress. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? I'm running OSX 10.9.5.
Try that url to access phpmyadmin
This is the directory listing that Apache provides in some cases. When a folder is requested, Apache looks in a folder for a file name matching the DirectoryIndex directive, which are often files such as index.php, index.html, home.htm, and so on. Since none of those exist here, the directory listing is shown.
Basically, something isn't right here with your MAMP install; either this URL is not designed to be accessed by you ever or your installation is incomplete. First, try loading http://localhost:8888 directly and see if that works any better for you. Failing that, I suggest you make a backup of any MAMP related files (databases, web pages, or configuration changes) and reinstall. One possible cause of this is if the MAMP package is not installed to /Applications/
In short, when you're using an all-in-one package like MAMP this shouldn't happen. You say that when you uninstalled and reinstalled that fixed the problem which is what I would have suggested anyway. It seems something went wrong with the installation and that should (and did) fix it.
I add the solution that helped me in the similar situation just in case someone later will face the same problem when after the Wordpress has been installed, a browser just show "Index of/" instead of the required site.
Check the following points:
There is 'index.php' file in the root folder of your project. (web server tries to open exactly this file).
If the file actually is located there, check the configuration of your web server. For example in my case my web server is Apache 2.4. After I added the directive "DirectoryIndex index.php" in the Apache configurations file (thereby saying to the server which file it should open if it received the address of the root folder) my problem was solved.

Drupal Export of Site Not Working For Subdirectory Levels Beyond Root Directory

I have to move an existing Drupal site from one server to another. I've done so by doing a mysql database export/import and copying over the files to the new server. On the new system, the root page comes up fine but if I try to go to any deeper directory levels I get a 404 Not Found Error.
so -> works fine
but -> gives me a 404 and happens,same for all subdirectories
Is there something that I'm missing that is part of a drupal export? Could it be related to the structure of the /sites directory which is under the webserver's docroot?- which has a folder named after the old server (ie but not Also, I noticed that there are _htaccess files and .hta files but not .htaccess files in the site files that I've copied over.
Sorry if I'm asking a bleedingly obvious question - I'm very new to Drupal. Thank you!
Check whether the clean url is enabled in your web server. To check try this:
Just to let anyone who might come across via a google search - I was able to get this to work . It turns out that while mod_rewrite was enabled, what I had to do was to enable the AllowOverride directive for the web directory in httpd.conf to be set to ‘All’. If it’s not set to this, the server won’t respect the .htaccess rules you put into the drupal directory. It’s been a while since I’ve worked with apache config files so it took a while to finally piece it together. The main breakthrough came when I realized that if I turned off clean-urls then the links worked but looked ugly and then was able to research clean_url.

Error: Forbidden Access Message (Drupal-6.x)

I'm new to Drupal and I'm trying to create multiple sites inside Drupal. I'm trying to create a symlink via the command line. I tried going to my browser to run the new installation for the new website, but I receive a message that says Forbidden Access.
To create the symlink in the terminal:
ln -s ~/Sites/drupal-6.20/sites/
My Drupal-6.20 folder is the root directory of my localhost.
In the browser to start the installation I tried:
Short answer: the web root should be pointing to the index.php in the Drupal root for all of the sites you're hosting on that codebase.
In your case, you are getting an error because there's nothing in the /sites/ directory that your webserver can run on it's own.
Longer answer: Configuring Drupal for multiple domains takes a little bit more reading and learning that can be summarized in an SO response.
The guide at is a great place to start, and includes links to videos and additional tutorials in case you need additional help.
I don't know drupal that much, but i know other cms. And i think you should check for "permisions tab".
I worked with joomla, which i think is quite simmilar. And the first time you just have to go to http://localhost/. Installation started. And when it finnished, i had to delete installation folder out of localhost root.
But this is for joomla.

Configure an IIS Site to default to non-root directory?

Say I have a directory structure like so:
... etc.
What I would like to do is to be able to configure an IIS Site to load from /public/company when visiting the domain root. I know I can change the site to /public/company, but if I do that, I can't seem to reference the /public/globals directory to obtain images, videos, and other items used across the site.
The other problem is accessing /public/jobs with a domain/jobs url... although I suppose virtual directories can help there, but then I would assume that I would still run into problems trying to access /public/globals for images and other things.
Any ideas? Am I not doing this right? I'm used to using Apache... obviously a very different environment...
Create a Default.aspx page in the root, and on that page, run this:
I seemed to have found the answer. I set the default path of the Site to /public/company, and created a Virtual Directory called "globals" that points to /public/globals. Now I can reference images via the Virtual Directory like so:
<img src="/globals/images/awesome.png" />
I suppose I just need to create virtual directories for everything under the sun for the rest of the site then.
