How can I move site to new host? - wordpress

I have a site on that is expiring at the end of October and I would like to host this myself but not sure what I need to do, to move this onto a new wordpress site I have downloaded on my localhost.
I have gone into the backend and downloaded the Export Content file (xml file) along with the media library but I am guessing I now need to somehow import this into the new Wordpress site I have on my localhost.
I understand that I will lose the template and the look but I am not too fussed about that and will be building a new template myself but just need to get around this before I can get started.
Would really appreciate any advice to get me going.
Please bear in mind that I have no access to the database or the web files and this is the reason I was trying to understand the steps I need to take to replicate the site on a new version of wordpress but with content/theme of the existing site.
Thanks in advance.

For migration you can use this plugin All in One Migration
You will not loose anything, this plugin will handle your front-end and back-end too.


How can I go from Local to my wordpress site

I have a WordPress site made several months ago for testing.
There I wanted to "have fun" a bit and recreate it. The goal being to learn new tools, I decided to recreate it via the "Local" software to take it in hand and test it. I have now created this entire site locally.
I would like to know how I can use this local site and transfer it to replace my current site (which is therefore the old version).
Do you have the steps to do this? Could you explain to me?
Thank you to everyone who took the time to help me.
Good evening.
I don't know if I understand quite well what you want to do, but I supposed that you want to upload your website from local to online? If this what you wanna do I explain you:
You have to have a server with database and a domain hired. The domain has to point to the server IP.
Once you have it, you have to export the local database. You can do it with some plugin like Migrate DB, etc. to convert de url's to the new ones.
You have to import this database to the database from the server.
Once you have done this, you have to upload the programming files through FTP, SFTP to the server.
Important: you have to change wp-config.php file with the parameters from the new database.
Once the website is installed, I recommend you to go to the new admin site and save the permanentlinks.
And that's all.

Migrate website has cdn images

I have to migrate a website that no longer using its Media library but cloudfront, I wonder the process to migrate it will be any different?
Normally I use WP plugin Duplicator, All in one migration, or just copy files & database (change domain name) directly to the new server.
I wonder will it work the same for cdn content website or I have to do something else?
At the first day, I may use a temporary domain name and testing if it's ok we will redirect the live domain name to it.
Please give me advice if you have experienced this.
Thank you very much.

Replacing an old WP site with a new updated site

So i'm looking to replace an old site with a newly built site. Both sites are built in WP. The urls are set up like this: "" and ""
I need to replace the old site with the new site so that /new is not required to get to the right place. What's the most efficient way of going about this? My client says has has a couple of back-end developers attempt this already and both failed due to faulty plug-ins. Import/Export attempts have previously broken the site.
You can go for a simple solution. Please find that step wise :
Take a backup of current site.
Install WP CLONE ACADEMY plugin into your new site.
Clone the new site
Install the same plugin into old site.
Import the clone file into old site.
Everything will imported from new site to old, even the database, plugins and etc.
Hope this will help you.

How to download wordpress source code?

I created a wordpress site with their template. In order to host my wordpress site on another hosting platform, I need the source code for my site. (that contains all the .php files). Is there an easy way to do that? This is my first time using wordpress so I'm very confused.
So the answer above is correct but that probably doesn't help you. What you can do is follow this link:
It basically shows you how to migrate the data. You will need to setup on your new location first then once both are up, you can export from to your new location using I think a migration wordpress plugin. This should bring over your database. You will need to figure out how to migrate the template and style (look and feel) of the site. You may want to just find a new template that you like because I don't know how compatible templates are.
Hope this helps. uses a modified version of the code available at You can't download their modified version, but you can download and start from there.
if you want to download a theme, you can find said theme on If the theme is listed as premium, you'll have to buy it.
if you want to change to please read this page.

Duplicate an entire Wordpress site in the same domain

I have a live site built in Wordpress at
The client wants a new theme. I've heavily modified the current theme with custom code and will need to do so with the new theme, all without interrupting the live site, so this wont be as simple as moving the site from one theme to another. Therefore I think I need to create a duplicate of the site at because the content will all be the same. Doing this will give me a place to work on the redesign.
What is the best way to go about doing this? Should I have both use the same DB or not? When I get ready to go live should i simple redirect the domain to /name2 or move everything at /name2 to /name1?
Any help is appreciated.
If you want the same Data you can use the same DB but there is somes Options Tables dans Meta tables in the Wordpress DB, then if you change parameters on one site it will affect the other.
If you just recode the Theme without touching anything in the configuration you can use the same DB to test your theme with valid datas, but if you think you'll have to change paramaters i would prefer duplicate the Production DB to a Test DB to secure the production Website.
When you go live you'll just have to move your theme to the production website and copy your Option and Meta Tables.
If you're at a point where you're having clients, you should definitely develop locally. This will free you from the trouble of mistakingly messing up the production site.
Install Apache, MySQL and PHP on your own machine.
Copy database and files from production.
Change anything you'd like without exposing it to the Internet.
Upload your new, tailor-suited theme to production when it's ready to go live.
