When Enhanced Ecommerce dataLayer Purchase data should be sent - google-analytics

Imagine you have ecommerce website with product listings, checkout, thank you page etc.
Usually "purchase" data is being sent on the thank you page (after payment is done and order data is finalized).
But what if some payment options will not redicrect customer to you website's thank you page?
In this case some transactions will be missed in GA because customer journey ends on 3rd party site (for example on the bank page).
In my case it's about 30% of transactions.
My question is:
Should I sent purchase data previous to thank you page in this case? For example on "purchase" button click in the checkout section.

Theoretically, the bank's payment gateway should have in its configuration the possibility to indicate a page of your website to which to redirect.
If this is not the case, you can check if there is a server-to-server solution integrable system (such as the PayPal IPN to be clear).
Regarding your question, the answer is that surely you can do as you say (it's the same approach used for wire transfers), but you will never be sure that those transactions have actually been paid.


google analytics enhanced ecommerce action not linked?

I add Enhanced Ecommerce in my GA tracking, all steps tracking fine, except CheckOut to Transaction, two action not linked together (has checkout but shows 0%).
P.S. I user third Third-Party Payment and in my test enviroment, staging GA,two action links OK. So I think maybe I miss some GA setting?
I think what's happening here is that you have not added the third party payment gateway to your referral exclusion list. Therefore, every time a user returns to your site after paying, this is triggering a new session in GA (with a new source/medium). This is why you see 1 session with transactions but 0% funnel carry through. Try adding the domain of your payment gateway by following the instructions here.

Purchasing item without registering as a user

I have this site where visitors can pay for certain digital goods, after which they'll be presented with a download link. These downloads links last for a week before they die and become useless
I want to allow users to purchase items without having to create an account first, but just by supplying the payment details and email. I figured I could send the download link to their email once paid, but this is kind of problematic if they accidentally specific an incorrect email when paying.
Any suggestions on how best to accomplish this?
I've made such a purchase on a site called WrapBootstrap (https://wrapbootstrap.com/theme/flatboard-angularjs-admin-frontend-WB0G434G7). It integrates with PayPal in that they are navigated to PayPal, pay, and when they return, PayPal notified the site the payment was successful and then WrapBootstrap displays the download link.
I liked how seamless it was but what I found was if I ever wanted to download an item again, I didn't have a personal record of it (either in email or account). One drawback from a non-account perspective. Check it out and let me know if that answers your question.

How do I fetch the Transaction ID from PayPal website to my web site?

I am using Paypal sandbox testing module in my Shopping cart site. I have test account in paypal sandbox. i am sending amount to paypal. After payment success when retun back to my web page I want to get transaction id and amount.Kindly help me.
You probably want to use Paypal IPN. You can get the Paypal transaction id, amount, and a slew of other information, using Paypal IPN. Basically, this is where Paypal will do an https post back to your site after a transaction, and send all of the info for the transaction. See https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/ipn/integration-guide/IPNIntro/ for info.
You need to specify redirect url.You can have two urls one for success and other for failure.Thats how i implemented it in one of my project (Dont have it now with me for reference).
Take a look here or here.This link has an sample project.It may help.

Google Analytics | Ecommerce tracking: how to avoid counting page reloads?

I've set up GA ecommerce tracking by putting the required JavaScript code on my order receipt page. However, if the user reloads the page (or arrives to it without actually completing a purchase), won't the order be counted again?
How can I make sure each order is counted once and only once?
First off, your application should probably be designed in a manor that would not allow users to access an "Order Placed" type page directly, they should only be able to get there as a result of shopping cart checkout process. Depending on your server technology, you can usually limit this by only accepting specific HTTP Verbs (methods) such as only allowing POST operations.
Secondly, check out the addTrans()documentation. So if your application allows users to refresh a page that is tracking transactions, then logging the exact same ecommerce data for the same orderId will just overwrite the old data with the new data - which may be the same depending on how your app is structured.
Either way, I strongly recommend not allowing your users to refresh this page if you that is where you are tracking Google Analytics. When an order is placed on our website, we clear out the shopping cart and return the user to an order receipt page with the GA ecommerce tracking. Then, if anybody tried accessing that page again and their cart is empty, the get redirected to the "Orders" page where they can review recently placed orders (no GA ecommerce).
Hope this helps!

How to set up Google Analytics with conversion tracking

I've been tasked with enabling Google Analytics ecommerce tracking on a client's website. I've read Google's documentation on the subject, but it made little reference to tracking conversion data, which is a feature that our client has asked for.
My question is this: on which page(s) do I need to add information regarding items/transactions? We have pages for shopping cart, payment info, confirmation, and receipt. The Google documentation only mentions putting this code on the receipt page, but I feel as though this wouldn't give us the information necessary to track conversions. Is Google Analytics able to track this information simply by virtue of having the general page tracking code on each page, or does transaction info need to be tracked across all of our checkout pages?
You only need the item/transaction tracking code (_addTrans(), _addItem(), & _trackTrans()) on one page, after the purchase has occurred -- in your case it sounds like the receipt page.
You do need to make sure that the general analytics code is on every page, including the checkout and receipt pages, otherwise you can lose the chain of tracking data leading up to the conversion.
