How to copy data.table output from Jupyter notebook to Excel - r

I'm using Jupyter notebook to work with R and data.table. The problem is I cannot properly copy table outputs to Excel or any other software. In Python I would use to_clipboard() but I found no such function for R's data.table.
At the moment I'm exporting to CSV and importing the CSV in Excel, which is rather inefficient.


R: Exporting massive files within a loop

I have a code that generates several very large dataframes in a loop. Each one has around 300 million rows so I run out of memory before the loop is over. I am trying to export each dataframe once it is constructed within the loop and then remove it to free up space in my R environment before I start constructing the next.
The issue is how to export these very large datasets. I tried using fwrite from the data.table package but when I open the csv file I get an empty csv file called Book1 instead. I also tried saving it as a dta file using write.dta from the foreign package but Stata tells me it is corrupted when I try opening it.
When saving it as .csv with fwrite and opening it with Stata it worked perfectly!

Are there any ways to export csv. in google-colab with R kernel

I use write.csv() to save output and click option to download output to local machine.
I want to know that there are any ways to export csv. in google-colab with R kernel?
Since I can't download output timely. And colab will delete my data.

How do I export a data frame to Excel?

I am trying to export a dataframe from R to excel. I am using the 'writexl' package but it does not seem to work.
The code is as following:
write_xlsx(data_frame, "H:\\folder1.xlsx")
There does not seem to be any error produced and the code appears to have run, however when I look in 'folder1' the data_frame is not there.
Is there anything I am doing incorrectly?
I've found the openxlsx package to be easier to use than the xlsx package. It also doesn't have a java dependency. The main command for directly writing a data frame to an Excel file is write.xlsx. You can also create worksheets, do lots of fancy formatting and write multiple tables to a worksheet (see the vignettes here for some examples), but start with write.xlsx for the basic creation of Excel files.

Can't run Dataframes chunks on R Notebook (Rstudio)

Anytime I try to check on a dataframe on a .Rmd file, RStudio won't run it. I can read the csv file, but when I call it, nothing happens. I can tell it's a problem with Dataframes because I can run mathematical equations and even plot some graphic.
When I open the .html file, saved using Knitr, it's all ok:

How to load xlsx file using fread function?

I wanted to use fread function to load all the datasets as I think it would better to use one type of import function so I just sticked to the fread.
Few of my files are in xlsx format and I was saving them to csv format and then using the fread function was trying to load the datasets.
But I noticed that when I converted the xlsx files into csv, an empty or incomplete row was being created in the newly created csv files.
Is there a way I can resolve this issue? Can I load xlsx file somehow using the fread function rather than converting it to csv file and then loading it using the fread function?
Here's how: Using command line tools directly in conjunction with csvkit like this
my.dt<-fread('in2csv my.xls')
