TideSDK - Show unread count (Icon Badges) - icons

I intend to create a basic chat program with TideSDK. I was now wondering if it's possible to display new/unread message count in the dock/tray icon. For example, like this dock icon in OSX:
I did a quick search the docs but could not find anything about these so-called icon badges. Is this correct? My second thought was to update the entire dock/tray icon with a manually redrawn version to simulate badges. However, while I found API functions to update window icons I could also not find a way to update the main app icon.
Any ideas on how I could solve this?

Turns out this was a pretty stupid question. Didn't realise the UI node could also be clicked in the doc navigation tree. The desired functionality is actually built-in. See the relevant doc page here: http://tidesdk.multipart.net/docs/user-dev/generated/#!/api/Ti.UI
You have the following methods to achieve the desired or related result:


Xamarin - control that allows you to select from icons by swiping like iOS photo edit tools

I'm trying to find a control for Xamarin that allows you to pick a tool from a list of icons, but in a swipe format like in the iOS photo edit tools (image below).
I tried using CarouselView, but that only displays one item per swipe, and each item before and after - however I'd like around 5+ icons on screen, with the middle one selected.
If there isn't a control, I'll have to build one myself, but would prefer to use something that's already available if possible.
Thanks for any direction!
For me, the best practise for your case is to use the swipe gesture
and write an expandable animation like this sample

Throughoutly though about some functionality of qt

I'm new to qt, and i have a simble (may be pretty dumb) question that needed to be answer:
As far as i acknowledge, qt could be use to made applications GUI (probaly its most well-knowed purpose), the program i'm trying to code work like this: you enter the program, its show three boxs: enter, setting, exit (like those main menus we see in videos game). when we click enter, it will show the main content, or when we click exit, it quit. i am able to code the layout at which show the content of those choices, but can someone explain to me, does qt support the transitions between layout, like, how to do it, a key work would be suffice
which transitions?
qt have best docs about all things in that(except 1% of it)
QEventTransition Class
Event Transitions Example

Qt Screenshot sharing app - How to select the area of a screen

I am trying to code an app in Qt for capturing and then sharing the screenshots. For now my application captures the screenshot, shows a preview and saves it. I am yet to do the upload part. but before that I would like to be able to select the area of the screen of which the screenshot needs to be captured.
I tried searching and I couldn't find any helpful articles or documents in Qt. So can anyone help me?
PS: The idea is to create a similar app like lightshot and several other similar tools.
Thanks in advance
There are two methods that you can use for this: -
1) Capture an image of the screen and then display that, full screen to the user, essentially allowing the user to crop the image.
2) A more commonly used method is to create a full-screen, topmost window that has no title bar and is transparent. This allows the user to drag out an area, which you can draw an outline to represent the area the user requires.
I recommend the 2nd method and creating a transparent window is simply a matter of changing the window flags, as you can see here.

How do you actually find what you want from offline QT documentation?

I wanted to go through QtQuick/QML Button API, which I found here online.
But I can't find it from the offline documentation available in QTCreator. The offline search gives me less relevant results.
Any tips for searching...? Thanks!
One trick I use is this:
Type the item (e.g. "Button") into the code editor
Hover my mouse cursor over the item
Press F1
That will open the documentation for the Button QML type. Works in C++ too.
Google has much more powerful search engine comparing to offline documentation browser. So you just didn't find matching article in help browser search. You can:
Find "Button" instead of "button" in help browser search results
Place cursor on interesting identifier in code and press F1 to show help
Select appropriate documentation in "Contents" mode of help browser left panel

How to create Numeric KB interface with previous, next and done button

I was on website on my iPhone and I encounter websites' guestbook. with those textFields. my keyboard appearance was totally change as you can see in screen below.
I am having many text fields in my app, I am wondering if I can create anything like that.
As I am new to development, still unknown what are the limits.
Can anyone guide me to right direction or to right documentation.
Is there is some regular way or its just total customization over Keybard.
I have one more doubt, does it matter what kind of keyboard is popping up as my all fields have numeric keyboard.
Well I just wanted to be helpful to someone who is following the same learning curve as me.
To achieve the affect in screenshot in question. UIToolbar control can be used to make those buttons. after the you need to just make this toolbar appear and disappear with the keyboard.
To make previous and next button work, you can use the tag property of textfield. on clicking on previous or next you can focus to previous or next text field.
Sorry about not posting code as I have not coded it yet but wanted to give pointer to anyone, who is looking.
