Parse and evaluating a string locally? - julia

For languages that allow for meta-programming is it possible to parse and evaluate a string locally? For example within a function? I'm trying to do this in Julia currently but also curious about the ability of other languages?

Is this what you mean?
function foo()
println("Calling foo")
function main(functionName)
functionCall = #eval $(Symbol(functionName))
Calling main with the function name "foo" string passed evaluates foo
julia> main("foo")
Calling foo


JULIA include statement error: applicable method may be too new

I want to import a function present in a julia file somewhere during runtime
just like in python we have importlib.import_module to import module is there something present in julia
I'm new to julia and I'm not sure how to do that.
I have to import a function main from another julia file and want to run it but I have to also check a condition before that if the condition is true then I want to import the function.
I have a file
function myMain()
s1 = "Hello"
s2 = "World!"
say(s1, s2)
function say(s1, s2)
print(s1, s2)
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching say(::String, ::String)
The applicable method may be too new: running in world age 32378, while current world is 32379.
Closest candidates are:
say(::Any, ::Any) at ~/Desktop/julia_including/functions/hello.jl:1 (method too new to be called from this world context.)
[1] myMain()
# Main ~/Desktop/julia_including/main.jl:5
[2] top-level scope
# ~/Desktop/julia_including/main.jl:8
in expression starting at /home/shivansh/Desktop/julia_including/main.jl:8
It works fine when I don't use include inside the myMain() function in main.jl
Julia contrary to Python is a compiled language.
Hence for maximum performance all functions should be known at the compilation time so efficient assembly code can be generated.
Hence generally you want to avoid syntax like the one you are proposing and have the inlude outside of the function.
However, if you really know what you are doing, why you are doing this and need such functionality then comes the world of Julia metaprogramming.
The code is the following:
function myMain()
s1 = "Hello"
s2 = "World!"
Base.invokelatest(say, s1, s2)
Now you can do:
julia> myMain()
Honestly, it just sounds like you wanna do this
if some_condition
I think though, after seeing the error that you added, what you wanna do is define your function multiple times instead, and with different argument types:
function say(x::Any, y::Any)
function say(x::String, y::Any)
println("String in arg1: $x")
function say(x::Any, y::String)
println("String in arg2: $y")
function say(x::String, y::String)
println("String in args 1 and 2: $x $y")
That way using say differs based on the datatype of the arguments:
julia> say("Foo", "Bar")
String in args 1 and 2: Foo Bar
julia> say("Foo", 2)
String in arg1: Foo
julia> say(0, "Bar")
String in arg2: Bar
and if you have two different functions that act on 2 strings you can do this instead:
struct MySayFunctionType{Symbol}
function say(x::String, y::String, ::MySayFunctionType{:Type1})
println("Type1 function is being called: $x $y")
function say(x::String, y::String, ::MySayFunctionType{:Type2})
println("Type2 function is being called: $x $y")
and then use these like this
if condition
say("Foo", "Bar", MySayFunctionType{Symbol("Type1")}() )
say("Foo", "Bar", MySayFunctionType{Symbol("Type2")}() )
and if you want a default version of this function to be called -- say Type2 -- you can just add a default value for the third argument like this:
function say(x::String, y::String, z::MySayFunctionType{:Type2}=MySayFunctionType{Symbol("Type2")}())
println("Type2 function is being called: $x $y")
The reason this works is because "MySayFunctionType{:Type1}" is considered to be a different type than "MySayFunctionType{:Type2}" so multiple dispatch would consider that as well.

Julia Macro to Save the Overt form of a Function, and Define it

Some of the parameters to a simulation I am writing are functions. When the output is generated, I want to put the definition of these functional parameters in the output. I have in mind a macro that somehow saves the definition as a string, and then defines it. For example, here's what I do now:
borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
global g_borda_score_fn_string = "exp(1/p)"
And then I write g_borda_score_fn_string to my output. But this is really ugly!
What I would like to do is something like this:
#paramfn borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
And later be able to both call borda_score_fn(p), and have the form (i.e., "exp(1/p)") available for writing to my output log. (The string form might get stashed in a global dict, actually, they both could.)
I have tried many version of this, but can't get the right set of parses and calls to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.
This may be a bit different than what you have in mind, but one perhaps "Julian" approach might be to have the function itself return the form string via multiple dispatch, rather than defining a whole new global variable just for that. For example, say we have a type
struct Form end
that we can use for dispatch, then we can write
borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
borda_score_fn(::Form) = "exp(1/p)"
which can then be retrieved just by calling the function with our type
julia> borda_score_fn(2)
julia> borda_score_fn(Form())
That might actually be not bad on its own. But, if you want a macro to do both parts at once, then something along the lines of
macro paramfn(e)
name = esc(e.args[1].args[1])
str = string(e.args[2].args[2])
f = esc(e)
$name(::Form) = $str
would let you write
julia> #paramfn borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
borda_score_fn (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> borda_score_fn(1)
julia> borda_score_fn(Form())
"exp(1 / p)"
For completeness, here's how you can do it in a way more similar to your original approach, but more idiomatically than with a global variable:
julia> module FormOf
export formof, #paramfn
function formof end
macro paramfn(expr)
name = esc(expr.args[1].args[1])
form_str = string(expr.args[2].args[2])
$FormOf.formof(::typeof($name)) = $form_str
julia> FormOf.#paramfn borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
borda_score_fn (generic function with 1 method)
julia> FormOf.formof(borda_score_fn)
"exp(1 / p)"
However, since it defines a new method of FormOf.formof, this only works in global scope:
julia> function bla()
FormOf.#paramfn fn(p) = exp(1/p)
fn(10) + 1
ERROR: syntax: Global method definition around REPL[45]:10 needs to be placed at the top level, or use "eval".
[1] top-level scope
# REPL[50]:1
#cbk's solution does not have this limitation.

Does Julia have function decorators?

In some languages (like Python) there are function decorators which appear like macros and sit above a function definition. Decorators provide some additional functionality to the function itself.
Does Julia support this idea of function decorators in any way? Would it be possible to use macros to accomplish the same goal?
Here is one way to achieve this with a macro using ExprTools.jl:
import ExprTools
macro dec(decorator, inner_def)
inner_def = ExprTools.splitdef(inner_def)
outer_def = copy(inner_def)
fname = get(inner_def, :name, nothing)
if fname !== nothing
#assert fname isa Symbol
inner_def[:name] = Symbol(fname, :_inner)
outer_def[:body] = Expr(:call,
get(outer_def, :args, [])...,
get(outer_def, :kwargs, [])...,
return esc(ExprTools.combinedef(outer_def))
julia> _time(f) = (x...) -> (t0=time(); val=f(x...); println("took ", time()-t0, " s"); val)
_time (generic function with 1 method)
julia> #dec _time function foo(x, y)
return x + y
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> foo(1, 2)
took 9.5367431640625e-7 s
However, at least in my experience, this comes up surprisingly rarely in idiomatic Julia programs. I would first think about whether your specific problem might be better solved just by multiple dispatch with plain higher-order functions and traits, which will usually lend itself to better composability.
To expand the comment of #SilvioMayolo, Julia has pretty elegant macro capability, that is more general than the Python decorator.
Indeed Julia's macro take as input any expression, and the macro can hook over the Abstract Syntax Tree to return a modified expression.
The keyword you want to look for is "metaprogramming".
Here you can find the official documentation and here a convenient tutorial.

Check if a type implements an interface in Julia

How to check that a type implements an interface in Julia?
For exemple iteration interface is implemented by the functions start, next, done.
I need is to have a specialization of a function depending on wether the argument type implements a given interface or not.
Here is an example of what I would like to do.
Consider the following code:
a = [7,8,9]
f = 1.0
s = Set()
function getsummary(obj)
println("Object of type ", typeof(obj))
function getsummary{T<:AbstractArray}(obj::T)
println("Iterable Object starting with ", next(obj, start(obj))[1])
The output is:
Iterable Object starting with 7
Object of type Float64
Object of type Set{Any}
Which is what we would expect since Set is not an AbstractArray. But clearly my second method only requires the type T to implement the iteration interface.
my issue isn't only related to the iteration interface but to all interfaces defined by a set of functions.
I think my question is related to
Since we could have imagined something like T<:Iterable
Typically, this is done with traits. See Traits.jl for one implementation; a similar approach is used in Base to dispatch on Base.iteratorsize, Base.linearindexing, etc. For instance, this is how Base implements collect using the iteratorsize trait:
collect(element_type, collection)
Return an `Array` with the given element type of all items in a collection or iterable.
The result has the same shape and number of dimensions as `collection`.
collect{T}(::Type{T}, itr) = _collect(T, itr, iteratorsize(itr))
_collect{T}(::Type{T}, itr, isz::HasLength) = copy!(Array{T,1}(Int(length(itr)::Integer)), itr)
_collect{T}(::Type{T}, itr, isz::HasShape) = copy!(similar(Array{T}, indices(itr)), itr)
function _collect{T}(::Type{T}, itr, isz::SizeUnknown)
a = Array{T,1}(0)
for x in itr
return a
See also Mauro Werder's talk on traits.
I would define a iterability(::T) trait as follows:
immutable Iterable end
immutable NotIterable end
iterability(T) =
if method_exists(length, (T,)) || !isa(Base.iteratorsize(T), Base.HasLength)
which seems to work:
julia> iterability(Set)
julia> iterability(Number)
julia> iterability(Symbol)
you can check whether a type implements an interface via methodswith as follows:
foo(a_type::Type, an_interface::Symbol) = an_interface ∈ [ for i in methodswith(a_type, true)]
julia> foo(EachLine, :done)
but I don't quite understand the dynamic dispatch approach you mentioned in the comment, what does the generic function looks like? what's the input & output of the function? I guess you want something like this?
function foo(a_type::Type, an_interface::Symbol)
# assume bar baz are predefined
if an_interface ∈ [ for i in methodswith(a_type, true)]
# call function bar
# call function baz
or some metaprogramming stuff to generate those functions respectively at compile time?

Keyword argument when instantiating a Type

Suppose I have the following type:
type Foo
I can instantiate this with
bar = Foo(1,2)
Is there a way to use keywords here, because in the above I have to remember that a is first, and b is second. Something like this:
bar = Foo(a=1, b=2)
The solution by spencerlyon2 doesn't work if called from the function:
#!/usr/bin/env julia
type Foo
function main()
Foo(;a=1, b=2.0) = Foo(a,b)
bar = Foo(a=1, b=2.0)
Why? Is there a workaround?
Edit 2:
Doesn't work from inside a function:
#!/usr/bin/env julia
type Foo
function main()
Foo(;a=1, b=2) = Foo(a,b)
bar = Foo(a=1, b=2)
but if take it out of the function -- it works:
#!/usr/bin/env julia
type Foo
# function main()
Foo(;a=1, b=2) = Foo(a,b)
bar = Foo(a=1, b=2)
# end
# main()
Yep, but you will need default values for the arguments:
julia> type Foo
julia> Foo(;a=1, b=2) = Foo(a, b)
julia> Foo(b=10)
julia> Foo(a=40)
julia> Foo(a=100, b=200)
Let's break down the syntax Foo(;a=1, b=1) = Foo(a, b).
First, defining a function with the same name as a type defines a new constructor for that type. This means we are defining another function that will create objects of type Foo. There is a whole chapter on constructors in the manual, so if that term is unfamiliar to you you should read up on them.
Second, Julia distinguishes between positional and keyword arguments. Positional arguments are the default in Julia. With positional arguments names are assigned to function arguments based on the order in which the arguments were defined and then passed into the function. For example if I define a function f(a, b) = .... I know that the first argument I pass to f will be referred to as a within the body of the function (no matter what the name of the variable is in the calling scope).
Keyword arguments are treated differently in Julia. You give a function's keyword arguments non-default values using the syntax argument=value when calling the function. In Julia you tell the compiler that certain arguments are to be keyword arguments by separating them from the standard positional arguments with a semicolon (;) and giving them default values. For example, if we define g(a; b=4) = ... we can give a a value by making it the first thing passed to g and b a value by saying b=something. If we wanted to call the g function with arguments a=4, b=5 we would write g(4; b=5) (note the ; here can be replaced by a ,, but I have found it helps me remember that b is a keyword argument if I use a ; instead).
With that out of the way, we can finally understand the syntax above:
Foo(;a=1, b=2) = Foo(a, b)
This creates a new constructor with zero positional arguments and two keyword arguments: a and b, where a is given a default value of 1 and b defaults to 2. The right hand side of that function declaration simply takes the a and the b and passes them in order to the default inner constructor (that was defined automatically for us when we declared the type) Foo.
I figured out the problem you were having when defining a new outer constructor inside a function.
The lines
function main()
Foo(;a=1, b=2.0) = Foo(a,b)
actually create a completely new function Foo that is local to the main function. So, the left hand side creates a new local Foo and the the right hand side tries to call that new local Foo. The problem is that there is not a method defined for the local Foo that takes two positional Int64 arguments.
If you really want to do this you need to tell the main function to add a method to the Foo outer function, by specifying that Foo belongs to the global scope. This works:
function main()
global Foo
Foo(;a=1, b=2.0) = Foo(a,b)
bar = Foo(a=1, b=2.0)
About using inner constructors. Sure you can do this, but you will also want to define a default inner constructor. This is because if you do not define any new inner constructors, Julia generates a default one for you. If you do decide to create one of your own, then you must create the default constructor by hand if you want to have it. The syntax for doing this is
type Foo
# Default constructor
Foo(a::Int64, b::Int64) = new(a, b)
# our new keyword constructor
Foo(;a::Int64=1, b::Int64=2) = new (a, b)
I should note that for this particular use case you almost certainly do not want to define the keyword version as an inner constructor, but rather as an outer constructor like I did at the beginning of my answer. It is convention in Julia to use the minimum number of inner constructors as possible -- using them only in cases where you need to ensure invariant relationships between fields or partially initialize an object.
