Issue Google Analytics Install Tracker for IOS - google-analytics

I am trying to set up link with utm's to track app installs from Apple App Store. In iOS Campaign Tracking URL Builder is requirement to enter Google Analytics Property ID in UA-XXXX-Y format. In my account -> admin -> property setting there I can able to find 'property id' in google analytics, but it shows in different 9 digits format which is unacceptable in URL Builder. What shall I do?
In above mentioned link they are asked to enable IOS tracking test but in new google analytics version I couldn't able to see those options,The documentation and actual analytics tool not matching
Please let me updated documentation link as well as clarify above mentioned query?

You can create a Universal Analytics Property enabling advanced option when you create a new Google Analytics Property. In this case you can obtain the relative identifier UA-XXXXXXX-X:
Anyway, tracking for apps with the Google Analytics SDK is deprecated (it is no longer possible to create a Universal Analytics Property for apps).
You must instead use Firebase:


Google Analytics (GA4) setup for tracking Google Workspace Marketplace Add-on views and downloads

Thanks in advance for the answers!
I'm trying to figure out how to tag my google workspace marketplace listing to track pageviews, downloads, etc. with Google Analytics (GA4).
The app page is currently setup for Universal Analytics (UA) which is being depricated on 12/31. I have tried following the setup instructions in Google Analytics for GA4, but the setup manager is not carrying over the tag used for UA.
How do you go about setting up the new tag for GA4 so we can keep getting insights on pageviews for our app listing?
I tried following the setup instrustions in Google Analytics for transitioning from UA to GA4 and was expecting the tag to carry over to the new analytics format. Instead, I am being told to re-tag the website and am not sure how to do that for a google workspace marketplace app listing.
I'm experiencing the exact same problem and found this issuetracker article, which doesn't sound hopeful (short version: GA4 doesn't appear supported by marketplace - only legacy UA is supported)

Firebase Google Analytics using node.js

I am trying to pull the google analytics, which are linked to my firebase account. I am using "googleapi" npm module for that. My purpose is to get the analytics such as "user sessions", "engagement rate", "users" etc in my admin dashboard, which is built in React.
I am trying to get the view id from my analytics account admin view. But for that particular project,, it does not show the view block, like it shows for other. I have attached screenshot of both the screens, in one it shows the view property and other it does not. I would like to show it for both. Can anyone help how can i show it for both ? Is some setting change required ?
Your second property is a Google Analytics 4 property. Google Analytics 4 properties do not have views. The "googleapi" npm module you are using probably only supports Universal Analytics.

How do I link a Google Analytics account to Google optimize

Google recently released Analytics version 4. When I create an Analytics account and try to link it in Google Optimize the Analytics account is not visible in the list of available Analytics account. Anyone know's why?
The reason is because Google Optimize does not support Google Analytics V. 4. Nowhere do they mention that. You need to create a "Create a Universal Analytics property" account to make it work

How can I track source of app install and conversions in Firebase?

I have installed Firebase for my app and I would like to track which marketing channel is driving apps open and my in-app conversions (tracked in Firebase already).
I have tried using utm tracking links that goes to Google Play and iTunes; however I couldn't find any source data in Firebase: all conversions are attributed to "direct"
I then tried using Dynamic Links in Firebase console to create dynamic links that include campaign tracking parameters. Same result as the utm tracking links I created
Is Firebase recognising utm tracking links by default? Or there has to be additional coding done when implementing Firebase SDK?
Similarly for dynamic links: I have only created the links via Firebase console but haven't been doing any coding changes within my app. Is there anything I need to do so that my app open and conversions can be attributed to the source I specified in the dynamic link settings?

I downloaded the sdk for google-analytics but where i can setup the account?

I downloaded the sdk for google-analytics for android but where i can setup the account?
I have the option for only adding http or https wesites.
I use the UA number that i got from a fake url but i get no analytics.
Tracking Status: Tracking Not Installed (Last checked: 19-Jul-2010 11:35:21 )
The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your website's homepage. For Analytics to function, you or your web administrator must add the code to each page of your website.
The Google Analytics javascript runs when you load a page. You must have a Javascript snippet that actually notifies the Google Analytics server when a client visits the page. This snippet is available once you've set up a site in Google Analytics.
I'm not exactly clear what you mean by "where can I setup the account". It sounds like you've found it.
Edit: For the Mobile version (non website) there's info here:
From that page:
Before you begin using the SDK, you
must first create a free account at and create a
new website profile in that account
using a fake but descriptive website
URL (e.g.
Once you create the profile, write
down or keep a copy of the web
property ID that is generated for the
newly-created profile.
To uninstall the Google Analytic Mod from your Zen Cart follow these steps
Perhaps here, where it says "Sign up now"? I'm not 100% sure, and am not a user of analytics, but that seemed likely to me. Also see here for a getting started guide.
