google analytics enhanced ecommerce action not linked? - google-analytics

I add Enhanced Ecommerce in my GA tracking, all steps tracking fine, except CheckOut to Transaction, two action not linked together (has checkout but shows 0%).
P.S. I user third Third-Party Payment and in my test enviroment, staging GA,two action links OK. So I think maybe I miss some GA setting?

I think what's happening here is that you have not added the third party payment gateway to your referral exclusion list. Therefore, every time a user returns to your site after paying, this is triggering a new session in GA (with a new source/medium). This is why you see 1 session with transactions but 0% funnel carry through. Try adding the domain of your payment gateway by following the instructions here.


Why does Google Analytics attribute all Success Page completions to Stripe Checkout, and how to fix it?

I have a problem with google analytics and stripe checkout where all goal completions are attributed to, instead of the actual referring website.
I am using Google Analytics UA and have the Global site tag on all pages. Then I have a goal to track the success page, which stripe checkout redirects to upon successful completion.
User flow:
Website visitor comes from one of the referral pages.
Then they click on the stripe checkout button, which takes them to a stripe hosted page.
On stripe hosted checkout page, enter payment info.
Upon successful payment, redirected to success.html (which is the goal being tracked in analytics).
So when a user goes to success.html, Google analytics attributes the goal completion to stripe checkout, instead of the website that referred them to my site in the first place.
Has anyone else experienced this? Am I doing something wrong or is this just how Google Analytics works when using Stripe Checkout?
This seems like a GA configuration issue rather than Stripe. I'm not really familiar with GA, but if there's some way you can override the attribution, Stripe Checkout lets you set your success_url dynamically. For example, for each customer sent to Checkout, you could include the original referrer in the success URL they'd ultimately be sent to, in addition to getting the Checkout session ID in case you'd like to retrieve some session data (like metadata):
success_url: "{CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}",
not sure if you have solved this yet but you can block certain referral urls. Go to analytics go to admin> set up assistant > tag installation> click on your data stream > more tagging settings > list unwanted referrals> then from there just exclude the url you don't want tracked so in your case it's

Google Ads / Analytics / Tag Manager: E-Commerce transaction not set in relation to Ad Click

We have a problem with E-Commerce transactions sometimes not beeing set in relation to an ad click ("cpc"). They appear instead with the Channel/Medium "direct". This is a problem as we cannot correctly link our revenue to the costs spend on Google Ads.
We got a payment system that allows buyers to safely pay to sellers, and we get a fee percentage of the payment volume (similar like PayPal). We get our fees as soon as a pay-in is successful. Because our users can pay via bank wire as well it may take one or two days until we actually get our fee. This is why ecommerce transactions are not sent from the frontend to GA (on a thank-you page like in online shops), but from our server directly to GA as soon as a payment succeeds.
This is the GET call our server does when a payment succeeds:
Here is a small diagram that explains the process:
We use cross-domain tracking, and the GA Client ID of the users stay the same when they get redirected from to, so this should not be the problem. What I assume is, that when a user clicks on an ad, the gclid of the ad is lost. Is there a way to manually send the gclid ID to Google Analytics? I would store the gclid then as well in our payment. Or is there another (maybe better way) to send transactions to GA?
Your transaction hit will only be attributed to ad-click session if payment occurs in a 30-minutes interval since the last hit with the same ID. Otherwise, the transaction hit would start a new session. Due to 'last-non-direct' rule the new session would only be associated with "cpc" channel if there were no other intermediate sessions after ad click. Please check the Google Analytics extensive overview for deeper insight.
Storing and passing gclid might help, however, this might result in some discrepancies in cost reporting since there would be several sessions for the same click. In the case of passing gclid it's recommended to pass at least two hits:
a simple pageview hit with a dummy location parameter containing gclid
and then later a transaction hit with the same location paraeter. In that case you'll be able to see your transactions as a separate sessions with a distinct landing pages
You should make sure you're using the GA client id in the Measurement protocol hit to ensure the hit gets stitched to the other hits of that user.
Now regarding reporting: Google Analytics uses the attribution model "Last non-direct Click", despite the hit being sent later, GA will ignore direct and use the previous touch point which should be the PPC campaign.
There shouldn't be an issue there. Which report are you using to see the transaction appear as direct, rather than Paid Search?

GA: enhanced ecommerce checkout products

I m starting working on Enhanced Ecommerce Especially on the checkout process.
I am using this website as reference.
My question is in the checkout process, why we are obliged to send in every step the entire cart (all the products)?
The technical reason is that, if every step of your checkout is a different page, there is no persistence between pages, so it's your responsibility to push the products on each step. Google Analytics could have technically done this persistence on the server side, but that would mean more work (and memory) for GA servers. Also, sometimes you want to add extra info (in the form of custom dimensions or metrics) but only for specific checkout steps, so this wouldn't really be possible if GA just "remembered" the products for you.

Measurement protocol for checkout steps

We have implemented transaction tracking using Measurement protocol. Works as a wonder 100% of transactions are tracked.
In the checkout we have option for people to login via Facebook oauth. GA attributes all the transactions to Facebook if people login via Facebook.
I was wondering if it is an option to take out GA code from checkout and create funnel using measurement protocol page views. Which should be very stable and we will solve Facebook oauth issue.
Later on we will implement product impression, product click, promo click tracking using data layers and GTM.
Do you think such approach would work?

Google Analytics | Ecommerce tracking: how to avoid counting page reloads?

I've set up GA ecommerce tracking by putting the required JavaScript code on my order receipt page. However, if the user reloads the page (or arrives to it without actually completing a purchase), won't the order be counted again?
How can I make sure each order is counted once and only once?
First off, your application should probably be designed in a manor that would not allow users to access an "Order Placed" type page directly, they should only be able to get there as a result of shopping cart checkout process. Depending on your server technology, you can usually limit this by only accepting specific HTTP Verbs (methods) such as only allowing POST operations.
Secondly, check out the addTrans()documentation. So if your application allows users to refresh a page that is tracking transactions, then logging the exact same ecommerce data for the same orderId will just overwrite the old data with the new data - which may be the same depending on how your app is structured.
Either way, I strongly recommend not allowing your users to refresh this page if you that is where you are tracking Google Analytics. When an order is placed on our website, we clear out the shopping cart and return the user to an order receipt page with the GA ecommerce tracking. Then, if anybody tried accessing that page again and their cart is empty, the get redirected to the "Orders" page where they can review recently placed orders (no GA ecommerce).
Hope this helps!
