How to track incoming traffic from a certain link? - google-analytics

I have a software that has a free and a commercial (pro) version. It can be installed on a webserver similar to WordPress. The free version has a link in the admin area telling the user to upgrade to the pro version.
I'd like to track how many sales this link generates.
I was wondering if this is possible with Google analytics or GTM. For example adding a special class to that link and create a conversion tracking like this:
Link click (from the user's website) => Product landing page => Checkout/payment => Thank you page
Is something like this possible?

You have to use UTM parameters. They are campaign parameters to add in querystring to the URLs so you can track custom Campaigns in Google Analytics. Example:
You can use this tool online. Filling out the fields in the form the full campaign URL will be generated for you:


Requesting AutoFill plugin for domain

I would like to use the AutoFill Plugin to easily populate profile form fields from LinkedIn profiles into a website I have created that uses registration forms, and for users to enter a profile. I would like to use your AutoFill Plugin to offer users to fill this profile with their LinkedIn profile. In reading your documentation:
It says "domains must be allowlisted for LinkedIn AutoFill to properly function. Contact your LinkedIn representative for more information."
CanI ask to add the following domains to this allowlist?
The site is question is
Is it possible to also add a local dev URL http://events.local (only if possible, as the above one is more important).
Or do let me know who I should contact to add domains to the allowlist for this plugin.
Many thanks,

Want to show and hide wordpress page from google search engine

I have multiple pages on a daily base offers.
On offer expire I want that offer page to hide (or not show in google search engine) to other users. I Mean when user search my website for the page or offer in search engine then why should not show expired page link on the search result
Sometimes I also want to show that page when offer reopen
My website is on WordPress.
DO find a proper explanation :
We have a WordPress coupon, contest, and free samples websites. We post new offers every day. Those offers have an expiration date. This expiration date is a WordPress custom field. We would like to no-index from search engines all expired offers.
Sometimes we re-publish expired offers and they become available again. In this case, those offers should be re-indexed.
For that you will have to tell search engine to de-index your indexed pages & and you can follow these steps:
Go to the GOOGLE WEBMASTER then go with google index in that Remove URL.
Webmaster -> Google Index ->Remove URL -> Click on Temporary Hide
Follow the above steps and remove the URL from sites.
This way you can deindex your URL. If you need to cancel your 90-day block from search results, you can visit the status page of the tool and click Reinclude next to a successful request. Requests take a few days to be process.
Google has complete guide regarding this too >>

Filter Data from a specific Referer in Google Analytics

I am using google analytics on my web site. I would like to see the traffic/counts of people coming from a specific domain. How I can set this up in google analytics? For example, my site is I would like to know how many people are landing on my site from (or get referred from Would be very helpful if someone was able to share steps to set this up in google analytics.
Thanks so much -
In the "Standard Reports" section of your reports homepage, you can go to
Traffic Sources > Sources > Referrals
Then on the right, just above the metrics is a search field. Just type in "" and click the spyglass icon.

Google Analytics not tracking a Wordpress directory

Just wondered if there is a known issue with GA having trouble tracking a site which has a Wordpress directory?
It seems to be able to track all of my other pages on the site, but we have a /news/ directory which is powered by Wordpress and it doesn't pick this up at all. It is obviously an issue with the fact that this directory is a Wordpress blog, but there must be a way to track it with all of the other pages.
Aaahhh... Sounds like the google analytics tracking code is present on your main site pages, but is not included in the wordpress template that's applied to that sub-section of your site.
The GA tracking code must be visible to google on every page you want to have tracked.
Try 'View Source' in your browser, and check wether the analytics tracking code is present.
If not, you could hard-code the GA tracking code in, or use one of the free WordPress Plugins to do it for you, like 'Google Analytics':
Hope this helps - post back if you're still having problems!
It may not be related, but did you check if your blog is indexable? Under Settings -> Privacy you can check if its enabled.
Another option is to install a google analytics plugin for the blog. If you enter the same credentials from your already-in-use GA it should be combined. I'm using this one on my blog and its working.

I downloaded the sdk for google-analytics but where i can setup the account?

I downloaded the sdk for google-analytics for android but where i can setup the account?
I have the option for only adding http or https wesites.
I use the UA number that i got from a fake url but i get no analytics.
Tracking Status: Tracking Not Installed (Last checked: 19-Jul-2010 11:35:21 )
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website's homepage. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.
The Google Analytics javascript runs when you load a page. You must have a Javascript snippet that actually notifies the Google Analytics server when a client visits the page. This snippet is available once you've set up a site in Google Analytics.
I'm not exactly clear what you mean by "where can I setup the account". It sounds like you've found it.
Edit: For the Mobile version (non website) there's info here:
From that page:
Before you begin using the SDK, you
must first create a free account at and create a
new website profile in that account
using a fake but descriptive website
URL (e.g.
Once you create the profile, write
down or keep a copy of the web
property ID that is generated for the
newly-created profile.
To uninstall the Google Analytic Mod from your Zen Cart follow these steps
Perhaps here, where it says "Sign up now"? I'm not 100% sure, and am not a user of analytics, but that seemed likely to me. Also see here for a getting started guide.
