Why does Microsoft Authenticator show email domain when using email as label rather than the Issuer? - google-authenticator

I am using TwoFactorAuth.net to show a QR code for scanning into an authenticator app. This works if I use a name in the "label" parameter. However, if I use an email address as the "label" in creating the QR code, Microsoft Authenticator uses the domain from the email as the Issuer, rather than the provided issuer.
To wit:
EX 1 - Not Email (i.e. sample code):
private readonly TwoFactorAuth tfa = new TwoFactorAuth("MyCompany",
qrcodeprovider: new QRCoder.QRCoderQRCodeProvider());
Model.GetQrCodeImageAsDataUri("Bob Ross", (string)Session["secret"])"
EX 2 - Email Label:
private readonly TwoFactorAuth tfa = new TwoFactorAuth("MyCompany", qrcodeprovider: new QRCoder.QRCoderQRCodeProvider());
img src="#Model.GetQrCodeImageAsDataUri("mypaint#thebobross.com", (string)Session["secret"])"
However, the email DOES work properly in Google Authenticator:
Any ideas?

Here's the standard Key Uri Format:
I couldn't find any substantial information on how Microsoft Authenticator parses otpauth URI but after testing different ways I have come to the conclusion that if an email address alone is given as a LABEL, Microsoft Authenticator picks the subdomain of whatever TLD is present. Actually, Wiki also says different parts of a domain name are called labels so probably that's the logic there.
Anyway, I solved it by adding Issuer before the email address as LABEL (mind the ':' separator).
I've successfully tested this with Microsoft and Google Authenticator. Both show MyCompany as LABEL.


Issuer label on QR code for 2FA not showing correct value

I am using speakeasy library and qrcode library, to generate an otpauth URL and then transforming it into a QR code, so this can be scanned by an authenticator app for 2FA on my website.
I want the authenticator apps to show my website in the following format:
Test Company (<-- the name of my website)
test#fakemail.com (<-- the email of the user)
My code to generate the url is:
let url = speakeasy.otpauthURL({ secret: secret.base32, label: userEmail, issuer: 'Test Company', encoding: 'base32' })
This generates a URL like so:
And then I transform it to a QR code like so:
let qrImageUrl = await qrcode.toDataURL(url)
I now try to set up 2FA with my user with email address "test#fakemail.com". It seems it takes the first part of the email domain as the issuer.
The result in Microsoft Authenticator app looks like this:
But when I scan this exact same code in Google Authenticator app, it shows me (on one line):
Test Company (test#fakemail.com)
When changing the code to contain a colon like so:
let url = speakeasy.otpauthURL({ secret: secret.ascii, label: `Test Company:${userEmail}` })
In microsoft authenticator app it will now show perfectly like so:
Test Company
But in Google authenticator app, it shows in one line with the semi colon literally in there:
Test Company:test#fakemail.com
What is the correct approach to have every single authenticator app in the exact same format?
Try pass all the possibilities combined into the same request.
Normally the application itself will use the most applicable variables and will show accordingly in the specific app.
let url = speakeasy.otpauthURL({ secret: secret.base32, label: `Test Company:${userEmail}`, issuer: 'Test Company', encoding: 'base32' })

GMB - Removal of LocationState object in Business Information API

Google deprecated the old GMB API v4.9 account.locations.get endpoint, and replaced it with Business Information API v1 locations.get.
Code change that affects me is:
Removal of LocationState object. The existing fields have been moved into Metadata.
The new Metadata object does not return the attributes LocationState object contained before. The ones I'm interested in are:
My question is:
How could I get this data without using deprecated endpoints?
Try Verification API getVoiceOfMerchantState
isVerified (verify),
isPublished (hasVoiceOfMerchant=true AND hasBusinessAuthority=true),
isSuspended (complyWithGuidelines),
isDuplicate (resolveOwnershipConflict).
isDisabled & isDisconnected have no equivalent in new API
As far as I can see, based on the link you have sent it is written:
Endpoint URL:
Endpoints for all business information, attributes, categories, chains and locations search are accessible at https://mybusinessbusinessinformation.googleapis.com/v1/ instead of https://mybusiness.googleapis.com/v4/
The path name for locations endpoints has changed from
accounts/accountId/locations/locationId to locations/locationId
Maybe it was better if you could provide the request uri in the previous version so we could help you more precisely. Anyhow, what I tested in the google playground is as follows:
open [https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground]
after setting your clientId and Authorisation stuff, in the Request URI write
instead of XXXXX, write your locationId
you can write different readMask fields, The possible fields for readMask are:
play with different fields to check if you have your desired one or not readMask="storeCode,regularHours,name,languageCode,title,phoneNumbers,categories,storefrontAddress,websiteUri,regularHours,specialHours,serviceArea,labels,adWordsLocationExtensions,latlng,openInfo,metadata,profile,relationshipData,moreHours";
If above does not help you, in the link below I see that all metadata attribute of a location might be:
Click [here] (https://developers.google.com/my-business/reference/businessinformation/rest/v1/accounts.locations#Location.Metadata)

ADFS: Send user manager's email address as a claim

I integrated SSO with ADFS, and I need to get the manager's email of whoever is currently logging in. When I send over the manager attribute using:
query = ";manager;{0}"
I only get back the manager name and org.
I tried following this article:
However, the rules given in the example result in a syntax error.
and tried various methods from threads such as:
I think I need to query for the manager using their name somehow, but I am having trouble coming up with a solution. I do understand I likely need multiple rules. Can anyone shed some light on this problem?
Thank you
The following rule illustrates how you can issue a mail attribute as a “ManagerEmail” claim:
c:[Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsaccountname"]
&& c1:[Type == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/ManagerDistinguishedName"]
=> issue(store = "Active Directory", types = ("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/claims/ManagerEmail"), query = "(&(distinguishedName={0})(objectClass=user));mail;{1}", param = c1.Value,
param = regexreplace(c1.Value, ".*DC=(?<domain>.+),DC=corp,DC=yourdomain,DC=com", "${domain}\username"));
Make sure that the user’s manager is in the same domain as the user, i.e. corp.yourdomain.com in the above example, and your test user does have some email specified.

Adding a button for google signin using f#/fable/asp.net/react

I'm working with the SAFE stack (https://safe-stack.github.io/) and through the example dojo. It's great so far.
I'd like to extend the example to include a button to login/auth via Google. So I looked at an example on the Google website (https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/build-button). And then I had a look how to do authentication using ASP.NET (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authentication/social/google-logins?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=aspnetcore2x) As a result I ended up confused as to how to integrate this into a SAFE project. Can someone tell me what they would do? SHould I be trying to use ASP.NET Identity or should I be using the JWT approach? I don't even know if they are the same since I'm very new to web frameworks.....
The other question I have is how would one inject raw Javascript into the client side of a SAFE project. The google example above shows raw JS/CSS/HTML code? Should I be injecting that as is or should I look in React for some button that does this and map that idea back through Fable?
Setting up OAuth
The easiest way to use Google OAuth is to wait until the next release of Saturn, at which point Saturn will include the use_google_oauth feature that I just added. :-) See the source code if you're interested in how it works, though I'm afraid you can't implement this yourself with use_custom_oauth because you'll run into a type error (the underlying ASP.NET code has a GoogleOptions class, and use_custom_oauth wants an OAuthOptions class, and they aren't compatible).
To use it, add the following to your application CE:
use_google_oauth googleClientId googleClientSecret "/oauth_callback_google" []
The last parameter should be a sequence of string * string pairs that represent keys and values: you could use a list of tuples, or a Map passed through Map.toSeq, or whatever. The keys of that sequence are keys in the JSON structure that Google returns for the "get more details about this person" API call, and the values are the claim types that those keys should be mapped to in ASP.NET's claims system. The default mapping that use_google_oauth already does is:
id → ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier
displayName → ClaimTypes.Name
emails[] (see note) → ClaimTypes.Email
Those three are automatically mapped by ASP.NET. I added a fourth mapping:
avatar.url → `"urn:google:avatar:url"
There's no standard ClaimTypes name for this one, so I picked an arbitrary URN. Caution: this feature hasn't been released yet, and it's possible (though unlikely) that this string might change between now and when the feature is released in the next version of Saturn.
With those four claim types mapped automatically, I found that I didn't need to specify any additional claims, so I left the final parameter to use_google_oauth as an empty list in my demo app. But if you want more (say you want to get the user's preferred language to use in your localization) then just add them to that list, e.g.:
use_google_oauth googleClientId googleClientSecret "/oauth_callback_google" ["language", "urn:google:language"]
And then once someone has logged in, look in the User.Claims seq for a claim of type "urn:google:language".
Note re: the emails[] list in the JSON: I haven't tested this with a Google account that has multiple emails, so I don't know how ASP.NET picks an email to put in the ClaimTypes.Email claim. It might just pick the first email in the list, or it might pick the one with a type of account; I just don't know. Some experimentation might be needed.
Also note that third-party OAuth, including GitHub and Google, has been split into a new Saturn.Extensions.Authorization package. It will be released on NuGet at the same time that Saturn's next version (probably 0.7.0) is released.
Making the button
Once you have the use_google_oauth call in your application, create something like the following:
let googleUserIdForRmunn = "106310971773596475579"
let matchUpUsers : HttpHandler = fun next ctx ->
// A real implementation would match up user identities with something stored in a database, not hardcoded in Users.fs like this example
let isRmunn =
ctx.User.Claims |> Seq.exists (fun claim ->
claim.Issuer = "Google" && claim.Type = ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier && claim.Value = googleUserIdForRmunn)
if isRmunn then
printfn "User rmunn is an admin of this demo app, adding admin role to user claims"
ctx.User.AddIdentity(new ClaimsIdentity([Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin", ClaimValueTypes.String, "MyApplication")]))
next ctx
let loggedIn = pipeline {
requires_authentication (Giraffe.Auth.challenge "Google")
plug matchUpUsers
let isAdmin = pipeline {
plug loggedIn
requires_role "Admin" (RequestErrors.forbidden (text "Must be admin"))
And now in your scope (NOTE: "scope" will probably be renamed to "router" in Saturn 0.7.0), do something like this:
let loggedInView = scope {
pipe_through loggedIn
get "/" (htmlView Index.layout)
get "/index.html" (redirectTo false "/")
get "/default.html" (redirectTo false "/")
get "/admin" (isAdmin >=> htmlView AdminPage.layout)
And finally, let your main router have a URL that passes things to the loggedInView router:
let browserRouter = scope {
not_found_handler (htmlView NotFound.layout) //Use the default 404 webpage
pipe_through browser //Use the default browser pipeline
forward "" defaultView //Use the default view
forward "/members-only" loggedInView
Then your login button can just go to the /members-only route and you'll be fine.
Note that if you want multiple OAuth buttons (Google, GitHub, Facebook, etc) you'll probably need to tweak that a bit, but this answer is long enough already. When you get to the point of wanting multiple OAuth buttons, go ahead and ask another question.

Telegram bot: How to mention user by its id (not its username)

I am creating a telegram bot and using sendMessage method to send the messages.
it is easy to mention user using #username, But how to mention user when they don't have username?
If using the telegram app/web, we can mentioned the user by #integer_id (name), and telegram app/web will convert it into clickable text. integer_id will be generated automatically when we select the user, after typing #.
another background:
I am trying to use forceReply and I want to target user, if they have username, I can easily target them, by mentioning them on the text on sendMessage method.
the bot I am creating is a "quiz" like bot. where each player need to take turn, and the bot is sending them the question, each msg from bot will target different player.
NOTE: I am not disabling the Privacy Mode, I don't want telegram bombing my server with msg I don't need. it was overloading my cheap nasty server. so, disabling it not an option.
I am open for other solution, where the bot can listen to selected player.
UPDATE 21/10:
I've spoke to BotSupport for telegram, they said, for now Bots can't mention user without username.
so in my case, I still keep using forceReply, and also, gave a short msg to user which doesn't have username to set it up, so they can get the benefit from forceReply function.
According to official documentation it is possible to mention user by its numerical id with markup:
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=123456789)
According to this link :
it is possible to mention user by its numerical id with markup:
Markdown style
To use this mode, pass Markdown in the parse_mode field
when using sendMessage. Use the following syntax in your message:
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=123456789)
and you can also use HTML style :
HTML style
To use this mode, pass HTML in the parse_mode field when using sendMessage. The following tags are currently supported:
inline mention of a user
Try this:
#bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True)
def echo_message(message):
cid = message.chat.id
message_text = message.text
user_id = message.from_user.id
user_name = message.from_user.first_name
mention = "["+user_name+"](tg://user?id="+str(user_id)+")"
bot_msg = f"Hi, {mention}"
if message_text.lower() == "hi":
bot.send_message(cid, bot_msg, parse_mode="Markdown")
For python-telegram-bot you can do the following:
user_id = update.message.from_user['id']
user_name = update.message.from_user['username']
mention = "["+user_name+"](tg://user?id="+str(user_id)+")"
response = f"Hi, {mention}"
No, this restriction is related to Telegram's privacy policy and prevention of abuse.
It is possible to mention a user when sending messages (BOT API), but that is not what you need:
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=<user_id>)
Links tg://user?id= can be used to mention a user by their id without using a username. Please note:
These links will work only if they are used inside an inline link. For example, they will not work, when used in an inline keyboard button or in a message text.
These mentions are only guaranteed to work if the user has contacted the bot in the past, has sent a callback query to the bot via inline button or is a member in the group where he was mentioned.
you need to link to the text: "tg://user?id=" and id
user_id = 123456XX # id of the user to mention
chat_id = 123456XXX # chat id where to mention
user_name = name of user
await bot.send_message(chat_id, f"<a href='tg://user?id={user_id}'>{user_name}</a>", "HTML")
here is an example:
async def mention(msg: types.Message):
await msg.answer(f"<a href='tg://user?id={msg.from_user.id}'>{msg.from_user.full_name}</a>", "HTML")
Bots are able to tag users by their ID, they just can't do this using the official HTTP Bot API.
Update: Not necessairy anymore, since Telegram added native Support for this.
If you log into your bots account with MadelineProto (PHP) you can use this 'link' to mention someone by it's ID with parse_mode set to markdown
[Daniil Gentili](mention:#danogentili)
