Firebase Google Analytics using node.js - firebase

I am trying to pull the google analytics, which are linked to my firebase account. I am using "googleapi" npm module for that. My purpose is to get the analytics such as "user sessions", "engagement rate", "users" etc in my admin dashboard, which is built in React.
I am trying to get the view id from my analytics account admin view. But for that particular project,, it does not show the view block, like it shows for other. I have attached screenshot of both the screens, in one it shows the view property and other it does not. I would like to show it for both. Can anyone help how can i show it for both ? Is some setting change required ?

Your second property is a Google Analytics 4 property. Google Analytics 4 properties do not have views. The "googleapi" npm module you are using probably only supports Universal Analytics.


Issue Google Analytics Install Tracker for IOS

I am trying to set up link with utm's to track app installs from Apple App Store. In iOS Campaign Tracking URL Builder is requirement to enter Google Analytics Property ID in UA-XXXX-Y format. In my account -> admin -> property setting there I can able to find 'property id' in google analytics, but it shows in different 9 digits format which is unacceptable in URL Builder. What shall I do?
In above mentioned link they are asked to enable IOS tracking test but in new google analytics version I couldn't able to see those options,The documentation and actual analytics tool not matching
Please let me updated documentation link as well as clarify above mentioned query?
You can create a Universal Analytics Property enabling advanced option when you create a new Google Analytics Property. In this case you can obtain the relative identifier UA-XXXXXXX-X:
Anyway, tracking for apps with the Google Analytics SDK is deprecated (it is no longer possible to create a Universal Analytics Property for apps).
You must instead use Firebase:

Firebase Dynamic links Analytics not shown?

I am exploring the dynamic links in firebase. My requirement is I will have an sms in my cell phone, which will have a short link and upon click of this link I will open a web page (later we might integrate this with a page in the app)
So I created fire base account and setup an app using my personal gmail account.
Am using their post api with the right api key to generate short urls. (getting warning about the phishing issues which I am ignoring for the time being)
Upon clicking the urls (short link/preview link) I can go to the appropriate URL I have configured.
now I am trying to see the analytics around this dynamic url but dont know why I cannot see anything.
I am checking Grow -->DynamicLink--> Selected My app and I expect the dynamic link generated in above steps to appear here but I cannot see anything.
I am going to analytics -->Events it is asking me to add an app to see the analytics which is not the case for now as I am just hitting the url on the browser directly.
Please let me know if I am doing the right thing?
One of the main use cases (as mentioned in firebase docs) of the firebase dynamic links is web to app conversion and your app must contain the firebase SDK. Once the user comes to the app through the dynamic link, firebase SDK fires the appropriate events. These events can be tracked from analytics -> Events.
But your use case is different you are creating dynamic links for the SMS and after clicking user comes to the website and there is no firebase SDK installed in your website hence no analytics (although firebase will measure some events like click, etc) on the analytics -> Events.
If you want to see the analytics, you will need to create a dynamic link in the firebase console manually or use the dynamic link analytics api.
In short, API created dynamic links can only be tracked if firebase SDK is installed in your app and after that, you need to add that app to firebase analytics -> events section. According to your use case, my suggestion would be to either create dynamic links from console manually or use the dynamic link analytics api

UWP Google Analytics full integration Tutorial needed

I have created a UWP app and integrated google analytics SDK in it from the following link Since the help of this library does not portray a complete work flow I need a working example to set things up with analytics. I want to track product additions and checkouts. I am able to send page views and clicks to analytics as well as bundle up product details with hit requests.
Please help me to understand how to see the sent products in Google Analytics dashboard and reports.
I finally managed to get Google Analytics working with UWP. I wrapped up my data with events and prepared custom reports in Analytics dashboard on the basis of wrapped data.

Google tag manager - multiple tags detected, is this correct?

I've just replaced my google analytics tag with a Google Tag manager installation integrated into GA. When I inspect my page with Google Tag assistant I see the installation of tag manager and 2 GA tags, is this correct?
I only have 1 GA property setup, is there a reason I'm seeing a second one?
There are many third-party widgets or plugins such as comment boxes or forms that use Google Analytics to track user interaction with their plugin. Considering the fact that the two Google Analytics Id's are from different accounts, this seems like a plausible reason.
To check this, copy the GA Id in question, view the page source, and search, (cmd+F) for the Id in the code. If this is the reason, the GA code will likely be embedded with the widget's code.

Embed Google Analytics existing dashboard

In the Google Analytics console I can easily create charts and add them to dashboards. But how can I display those charts or dashboards on a 3rd party website?
I've seen the Embed API, but it looks like the definition of the reports is always in the Javascript. Is it not possible to say something like display the dashboard that I already created which name/id is XYZ?
Or is there a way, when creating a report in Google Analytics, to get its definition so that I can easily use it? I saw Query Explorer but it doesn't help.
No you can not take the Google Analytics dashboard and display it on another website.
The best option there is to date is the Embedded API which you mentioned. Although it has its limitations. The Embedded API is designed to display a specific users Google Analytics Dashboard who ever is logged in. If you are trying to share the information from your account with other users it wont work unless they also have access to your Google Analytics account.
The Query Explorer shows you what the google Analytics API is capable of. You can develop your own tool to show this information to your users.
