Update internal links migrating from Drupal to WordPress - wordpress

Hi I have imported my Drupal content to WordPress and they are working fine with new URLs but many internal links are still pointing to Old Drupal nodes. is there any automatic way to update those links? I guess there is not because the new URL of the blogs are like this:
but on drupal it is like
how would a script detect that 218 is the article with title how to make website
is there anything that can do the job? am I missing something? I searched alot and couldnt find anything

Don't worry about URLs , they can be fixed later by using generate Slugs plugin.
You need to import all the data by using $wpdb queries first.
Go to Tools->Generate Slugs from admin panel and generate all the slugs so the WP rewrites the URL's correctly for each post.


Cannot find the code of a wordpress website

I'm completely new to Wordpress and I trying to edit an existing website. Only thing is I can't find where the code is.
All the website's pages, listed in the Pages directory are empty (No blocks, just the title), so I figured the website was coded somewhere else.
Yet I cannot figure out where.
I could not find anything out there as I don't exactly know what I'm looking for.
The content of Pages/Posts of a Wordpress website is stored in the databases in the posts & postmeta tables.
The core code of the Wordpress is stored on the folders:
/wp-admin: contains the code the administration panel
/wp-includes:contains the code for the core of wordpress
/wp-content: contains the code of plugins and the theme you have enabled.

Wordpress - how to migrate and keep post URLs

I want to migrate my WP blog to a new hosting service. All the blog post URLs are plain URLs in the form sitename.com/?p=9999. I want to keep the same at the new hosting service. I started my blog several years ago and did not understand the difference between plain URLs and SEO-friendly URLs. Since then I have posted links to individual posts in various places and do not want those links to break. How can I accomplish this?
You can use All In One WP migration tool to migrate your website to another hosting.
When you use this tool it copies all the files and database into a .wpress file and you can use that same file to other hosting to import your website and because it keeps the URL structure to default ( so, your blog URLs should not change )
And if it doesn't work then you have to change the URL slug of every post and you can also use redirection.

What is the best practice to manage subdirectories in WordPress?

I have a website that is written use static html pages. It contains many URLs containing subdirectories like this:
Now I want to create a new website via WordPress and transfer all contents from the old website to the new one.
So I wonder what is the best practice to process all these URLs with subfolders.
Should I:
Keep the subfolders by using parent/child pages, like this:
https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1/order/
https://www.example.com/product1/error/error1.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1/error/error1/
Remove all subfolders, and chaning all URLs like this:
https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1-order/
https://www.example.com/product1/error/error1.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1-error-error1/
Or using other methods?
With the hint of others, I get to know there are categories in WordPress. I search online and find the following URLs:
So it seems using categories is a good practice to keep a hierarchy structure in WordPress. Is that correct?
Update 2
I have a question. In traiditional websites, for a product, normally the home page is https://www.example.com/product1/ , while the additonal pages such as https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm are put under the "product1" subfolder. Now in WordPress, their URLs should be:
URL1: https://www.example.com/product1/ ->(Unchanged) https://www.example.com/product1/
URL2: https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1/order/
In such a case, whether should I set product1 as a postname(for URL1) or a category(for URL2)?
The WordPress directory manager is something that until now I only saw in the media gallery ...
But if you want something, you can have control over the installation of Total WordPress ...
In addition to database errors and PHP for free ...
It offers a range of services like PHPMyAdmin, installing WordPress via a script, file manager, whatever you are looking for ... Logging errors and even how you set up email, spam, you can see what space on the disk hard drive and RAM what kind of CPU you are using.
Configure your localhost on your domain from your server ...
He's very complex, I mean, he's very complete.
It's Webmin if you are a basic user, now if you are a more advanced user ... I recommend Virtualmim these two implements that can be easily installed and also configured very quickly.
It offers a variety of attributes for you to have control of your WordPress.
But it also depends on your hosting ...
As they are installed via the command line / SSH, so if you don't have this option in your hosting, it gets a little more complex if you have VirtualMin or Webmin...
I would suggest looking into registering custom post types. You can program those, or use a plugin like CPT UI. You then get a custom link structure that is e.g. example.com/products/awesome-product. This would then be the 'detail' view.
I'm not sure if you have separate order and error pages, but that could be part of the permalink structure in Wordpress as well. You might even setup rewrites for the example.com/products/awesome-product/order and example.com/products/awesome-product/error parts to have a specific page loaded, or the detail view and then have a custom layout based on these url parts.
If you used the product ID's in the old site, you could also create a custom permalink structure have it like this: example.com/products/1. That way you could easily rewrite url's in .htaccess from the old site to the new using just one rewrite rule and regex for the id's
i think you more or less answered your own question. But to be clear based on experience.
Keep the subfolders by using parent/child pages, like this:
https://www.example.com/product1/order.htm -> https://www.example.com/product1/order/
install this plugin: 'WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post' Automatically Redirect any 404 page to a Similar Post based on the Title, Post Type & Taxonomy using 301 Redirects!
It will find the updated pages / posts in a heartbeat.
Benefits are it will also deal with all 404s, and redirect them to simular pages which helps with SEO.
Its a lazy mans approach, as its one more plugin, but it works..

Creating multiple sites on Wordpress using subdirectories

My client currently has a website on Wordpress which runs through a subdirectory (www.myclientsite.com/subdirectorysite1/). This website displays rental properties. They have asked me to create an additional website with an additional subdirectory (www.myclientsite.com/subdirectorysite2/) for a second prperty, and also create a new webpage for www.myclientsite.com which acts as a portal for the two property sites.
I have never done this before on Wordpress, and I've been exploring the possibility of using Wordpress Multisite. Does anybody have any experience with this? Or advice on what would be the best way to lay out these sites for both future page development, and daily management?
Yes, you can do this using creating a new folder 'subdirectorysite2' and then go for a fresh Wordpress installation.
If you have limited database creation access on the server, in that case, you can create a new template file on your existing WordPress theme and assign the new template to a page. After that change, the link of the page to subdirectorysite2. So that you can generate your desired URL i.e. www.myclientsite.com/subdirectorysite2/
And remember to modify .htaccess file as per your requirement.
You can use Wordpress multisite feature. https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network

using wordpress plugins in magento possible?

I just had a little doubt..
can i use wordpress inside Magento CMS..... I mean can I able to install wordpress plugins in magento... The reason iam asking about Magento because, Iam gonna use magento templates and besides I also need to use wordpress plugins in it.. I need BOTH..
So, is this possible..?
While my research, I found some links, BUT still iam not clear on this..
here are some links I found:
So, can anyone pls clarify on this..?
Answer:no. You can't use WordPress plugins, which are specifically made for WordPress (and based on its framework) directly in Magento.
No, you can't use WordPress plugins with Magento. They have wildly different architectures.
The integration articles you linked to are talking about using WordPress and Magento together on the same website.
You could theoretically write a plug-in for one that also manipulates the database used by the other, but that is likely a custom job, not something you can just go download somewhere.
If you want to use various Wordpress plugins inside Magento, short answer, as mentioned, is no.
With those link that you provide, you can achieve the following:
With wordpress plugin (link that you provided) you can have yourwordpress.com and then install Magento inside a folder, so Magento store would be available. for example, in yourwordpress.com/magentostore/ and you can easily display any Magento block(top links, categories, layered navigation block etc.) from your store in you Wordpress site.
With Magento plugin (I'd go with FishPig http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/wordpress-integration.html) you can have opposite: yourmagentostore.com and than Wordpress blog/site inside blog folder of your Magento installation yourmagentostore.com/wordpressblog/ And there you'd be able to display footer and header of Magento in your wordpress site and display, for example, the latest blog post in Magento
agentoHope this help!
i think its impossible...because they have different backend architecture
