Wordpress - how to migrate and keep post URLs - wordpress

I want to migrate my WP blog to a new hosting service. All the blog post URLs are plain URLs in the form sitename.com/?p=9999. I want to keep the same at the new hosting service. I started my blog several years ago and did not understand the difference between plain URLs and SEO-friendly URLs. Since then I have posted links to individual posts in various places and do not want those links to break. How can I accomplish this?

You can use All In One WP migration tool to migrate your website to another hosting.
When you use this tool it copies all the files and database into a .wpress file and you can use that same file to other hosting to import your website and because it keeps the URL structure to default ( so, your blog URLs should not change )
And if it doesn't work then you have to change the URL slug of every post and you can also use redirection.


Export WordPress complete URL list for redirects (website migration)

My WordPress website is completely rebuilt with AEM. The WordPress instance will be taken offline and the AEM instance will go online. With the same domain but the url structure will no longer be the same as also the structure of the website will be new.
Problem: This will cause various WordPress URLs to generate a 404 error later.
My goal: I want to export all WordPress URLs as CSV structured and can therefore set up redirects. Structured means as far as its possible:
A separation is made between pages and posts
Public pages only
Here is the question: What is the best way to export them and that they are also structured? Is there a plugin, just take a sitemap, maybe Google Search Console or directly from the database?
You can try using export-all-urls plugin. Below links will help you export the URLs.
If you have a pattern in the existing URLs, then you might not have to add rewrite rule for each and every URL. Instead use regex to map all URLs following the pattern to AEM URLs.

Creating multiple sites on Wordpress using subdirectories

My client currently has a website on Wordpress which runs through a subdirectory (www.myclientsite.com/subdirectorysite1/). This website displays rental properties. They have asked me to create an additional website with an additional subdirectory (www.myclientsite.com/subdirectorysite2/) for a second prperty, and also create a new webpage for www.myclientsite.com which acts as a portal for the two property sites.
I have never done this before on Wordpress, and I've been exploring the possibility of using Wordpress Multisite. Does anybody have any experience with this? Or advice on what would be the best way to lay out these sites for both future page development, and daily management?
Yes, you can do this using creating a new folder 'subdirectorysite2' and then go for a fresh Wordpress installation.
If you have limited database creation access on the server, in that case, you can create a new template file on your existing WordPress theme and assign the new template to a page. After that change, the link of the page to subdirectorysite2. So that you can generate your desired URL i.e. www.myclientsite.com/subdirectorysite2/
And remember to modify .htaccess file as per your requirement.
You can use Wordpress multisite feature. https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network

Update internal links migrating from Drupal to WordPress

Hi I have imported my Drupal content to WordPress and they are working fine with new URLs but many internal links are still pointing to Old Drupal nodes. is there any automatic way to update those links? I guess there is not because the new URL of the blogs are like this:
but on drupal it is like
how would a script detect that 218 is the article with title how to make website
is there anything that can do the job? am I missing something? I searched alot and couldnt find anything
Don't worry about URLs , they can be fixed later by using generate Slugs plugin.
You need to import all the data by using $wpdb queries first.
Go to Tools->Generate Slugs from admin panel and generate all the slugs so the WP rewrites the URL's correctly for each post.

how do i move a wordpress blog to a wordpress site with a blog

Client had a flat file php site and wanted a blog, so I installed wordpress stand along blog. Now they want to convert then entire site to Wordpress. The current blog is in a subdirectory called "blog". I would like to create a blog page called "blog" on the new site and import the posts that are in the WP standalone blog installation.
Can I just take the SQL statements and insert them as autoincrements in the new database. How do I import the tags and categories. What about the author number? It will be painstaking, but I don't want to cut and paste a hundred blog posts.
Install WordPress in root http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress .
Create a page called Blog with the slug of /blog/. Set that as your posts page in Dashboard>>Settings>>Reading.
Export your posts,categories, authors and images from the current blog via http://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Export_Screen and then import them http://codex.wordpress.org/Importing_Content into the new WP site. You should be able to keep the same structure to your permalinks.
Then, if needed, create static pages to match the current php pages and cut/paste the content into them.
Why wouldn't you just make the primary site URL point to the blog site? Or take a full backup of the blog site and restore it on the main server in doc root? Then add your pages content right in the current blogging site? You can point both www.whateversite.com/blog/ to the posts (blog page) or even blog.whateversite.com to the same.
Seems like a LOT of extra work to setup a new WordPress install then go to a current WordPress install and export the blog posts then re-import just the blog posts.
If you absolutely have a great reason for not just using the current WordPress install and building on that then I suggest you spend the $15 and get VaultPress from the Automattic group and backup the blog site. Then use the restore to alternate URL feature to clone it to a brand new WordPress installation you've started at the new main site. It will restore the content and replace inline URLs for you which is a HUGE time saver.
I've moved / cloned multiple sites this way. It is by far the easiest method, especially if your in-blog URLs need to change from blog.blah.com to www.blah.com.

wordpress: domain mapping and site URL display

i am a wordpress newbie and have not much experience with their settings. Basically, i have recently set up a domain mapping for an existing wordpress site that i took over and that i had to move to another host, so domain mapping seemed to be an easy option to point the old URL to the new host. I have set up the domain mapping to point to the new site from:
to the new one:
So far the content migration worked in wordpress. The problem is that when i type in the old URL in the browser, it redirects the old page and shows the new site for the main home section as expected, but for all the subsequent links such as About, Contact, Products etc. it shows the new URL with the subfolder path, whereas i would like them to display the old URL as the base URL, so i am not sure if i need to change anything on the domain mapping site, or does this need to be done on the wordpress side? Does wordpress offer something like a base URL rewrite? I could only find in the general settings the Site URL and Wordpress URL, but i am not sure if changing those values to point to the old URL would break the site.
Many thanks for any ideas.
I think, this is url problem. When you are migrating wordpress site from one server to another server or same server but different folder, so its create url problem like http: //theoldserver to, for example, http: //thenewserver.com is problematic. So download file from this site and put this file, where blog files placed on server. Then do step, which define on this url.
This is very handy tool
Search and Replace for WordPress Databases Script" tool that's very handy (make sure to read the instructions and have a backup of the db before using it).
