How to accomplish replicated calculation and plot in subset dataset? - r

I have a simulated data created like this:
average_vector = c(0,0,25)
sigma_matrix = matrix(c(4,1,0,1,8,0,0,0,9),nrow=3,ncol=3)
data0 = =20000, mu = average_vector, Sigma=sigma_matrix))
Now, I want to randomly sample 50 students 1,000 times (1,000 sets of 50 people), I used this code:
datsub<-(replicate(1000, sample(1:nrow(data0),50)))
After that step, I encountered a issue: I want to ask if I want to run a regression model with the 50 selected people (1,000 times), and record/store the point estimates of “hard” from model 4, where is given like this:
model4 = lm(formula = final ~ hard + smartness + age, data = data0), and plot the variation around the line of 0.5 (true value), is there any way I can achieve that? Thanks a lot!

I would highly suggest looking into either caret or the newer (and still maintained) TidyModels if you're just getting into R modelling. Either of these will make your life easier, once you get used to the dplyr-like syntax.
What you're trying to do is bootstrapping. Here is the manual approach using only base functions.
n <- nrow(data0)
k <- 1000
ns <- 50
samples <- replicate(k, sample(seq_len(n), ns))
params <- vector('list', k)
for(i in seq_len(n)){
params[[i]] <- coef( lm(formula = final ~ hard + smartness + age, data = data0[samples[, i],]) )
# merge params into columns
params <-, params)
# Create plot from here.
plot(x = seq_len(n), y = params[, "hard"])
abline(h = 0.5)
Note the above may have a few typos as your example is not reproducible.


Two-Host SI model and varying parameters in R

I'm currently working on a two-host epidemiological SI model. That is, a compartmental model with no recovery compartment.
I'm still relatively new to R, but am developing a decent understanding after mostly using MATLAB. However, the thing I am having issues with finding any helpful resources on is how to vary two different input parameters so I can examine them and maybe even 3-D plot these variables or phase plot them to see if the population dies off.
So, more specifically I want to produce results when varying mu between 0 and 1, and alpha between 0 and 1, I could just "plug and play" but I want to be able to show a more dynamic result and think it would be handy to have as a tool in my wheel-house.
Anyway, here is the code I have so far:
# Here we will load the required packages for the assignment
# Here we the two-host (male & female) SI model
KModel <- function(time, state, params){
with(as.list(c(state, params)),{
dSF <- r*(SF+alpha*IF)-r*N*SF-BFM*(SF*IM)/N
dIF <- (BFM*(SF*IM)/N)-r*N*IF-mu*IF
dSM <- r*(SF+alpha*IF)-r*N*SM-BMF*(SM*IF)/N
dIM <- (BMF*(SM*IF)/N)-r*N*IM-mu*IM
return(list(c(dSF, dIF, dSM, dIM)))
# here are the initial parameters
r = 0.2
BFM = 1.2
BMF = 1
mu = 0
alpha = 0
initial_state<-c(SF=0.49 ,IF=0.01, SM=0.49,IM=0.01)
# Here we use ode() to numerically solve the system
out1<-ode(y=initial_state, times=times, func=KModel, parms=params, method="ode23")
So, I think I have a pretty good "skeleton" for solving any single solution for a compartmental model, however Like I mentioned I'd like to be able to vary two of the parameters to examine specific scenarios.
After reading the question a first time, it was not completely clear to me if the parameters should vary over time or if scenarios for different parameter combinations are intended. For the first case, several posts exist already on StackOverflow, e.g. or Modifying SIR model to include stochasticity.
If the influence of parameters should be evaluated in form of scenarios, one may consider nested loops. As a more compact alternative, one can create a matrix with all desired parameter combinations using expand.grid. Then one can use an apply function, e.g. lapply. The (temporary) output tmp is then a list of matrices, that can be converted into a big data frame with the common approach (see relevant SO posts about this).
This is then joined together with the parameter matrix and forms a suitable data structure for ggplot.
Note also that I used the default solver lsoda instead of ode23, because it is more precise and efficient.
KModel <- function(time, state, params){
with(as.list(c(state, params)),{
dSF <- r*(SF+alpha*IF)-r*N*SF-BFM*(SF*IM)/N
dIF <- (BFM*(SF*IM)/N)-r*N*IF-mu*IF
dSM <- r*(SF+alpha*IF)-r*N*SM-BMF*(SM*IF)/N
dIM <- (BMF*(SM*IF)/N)-r*N*IM-mu*IM
return(list(c(dSF, dIF, dSM, dIM)))
times <- 0:60
parms <- expand.grid(mu = c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1),
alpha = seq(0, 1, 0.1),
r = 0.2,
BFM = 1.2,
BMF = 1)
initial_state <- c(SF = 0.49, IF = 0.01, SM = 0.49, IM = 0.01)
## run all simulations and store it as list of matrices
tmp <- lapply(1:nrow(parms), function(i)
cbind(run = i,
ode(y = initial_state, times = times,
func = KModel, parms = parms[i,])
## convert list of matrices to single data frame
out <-"rbind", tmp))
## add run number to parameter table
parms <-, run = 1:nrow(parms)))
## join the two tables together and create plots
out %>%
left_join(parms, by = "run") %>%
ggplot(aes(time, IF)) + geom_line() + facet_grid(mu ~ alpha)
## or with colors
out %>%
left_join(parms, by = "run") %>%
mutate(alpha = factor(alpha)) %>%
ggplot(aes(time, IF, color = alpha)) + geom_line() + facet_grid( ~ mu)

How to conduct parametric bootstrapping in R?

I am working with the orings data set in the faraway package in R. I have written the following grouped binomial model:
orings_model <- glm(cbind(damage, 6-damage) ~ temp, family = binomial, data = orings)
I then constructed the Chi-Square test statistic and calculated the p-value:
pchisq(orings_model$null.deviance, orings_model$df.null,lower=FALSE)
First, I would like to generate data under the null distribution for this test statistic using rbinom with the average proportion of damaged o-rings (i.e., the variable "damage"). Second, I would like to recompute the above test statistic with this new data. I am not sure how to do this.
And second, I want to the process above 1000 times, saving the test statistic
each time. I am also not sure how to do this. My inclination is to use a for loop, but I am not sure how to set it up. Any help would be really appreciated!
It is not completely clear what you're looking to do here, but we can at least show some quick principles of how we can achieve this, and then hopefully you can get to your goal.
1) Simulating the null model
It is not entirely clear that you would like to simulate the null model here. It seems more like you're interested in simulating the actual model fit. Note that the null model is the model with form cbind(damage, 6-damage) ~ 1, and the null deviance and df are from this model. Either way, we can simulate data from the model using the simulate function in base R.
sims <- simulate(orings_model, 1000)
If you want to go the manual way estimate the mean vector of your model and use this for the probabilities in your call to rbinom
nsim <- 1000 * nrow(orings)
probs <- predict(orings_model, type = 'response')
sims_man <- matrix(rbinom(nsim, 6, probs),
ncol = 1000)
# Check they are equal:
# rowMeans(sims_man) - probs
In the first version we get a data.frame with 1000 columns each with a n times 2 matrix (damage vs not damage). In the latter we just summon the damage outcome.
2) Perform the bootstrapping
You could do this manually with the data above.
# Data from simulate
statfun <- function(x){
data <- orings_model$data
data$damage <- if(length(dim(x)) > 1)
x[, 1]
newmod <- update(orings_model, data = data)
pchisq(newmod$null.deviance, newmod$df.null, lower=FALSE)
sapply(sims, statfun)
# data from manual method
apply(sims_man, 2, statfun)
or alternatively one could take a bit of time with the boot function, allowing for a standardized way to perform the bootstrap:
# See help("boot")
ran_gen <- function(data, mle){
data$damage <- simulate(orings_model)[[1]][,1]
boot_metric <- function(data, w){
model <- glm(cbind(damage = damage, not_damage = 6 - damage) ~ temp,
family = binomial, data = data)
boots <- boot(orings, boot_metric,
R = 1000,
sim = 'parametric',
ran.gen = ran_gen,
mle = pchisq(orings_model$null.deviance,
At which point we have the statistic in boots$t and the null statistic in boots$t0, so a simple statistic can be estimated using sum(boots$t > boots$t0) / boots$R (R being the number of replication).

Is there a way to simulate time series data with a specific rolling mean and autocorrelation in R?

I have an existing time series (1000 samples) and calculated the rolling mean using the filter() function in R, averaging across 30 samples each. The goal of this was to create a "smoothed" version of the time series. Now I would like to create artificial data that "look like" the original time series, i.e., are somewhat noisy, that would result in the same rolling mean if I would apply the same filter() function to the artificial data. In short, I would like to simulate a time series with the same overall course but not the exact same values as those of an existing time series. The overall goal is to investigate whether certain methods can detect similarity of trends between time series, even when the fluctuations around the trend are not the same.
To provide some data, my time series looks somewhat like this:
ts <- arima.sim(model = list(order = c(1,0,0), ar = .9), n = 1000) + 900
# save in dataframe
df <- data.frame("ts" = ts)
# plot the data
plot(ts, type = "l")
The filter function produces the rolling mean:
my_filter <- function(x, n = 30){filter(x, rep(1 / n, n), sides = 2, circular = T)}
df$rolling_mean <- my_filter(df$ts)
lines(df$rolling_mean, col = "red")
To simulate data, I have tried the following:
Adding random noise to the rolling mean.
df$sim1 <- df$rolling_mean + rnorm(1000, sd = sd(df$ts))
lines(df$sim1, col = "blue")
df$sim1_rm <- my_filter(df$sim1)
lines(df$sim1_rm, col = "green")
The problem is that a) the variance of the simulated values is higher than the variance of the original values, b) that the rolling average, although quite similar to the original, sometimes deviates quite a bit from the original, and c) that there is no autocorrelation. To have an autocorrelational structure in the data would be good since it is supposed to resemble the original data.
Edit: Problem a) can be solved by using sd = sqrt(var(df$ts)-var(df$rolling_mean)) instead of sd = sd(df$ts).
I tried arima.sim(), which seems like an obvious choice to specify the autocorrelation that should be present in the data. I modeled the original data using arima(), using the model parameters as input for arima.sim().
ts_arima <- arima(ts, order = c(1,0,1))
my_ar <- ts_arima$coef["ar1"]
my_ma <- ts_arima$coef["ma1"]
my_intercept <- ts_arima$coef["intercept"]
df$sim2 <- arima.sim(model = list(order = c(1,0,1), ar = my_ar, ma = my_ma), n = 1000) + my_intercept
lines(df$sim2, col = "blue")
The resulting time series is very different from the original. Maybe a higher order for ar and ma in arima.sim() would solve this, but I think a whole different method might be more appropriate.

Perceptron in R not converging

I am trying to understand Neural Networks better so I am trying to implement a simple perceptron from scratch in R. I know that this is very inefficient as there are many libraries that do this extemely well optimized but my goal is to understand the basics of neural networks better and work my way forward to more complex models.
I have created some artificial test data with a very simple linear decision boundary and split this into a training set and a test set. I then ran a logistic regression on the training data and checked the predictions from the test-set and got +99% accuray, which was to be expected given the simple nature of the data. I then tried implementing a perceptron with 2 inputs, 1 neuron, 1000 iterations, a learning rate of 0.1 and a sigmoid activation function.
I would expect to get very similar accuracy to the logistic regression model but my results are a lot worse (around 70% correct classifications in the training set). so I definitly did something wrong. The predictions only seem to get better after the first couple of iterations and then just go back and forth around a specific value (I tried with many different learning rates, no success). I'm attaching my script and I#m thankful for any advice! I think the problem lies in the calculation of the error or the weight adjustment but I can't put my finger on it...
### Reproducible Example for StackOverflow
#### Setup
# loading libraries
#remove scientifc notation
options(scipen = 999)
# setting seed for random number generation
seed <- 123
#### Selfmade Test Data
# input points
x1 <- runif(10000,-100,100)
x2 <- runif(10000,-100,100)
# setting decision boundary to create output
output <- vector()
output[0.5*x1 + -1.2*x2 >= 50] <- 0
output[0.5*x1 + -1.2*x2 < 50] <- 1
# combining to dataframe
points <-,x2,output)
# plotting all data points
plot(points$x1,points$x2, col = as.factor(points$output), main = "Self-created data", xlab = "x1",ylab = "x2")
# split into test and training sets
trainsize = 0.2
train_rows <- sample(1:dim(points)[1], size = trainsize * dim(points)[1])
train <- points[train_rows,]
test <- points[-c(train_rows),]
# plotting training set only
plot(train$x1,train$x2, col = as.factor(train$output), main = "Self-created data (training set)", xlab = "x1",ylab = "x2")
#### Approaching the problem with logistic regression
# building model
train_logit <- glm(output ~ x1 + x2, data = train, family = "binomial", maxit = 10000)
# testing performance in training set
table(round(train_logit$fitted.values) == train$output)
# testing performance of train_logit model in test set
table(test$output == round(predict(train_logit,test[,c(1,2)], type = "response")))
# We get 100% accuracy in the training set and near 100% accuracy in the test set
#### Approaching Problem with a Perceptron from scratch
# setting inputs, outputs and weights
inputs <- as.matrix(train[,c(1,2)])
output <- as.matrix(train[,3])
weights <- as.matrix(runif(dim(inputs)[2],-1,1))
## Defining activation function + derivative
# defining sigmoid and it's derivative
sigmoid <- function(x) {1 / (1 + exp(-x))}
sig_dir <- function(x){sigmoid(x)*(1 - sigmoid(x))}
## Perceptron nitial Settings
bias <- 1
# number of iterations
iterations <- 1000
# setting learning rate
alpha <- 0.1
## Perceptron
# creating vectors for saving results per iteration
weights_list <- list()
weights_list[[1]] <- weights
errors_vec <- vector()
outputs_vec <- vector()
# saving results across iterations
weights_list_all <- list()
outputs_list <- list()
errors_list <- list()
# looping through the backpropagation algorithm "iteration" # times
for (j in 1:iterations) {
# Loop for backpropagation with updating weights after every datapoint
for (i in 1:dim(train)[1]) {
# taking the weights from the last iteration of the outer loop as a starting point
if (j > 1) {
weights_list[[1]] <- weights
# Feed Forward (Should we really round this?!)
output_pred <- round(sigmoid(sum(inputs[i,] * as.numeric(weights)) + bias))
error <- output_pred - output[i]
# Backpropagation (Do I need the sigmoid derivative AND a learning rate? Or should I only take one of them?)
weight_adjustments <- inputs[i,] * (error * sig_dir(output_pred)) * alpha
weights <- weights - weight_adjustments
# saving progress for later plots
weights_list[[i + 1]] <- weights
errors_vec[i] <- error
outputs_vec[[i]] <- output_pred
# saving results for each iteration
weights_list_all[[j]] <- weights_list
outputs_list[[j]] <- outputs_vec
errors_list[[j]] <- errors_vec
#### Formatting Diagnostics for easier plotting
# implementing empty list to transform weightslist
WeightList <- list()
# collapsing individual weightslist into datafames
for (i in 1:iterations) {
WeightList[[i]] <- t(data.table::rbindlist(weights_list_all[i]))
# pasting dataframes together
WeightFrame <-, WeightList)
colnames(WeightFrame) <- paste("w",1:dim(WeightFrame)[2], sep = "")
# pasting dataframes together
ErrorFrame <-, errors_list)
OutputFrame <-, outputs_list)
##### Plotting Results
# Development of Mean Error per iteration
type = "l",
xlab = "Sum of absolute Error terms")
# Development of Weights over time
plot(WeightFrame$w1, type = "l",xlim = c(1,dim(train)[1]), ylim = c(min(WeightFrame),max(WeightFrame)), ylab = "Weights", xlab = "Iterations")
lines(WeightFrame$w2, col = "green")
# lines(WeightFrame$w3, col = "blue")
# lines(WeightFrame$w4, col = "red")
# lines(WeightFrame$w5, col = "orange")
# lines(WeightFrame$w6, col = "cyan")
# lines(WeightFrame$w7, col = "magenta")
# Empty vector for number of correct categorizations per iteration
NoCorr <- vector()
# Computing percentage of correct predictions per iteration
colnames(OutputFrame) <- paste("V",1:dim(OutputFrame)[2], sep = "")
Output_mat <- as.matrix(OutputFrame)
for (i in 1:iterations) {
NoCorr[i] <- sum(output == Output_mat[i,]) / nrow(train)
# plotting number of correct predictions per iteration
plot(NoCorr, type = "l")
# Performance in training set after last iteration
First of all, welcome to the world of Neural Networks :).
Secondly, I want to recommend a great article to you, which I personally used to get a better understanding of backtracking and the whole NN learning stuff: Might be a bit rough to get through sometimes, and for the general implementation I think it is much easier to follow pseudocode from a NN book. However, to understand what is going on this is article is very nice!
Thirdly, I will hopefully solve your problem :)
You comment yourself already with whether you should really round that output_pred. Yes you should.. if you want to use that output_pred to make a prediction! However, if you want to use it for learning it is generally not good! The reason for this is that if you round it for learning, than an output which was rounded up from 0.51 to 1 with target output 1 will not learn anything as the output was the same as the target and thus is perfect. However, 0.99 would have been a lot better of a prediction than 0.51 and thus there is definitely something to learn!
I am not 100% sure if this solves all your problems (im not an R programmer) and gets your accuracy up to 99%, but it should solve some of it, and hopefully the intuition is also clear :)

How to create a formulated table in R?

This is my reproducible example :
traininginput <-, min=0, max=100))
trainingoutput <- sqrt(traininginput)
trainingdata <- cbind(traininginput,trainingoutput)
colnames(trainingdata) <- c("Input","Output")
Hidden_Layer_1 <- 1 # value is randomly assigned
Hidden_Layer_2 <- 1 # value is randomly assigned
Threshold_Level <- 0.1 # value is randomly assigned
net.sqrt <- neuralnet(Output~Input,trainingdata, hidden=c(Hidden_Layer_1, Hidden_Layer_2), threshold = Threshold_Level)
#Test the neural network on some test data
testdata <-^2) #Generate some squared numbers
net.results <- predict(net.sqrt, testdata) #Run them through the neural network
cleanoutput <- cbind(testdata,sqrt(testdata),
colnames(cleanoutput) <- c("Input","ExpectedOutput","NeuralNetOutput")
ggplot(data = cleanoutput, aes(x= ExpectedOutput, y= NeuralNetOutput)) + geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1
, color="brown", size=0.5)
rmse <- sqrt(sum((sqrt(testdata)- net.results)^2)/length(net.results))
At here, when my Hidden_Layer_1 is 1, Hidden_Layer_2 is 2, and the Threshold_Level is 0.1, my rmse generated is 0.6717354.
Let's say we try for the other example,
when my Hidden_Layer_1 is 2, Hidden_Layer_2 is 3, and the Threshold_Level is 0.2, my rmse generated is 0.8355925.
How can I create a table that will automatically calculate the value of rmse when user assign value to the Hidden_Layer_1, Hidden_Layer_2, and Threshold_Level. ( I know how to do it in Excel but not in r haha )
The desired table should be looked like this :
I wish that I have Trial(s), Hidden_Layer_1, Hidden_Layer_2, Threshold_Level, and rmse in my column, and the number of rows can be generated infinitely by entering some actionButton (if possible), means user can keep on trying until they got the rmse they desired.
How can I do that? Can anyone help me? I will definitely learn from this lesson as I am quite new to r.
Thank you very much for anyone who willing to give a helping hand to me.
Here is a way to create the table of values that can be displayed with the data frame viewer.
# initialize an object where we can store the parameters as a data frame
data <- NULL
# function to receive a row of parameters and add them to the
# df argument
addModelElements <- function(df,trial,layer1,layer2,threshold,rmse){
newRow <- data.frame(trial = trial,
Hidden_Layer_1 = layer1,
Hidden_Layer_2 = layer2,
Threshold = threshold,
RMSE = rmse)
# once a model has been run, call addModelElements() with the
# model parameters
data <- addModelElements(data,1,1,2,0.1,0.671735)
data <- addModelElements(data,2,2,3,0.2,0.835593)
...and the output:
Note that if you're going to create scores or hundreds of rows of parameters & RMSE results before displaying any of them to the end user, the code should be altered to improve the efficiency of rbind(). In this scenario, we build a list of sets of parameters, convert them into data frames, and use to execute rbind() only once.
# version that improves efficiency of `rbind()
addModelElements <- function(trial,layer1,layer2,threshold,rmse){
# return row as data frame
data.frame(trial = trial,
Hidden_Layer_1 = layer1,
Hidden_Layer_2 = layer2,
Threshold = threshold,
RMSE = rmse)
# generate list of data frames and rbind() once
inputParms <- list(c(1,1,2,0.1,0.671735),
parmList <- lapply(inputParms,function(x){
# bind to single data frame
data <-,parmList)
...and the output:
