Plesk WordPress Multisite Install with Non-www Domains - wordpress

I'm trying to do something that's pretty straight-forward in cPanel, but I wish to use Plesk instead. I'd like to create a WordPress multi-site install and point various domains and sub-domains to it. Here are examples:
In cPanel, it's pretty painless:
Create a WordPress multi-site install under
Point the domains to cPanel's IP address in DNS
Add sub-domains (e.g. and addon domains (e.g. and point them to the folder of the install.
Within WordPress multi-site, add the new sites, 1 for each domain/subdomain pointed.
It's similar in Plesk. However, the complication comes when trying to point non-www domains that are not sub-domains of the main domain (e.g. to the site. Plesk doesn't have 'Addon' domains like cPanel. Instead it has 'Domain Aliases' where it forces you to use a www domain.
I'm not finding any good simple instructions for this in Plesk. Are there any?

If you know the differences between cPanel and Plesk, the answer is straight-forward. Basically, if you want to point a subdomain to a subscription (i.e. one group of domains) for a WordPress multi-site, then even if the main domain isn't pointing to the server, you still need to add it first, then create the subdomain after that and point it to the httpdocs folder of the main subscription domain.

Although it is an old question, I will answer this because the situation has not changed since then.
cPanel's "add-on domain" is the same thing with "alias domain" in Plesk, however, Plesk does not support adding an alias for subdomains. See this KB article:
In the same article they also provide two work arounds one of which involves only adding a top level domain as an alias to a subdomain. The second work around however doesn't have this limitation. You can add extra directives for Apache and nginx to Plesk configuration of that domain like;
For Apache:
For nginx:
If you are using nginx as a proxy to Apache, then you will most probably need to do both. The downside is that you won't see anything about these aliases in any place of Plesk and nothing is configurable about them from the GUI.


Wordpress Multisite - Redirect Subdomain to root with .htaccess

I've changed our website to a wordpress multisite. On my localhost everything worked like it should. But on our production site I'm having some problems.
The normal site works after the new setup ( but when I create a subdomain site ( I'm getting a 500 Internal Server Error. The domain mapping should be fine. (I've directed a wildcard to the ip of our server)
The problems occures with the subdomain. So it seems so that our host directs subdomains always (I can't change anything) to a subfolder. /www/en for example.
As far as I know a wordpress multisite needs to be directed to the root of the wp installation to get it to work. Is there any way to get that working with the .htaccess file in the subfolder?
So it seems so that our host directs subdomains always (I can't change anything) to a subfolder. /www/en for example.
You can't "fix"1 this unless you have access to the server config. But if you have access to the server config you'd change the DocumentRoot of the subdomain to begin with.
1 By "fix" I mean internally rewrite the request to the parent directory (ie. one directory above the subdomains DocumentRoot directory). In .htaccess you can't rewrite the request above the document root - you can only do this in a virtualhost or server context, where you can rewrite to an arbitrary filesystem path. But, as mentioned, the real "fix" is to change the DocumentRoot of the subdomain.
Only being able to create subdomains that point to subdirectories off the main domain's document root is rather limiting.
The domain mapping should be fine. (I've directed a wildcard to the ip of our server)
Ordinarily, you'd do the same "wildcard" thing in your <VirtualHost> container so that your server accepts requests to these "subdomains", without having to manually configure each one.
ServerAlias *
OR, you configure the default vHost or main server config to accept all requests for all hosts - but this implies you have a dedicated server (ie. full access), which you don't seem to have.

Separate servers for www and non-www domain

I have a site at hosted on AWS. DNS is configured to resolve to my AWS instance IP. I also have a separate WordPress site created that I would like at
It seems WordPress hosting allows me to host a site with them using a subdomain. For example, I created NS records for so any request to is handled by WordPress and the WordPress site is shown.
This allows and to be completely separate, hosted by different servers.
However, WordPress does not allow for to function the same way as What is the reason for this?
Is there any way to keep hosted on AWS and hosted elsewhere?
I have already signed up with a couple of services trying to make this happen and would like to stop wasting money if it's not possible.

DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Subdomain and Domain Issue

I have a basic wordpress website with a few simple plugins such as gravityforms etc. For the sake of this question the site has a domain of
To manage user input we have another system on a subdomain,
Some users are intermittently receiving the following error 'DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN' whether that be on the domain or subdomain.
Is it possible that this issue is an issue on one of or and the users browser shows errors with both purely because the urls have the same domain?
Add wildcard DNS on cpanel. You can create wildcard dns following instruction on the below.

Wordpress Multisite stops old subdomains working

I followed the instructions for setting up Wordpress multisite using subdomains on a Mediatemple DV server with wildcard DNS and got it working fine, however, I had previously hosted subdomains setup but now Multisite stops these from working by defaulting to the multisite 'system'. How can I set up Multisite so I can choose which subdomains it uses and which ones for it to leave alone incase I need to setup a non-wordpress solution in these ones?
Please double check DNS records. The way I have my instances, is I use a wildcard on a CNAME pointing to my server (# or ip)
For subdomains that aren't apart of the "wp multisite network" I used A records pointing to the server ip. From there, those subdomains have to be parked properly. Say for instance, in WHM I create a cPanel account for that roots to /home/subdomain/public_html - meanwhile cPanel accout roots to /home/domain/pubic_html - apache resolves both respectively.

Hosting a wordpress blog on a server with other web sites

I have a wordpress installation on its own folder, on my server that hosts another site (non-wp) to. I want to keep the wp installation to its own sudirectory, but change the url to point directly to the blog (to get rid of /wp in the url).
Is it possible?
How does the index.php have to be configured to correctly point to both sites hosted?
You should set the subdomain in something like your cPanel with the web hosting.
I want to have: and is set by default.
In your hosting settings, you will need to create the blog sub-domain and have it point directly to another directory.
