Are there any ways to export csv. in google-colab with R kernel - r

I use write.csv() to save output and click option to download output to local machine.
I want to know that there are any ways to export csv. in google-colab with R kernel?
Since I can't download output timely. And colab will delete my data.


Why doesn't Power BI recognize my R output as an excel document?

I use the following function from the openxlsx package to export my dataframe to a local folder as an xlsx file:
write.xlsx(data frame, path, overwrite = TRUE)
I want to pull it into a Power BI project, but when I do, I get the following error from Power BI:
"The input couldn't be recognized as a valid Excel document."
But when I go into the file, save it and close, it then works fine.
Thank you

Saving Excel Table to OneDrive with R PowerQuery

I have a report that all it does is export it's data to excel via power automate using some R code.
However, I need to manipulate it further and it needs to be in a tabular format to do so. Yet, when I try "write.table" I get the error that my connection to OneDrive is not open. So I can export an Excel sheet with the data, but not the same data as a Table.
Any ideas?

How to copy data.table output from Jupyter notebook to Excel

I'm using Jupyter notebook to work with R and data.table. The problem is I cannot properly copy table outputs to Excel or any other software. In Python I would use to_clipboard() but I found no such function for R's data.table.
At the moment I'm exporting to CSV and importing the CSV in Excel, which is rather inefficient.

While running an R Kernel in a Google Colab notebook, how can a data frame be exported as a .csv file?

The title of the question pretty much says it all. I’m using R in Google Colab and while analyzing some data I have generated an output data frame which I wish to export (either to Google Drive or to my local desktop). How can I achieve this?
You can save a .csv file in Colab root folder with a classic:
write.csv(your_df, file='output.csv')
You will find the file in the left sidebar, clicking on it will pop the option to download it.

Export data to different excel sheets in R shiny app

I'm wondering which package can be used in a Shiny App to export data to excel file.
I know I can use xlsx, but it requires RJava and I fear that other users can't install it.
you can easily export data to Excel using a download button and base R. Then your file would be a csv-file, which can be easily opened in Excel. An example could be:
Would a csv-File be sufficient or do you absolutely need an xlsx-file?
