How can I go from Local to my wordpress site - wordpress

I have a WordPress site made several months ago for testing.
There I wanted to "have fun" a bit and recreate it. The goal being to learn new tools, I decided to recreate it via the "Local" software to take it in hand and test it. I have now created this entire site locally.
I would like to know how I can use this local site and transfer it to replace my current site (which is therefore the old version).
Do you have the steps to do this? Could you explain to me?
Thank you to everyone who took the time to help me.
Good evening.

I don't know if I understand quite well what you want to do, but I supposed that you want to upload your website from local to online? If this what you wanna do I explain you:
You have to have a server with database and a domain hired. The domain has to point to the server IP.
Once you have it, you have to export the local database. You can do it with some plugin like Migrate DB, etc. to convert de url's to the new ones.
You have to import this database to the database from the server.
Once you have done this, you have to upload the programming files through FTP, SFTP to the server.
Important: you have to change wp-config.php file with the parameters from the new database.
Once the website is installed, I recommend you to go to the new admin site and save the permanentlinks.
And that's all.


How can I move site to new host?

I have a site on that is expiring at the end of October and I would like to host this myself but not sure what I need to do, to move this onto a new wordpress site I have downloaded on my localhost.
I have gone into the backend and downloaded the Export Content file (xml file) along with the media library but I am guessing I now need to somehow import this into the new Wordpress site I have on my localhost.
I understand that I will lose the template and the look but I am not too fussed about that and will be building a new template myself but just need to get around this before I can get started.
Would really appreciate any advice to get me going.
Please bear in mind that I have no access to the database or the web files and this is the reason I was trying to understand the steps I need to take to replicate the site on a new version of wordpress but with content/theme of the existing site.
Thanks in advance.
For migration you can use this plugin All in One Migration
You will not loose anything, this plugin will handle your front-end and back-end too.

WordPress development site on sub-domain going to wrong domain

I am trying to set up a development site on the sub-domain of
This is a WordPress site and I copied the plug-ins, themes, and upload folders to the new WordPress installation on the sub-domain. I also copied the database from, did a find and replace of to
When I go to the site , it either switches automatically to the follow address, or other times, lets me log into WordPress, but then goes to this address.
Anyone have any ideas where I should look to resolve this issue?
I'm happy to post any code, just not sure at this point what would be useful. Any help is appreciated!
Changing the Domain Name that your Wordpress installation runs under is more complicated than just editing one or two files. The best approach is to use a tool like
If you download this free tool and upload to your server then it does a batch find-and-replace across every single table in your Wordpress database.
So, for example, replace with
You can do a dry run and it will show you all the replaces that it will make. Once you're happy then click the "live run" button and all the changes are made.
I use this tool all the time when I am moving a site from my local machine to the live server. I also use the exact same approach when migrating a site from http to https

Overwrite existing Wordpress site on live server from local server

Still relatively new to Wordpress. I created a basic wordpress site for myself on a local XAMPP server. Using the Duplicator plugin I was able to move my local site to my live host with no problems. From everything I've read so far, the best practice for making changes to your website is to test on your local server and then make those same changes on your live site once you know it won't break anything.
My problem is that I'm planning on making lots of large changes and expanding my site a bit so I really don't want to do everything twice. What is the best way to download my live site back to my local, make my changes, and then upload them back to my live server?
Everything I've searched for in relation to this question is just how to use Duplicator to move your site to somewhere that doesn't already have a site installed, which in this case, I've got versions of the site on both my local and live servers already. Do I need to overwrite? Create a new folder and start over? I can do that on my local side, but not sure how that would work going back to live...
And as far as the database goes, is it better to overwrite or create a new one? I was able to just create everything new on the local side, new /test-site/ folder and new database, but I feel like that will get rather complicated if I try to move it back. Or should I just go ahead and make my changes live and hope everything works correctly and there won't be any issues like a newbie (even though I am a newb)?
I'm using Hostgator Cpanel on the live server side. And Windows 10, XAMPP on the local server.
Any help is greatly appreciated! The more simple directions the better. As well as any advice on workflow to set this type of thing up.
There is no big deal in editing your live site as long as you know what you're doing and you're keeping backups to date.
Anyway, if you want to go with what you have described above. Again, you don't need to download your live site again and again but make sure you don't do any changes on live site and so that your local site is always ahead of the live.
For me, an easy way is to use the All-in-One WP Migration plugin with which you can migrate from local to live within 5 minutes without the need to delete the current site, run the process like Duplicator does.

How to manually back up wordpress website

I have never used wordpress before, My boss has given me access to a site which was created using wordpress. then He asked me how I am going to make sure I don't break the site accidentally, I told him I would create a backup on my local computer so that all my changes can be restored if I mess up.
I have the wordpress dashboard up. How do I back up EVERYTHING, I hear there are two separate things I need to back up? someone please help me.
PS: I don't think he would like me to do this with out the use of additional plugins.
There are two separate things:
Your website database. Simply export all the MySQL tables from the database, which is dedicated to your site.
The site files, everything you've got under WordPress folder, /wp-includes, /wp-content, /wp-admin directories and all files.
This should do it all. You can test on your localhost to make sure it's everything that's necessary.
You can backup your WordPress either from your hosting account (preferable) or from your WP dashboard.
You need to backup two things - all the files (the root of your Wordpress installation) and the database for your WP installation.
Since you only have access to the dashboard, you have to use plugin for this.
Two of my favorite free backup plugins are:
BackupWordpress -
BackWPup -
They are intuitive and easy to work with, so you shouldn't have issues.
If you go to the dashboard go to "tools" in the left toolbar. Select "export". On the export page you can report that you want to export "all content". This will get you the items that you need from the server.
Then you need to install wordpress to your machine. You can download that from:
Once you have that on your machine you also need a local server to run it and test it. I like WAMP, but it partially depends on your operating system. I suggest the following video to get you up to speed on how to get the localhost set up and running:
Hope this helps!

Desperately need assistance with WordPress migration

I've posted on the WordPress section of StackExchange and on the WordPress support forums but with no success and i'm coming under pressure from my client to get their site up and running.
I've tried without success to migrate my WP site to a different server and domain name. These are the steps I have undertaken as per the instructions and guides.
Downloaded the root folder of my WP site from the old domain
Exported my database from old domain
Created new database at new domain
Imported new database at new domain
Altered db name,username, password, and host in wp-config
Placed Search Replace DB v.2.1.0 in root folder
Uploaded WP folder to new server
All i'm getting is a blank screen.
What i would like to do now is ask is there any way that I can perform a fresh install of WordPress at the new server and simply copy and paste the required files and import my database from the site I was looking to migrate.
I'd really appreciate any help as I've hit a stumbling block which i can't get past on my own. Thanks.
If it's that important, you've probably got some sort of budget? WPTwin is an alright product, but if you're looking for a ROBUST migration deal, you can purchase Backup Buddy which is what I recommend.
About 3 weeks ago we had to move our large multisite (over 200 sites at the time, now at over 1,500) to a new server. We used Backup Buddy, and it worked Seamlessly!
We also use it to set up "white label" versions of our wordpress software, so basically cloning it, and moving it to a new server under a new domain name.
It's incredibly powerful and works flawlessly! We had only one issue with it ever, and that was that only once it didn't carry over Page Templates in some subdomains. OTher than that, boy I rate it 98%, it's a great plugin, although a tad pricey, but worth it!
I too had this issue a few weeks ago, and found that the issue was solved by changing the URL before moving the files. Plugins often are the root of issue when migrating so its important these are migrated carefully (preferably turned off when you move it).
Also, the blank screen probably means you have error reporting turned off in your php.ini. Make sure this is turned on and it should show you where you're going wrong.
I use the following procedure when migrating sites from my local dev environment, to a live environment.
1 - MySQL dump local db
2 - Open sql file in text editor. Do a find and replace on dev url updating with live url; eg http://site.loc ->
3 - Create new live db, upload new SQL
4 - Upload clone of dev wordpress install
5 - Update live wp-config to reflect new db name, pw etc
6 - Check permissions on files and directories
7 - Make sure .htaccess is in place
8 - Open live site
That process never fails for me.
