Xamarin - control that allows you to select from icons by swiping like iOS photo edit tools - xamarin.forms

I'm trying to find a control for Xamarin that allows you to pick a tool from a list of icons, but in a swipe format like in the iOS photo edit tools (image below).
I tried using CarouselView, but that only displays one item per swipe, and each item before and after - however I'd like around 5+ icons on screen, with the middle one selected.
If there isn't a control, I'll have to build one myself, but would prefer to use something that's already available if possible.
Thanks for any direction!

For me, the best practise for your case is to use the swipe gesture
and write an expandable animation like this sample


xamarin forms UWP app - how to create a "open file" dialogue that looks / feels similar in concept to MS Word?

I need to create a GUI that works similar to this:
So specifically:
I'd like to have a split screen where first on the left, i show a static list of locations... like local workspace and a sharepoint site.
and then depending on what they select on the left ... the right side of the page updates.
Can I use a grid for this? Or what's the best way? I just need some key words to google or youtube search. thank you!
Use a StackLayout (I think it will fit well to this case) and a Grid.
Inside this Grid, you can set 2 columns.
For columns (the static that you mentioned) you can put OR labels OR a ListView.
As you said: "depending on what they select on the left ... the right side of the page updates." It reminds me a Search Page, or... SearchBar!
This link will help you to create this SearchBar. The only thing that will change is the layout (put SearchBar on the left and the resultList on the right).
With this steps, you can customize and create something like in the photo.
If has any doubt, please, update your question with what you did and we will help you. Have fun.

Google Extension with more than one button in the toolbar

I want to create a Google Extension that adds 3 buttons to my Google Chrome Toolbar : the Extension does three different things and I want the three buttons to always be available in the toolbar of the user's navigator .. I don't know if it is even possible.
(What I have done so far is a popup that shows three buttons, but it isn't really what I want to do).
Thank you in advance for your precious help :)
You cannot add more than one action to browser with Chrome extension. Chrome extension are meant to serve single purpose only.
The way you are doing it right now, show popup with three buttons, is the way to do.

TideSDK - Show unread count (Icon Badges)

I intend to create a basic chat program with TideSDK. I was now wondering if it's possible to display new/unread message count in the dock/tray icon. For example, like this dock icon in OSX:
I did a quick search the docs but could not find anything about these so-called icon badges. Is this correct? My second thought was to update the entire dock/tray icon with a manually redrawn version to simulate badges. However, while I found API functions to update window icons I could also not find a way to update the main app icon.
Any ideas on how I could solve this?
Turns out this was a pretty stupid question. Didn't realise the UI node could also be clicked in the doc navigation tree. The desired functionality is actually built-in. See the relevant doc page here: http://tidesdk.multipart.net/docs/user-dev/generated/#!/api/Ti.UI
You have the following methods to achieve the desired or related result:

Use a Rubber Band like the one displayed at Windows Desktop

Is there a class that lets me use the same rubber band used on Windows Desktop? It's something like this:
If you see closely it's when you keep the mouse pressed and drag it over the Windows Desktop to select files.
What i need to do is to display some Buttons on that Widget and then if i want to select them all with the method i shown above.
Your image/video didn't show up. EDIT: That is a very simple image... I thought it didn't show up at first.
Here is something in the direction of what you want:

Qt switching between views

How do I switch between the two screens on the Qt?
For example, I have a button - static text plus a toolbar. Now I will add it to a frame and set it as a central widget. It works well for one window. What if I move it to the next window? Then I need to show some other stuff like another button, some images etc... and what if I come back to the first view again?
How do I show my old widgets back?
I'm not sure I got your problem right but, you could have different scenarios :
You could simply use groupboxes... Some widgets in groupbox1, otherWidget in groupbox2, and you display the groupbox you want to use, hiding the others...
You could use stackedWidget, which simulates "pages" of widgets stacked on top of eachothers... more informations here : http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/qstackedwidget.html.
You could use other way like using tabs : http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qtabwidget.html
Maybe this example would be useful to you : http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6/dialogs-configdialog.html
Hope it helps a bit !
I'd recommend checking out Animation/States example (should be in /qt/examples/animation/states/ subdirectory of your Qt installation). It shows how to combine state machine representing application logic with presentation layer and get cool animation effects for free (of course if you don't need eye candy, you can set widgets properties without any animation).
