Render page breaks in DevExpress RichTextEdit - devexpress

I want to be able to add and remove page-breaks to a RichEditControl element.
I understand that it's possible to add the page break by pressing Ctrl + Enter, but it's impossible for the user to see the page break and remove it, as it currently looks like it's a simple new line.
I tried to use the DXRichEditFormattingMarkVisibilityOptions to display a separator, thinking it would display the page break, without luck:
<d:RichEditControl ActiveViewType="Simple"
ShowBorder="False" Background="{x:Null}"
AutoSizeMode="Vertical" LayoutUnit="Document"
CommandBarStyle="Empty" BarManager="{TemplateBinding BarManager}">
<d:DXRichEditFormattingMarkVisibilityOptions Separator="Visible"/>
Is there any way to render the page break in the RichEditControl and let it be easy to be removed by the user?

To display the Page Break character, you need to execute a command that display all hidden characters (such as paragraphs, spaces and tabs) and force these other characters to be hidden back, letting just the page break being displayed.
var command = new ToggleShowWhitespaceCommand(_richEditControl);
Then you can apply this to the style of the control or alter directly via code:
<d:DXRichEditFormattingMarkVisibilityOptions HiddenText="Hidden"
ParagraphMark="Hidden" Space="Hidden" TabCharacter="Hidden"/>


GTM - CSS Element

I'm wanting to create a variable to grab the username from a landing page (assuming it's possible). In my attached examples, I'd like to grab the text "Landing_page_test".
I'm just learning CSS so I'm not able to single out just that text.
Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated! enter image description here
Elements Pane of Landing Page
document.querySelector returns an element, not the text. Add .innerText
Try it out on this page: document.querySelector("a.question-hyperlink").innerText to get the name of the question.
But you probably don't want to do it as custom html tag. You probably want to do it on click. in that case, you have {{Clicked Element}} variable in GTM, of which you can also get .innerText, or get its .parentElement and further navigate DOM from the clicked element as you wish and get whatever you need.
Here's the html of the Location & Date/Time text blocks
Text Block

Get text of clicked button in Google Analytics

I want to be able to know exactly which element from a class has been clicked. I enabled the text option in Tag Manager:
But it's still not visible in the click object. But it wouldn't pick it up, since the tag containing the text is nested in the clickable element. Can I add a custom HTML attribute to be able to identify which element has been clicked?
<div class="card-content"> //<---- clickable element
<i aria-hidden="true" class="card-icon material-icons">business</i>
<h3 class="card-title">Company details</h3> //<--- clicked text
The best way to figure it out is to use the "Preview & Debug":
Activate it
Go to the page where you want to test (you should see now a new box at the bottom)
Click on the element
Check the variables in the debug box. Especially check the click.element data.
My guess is that since there is no "real" text in the div box, just children tags, no text can be discovered.
There are different options to solve it:
add the text as data-attribute to the div and use the click.element data
use a data-layer push event
if you know JS you can use the click.element data in a JS variable and traverse down to the h3
If you are going to keep your code as it is, you could create a custom variable, using Custom JavaScript.
In order to do so you need to first create the custom variable, choosing the Custom JavaScript type:
This code should do the job (I tested id)
function() {
return {{Click Element}}.closest('.card-content').getElementsByClassName('card-title')[0].innerText;
The custom variable will return the text inside .card-title.
To test the custom variable, you may create a dumb HTML tag with a console.log script, replacing Inside TXT with the name you gave to your custom variable:
<script>console.log( {{Inside TXT}} )</script>
The trigger should be a Click All Elements.
When previewing this tag, the captured text should appear in your console, as well as in the debugger panel.
Reading again your question, I wonder if you are going to have several .card-title items inside the .card-content. In that case, this custom variable will not work. Let me know what is the case.
Also, the code could be simpler, but I am not really sure on how is it really going to work in your site, so this one seems more reliable, since it works clicking anywhere in the element.
In order to test it, after you click an element, a new "Click" will appear in the left pane (Summary). There, in the Variables tab, you will see the variables captured by the click. The data will be stored under the variable name you gave to the variable.

Print Friendly Page

So I would like to be able to have a print button for entries in our database so users can print an entry via a print friendly "form".
My thought was to create a separate page, add labels and have those labels pull the relevant information.
I know I can add the open widget information via this code:
But I'm running into a few problems:
I can't get the page to open in a new window. Is this possible?;
Just gives me a blank page. Does the browser lose the widget source once the new window opens?
I can't get the print option (either onClick or onDataLoad) to print JUST the image (or widget). I run
And it includes headers + scroll bars. Do I need to be running a client side script instead?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
To get exactly what you'd want you'd have to do a lot of work.
Here is my suggested, simpler answer:
Don't open up a new tab. If you use showPage like you mention, and provide a "back" button on the page to go back to where you were, you'll get pretty much everything you need. If you don't want the back to show up when you print, then you can setVisibility(false) on the button before you print, then print, then setVisibility(true).
I'll give a quick summary of how you could do this with a new tab, but it's pretty involved so I can't go into details without trying it myself. The basic idea, is you want to open the page with a full URL, just like a user was navigating to it.
You can use #TestPrint to indicate which page you want to load. You also need the URL of your application, which as far as I can remember is only available in a server-side script using the Apps Script method: ScriptApp.getService().getUrl(). On top of this, you'll probably need to pass in the key so that your page knows what data to load.
So given this, you need to assemble a url by calling a server script, then appending the key property to it. In the end you want a url something like:
Then on TestPage you need to read the key, and load data for that key. (You can read the key using google.script.url).
Alternatively, I think there are some tricks you can play by opening a blank window and then writing directly to its DOM, but I've never tried that, and since Apps Script runs inside an iframe I'm not sure if it's possible. If I get a chance I'll play with it and update this answer, but for your own reference you could look here: create html page and print to new tab in javascript
I'm imagining something like that, except that your page an write it's html content. Something like:
var winPrint ='', '_blank', 'left=0,top=0,width=800,height=600,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0');
Hope one of those three options helps :)
So here is what I ended up doing. It isn't elegant, but it works.
I added a Print Button to a Page Fragment that pops up when a user edits a database entry.
Database Edit Button code:
That Print Button goes to a different (full) Page and closes the Fragment.
Print Button Code:
I made sure to make the new Print Page was small enough so that Chrome fits it properly into a 8.5 x 11" page (728x975).
I then created a Panel that fills the page and populated the page with Labels
I then put the following into the onDataLoad for the Panel
So now when the user presses the Print Button in the Fragment they are taken to this new page and after the data loads they automatically get a print dialog.
The only downside is that after printing the user has to use a back button I added to return to the database page.
As far as I know, you cannot combine with app.pages.*, because would require url parameter at least, while app.pages.* is essentially an internal routing mechanism provided by App Maker, and it returns page object back, suitable for for switching between pages, or opening dialogs.
You would probably need to style your page first, so like it includes things you would like to have printed out. To do so please use #media print
ex: We have a button on the page and would like to hide it from print page
#media print {
.app-NewPage-Button1 {
display : none;
Hope it helps.
1. Here is how it is done, in a pop up window, without messing up the current page (client script):
function print(widget, title){
var content=widget.getElement().innerHTML;
var win ='', 'printWindow', 'height=600,width=800');
and the onclick handler for the button is:
print(widget.root.descendants.PageFragment1, 'test');
In this example, PageFragment1 is a page fragment on the current page, hidden by adding a style with namehidden with definition .hidden{display:none;} (this is different than visible which in App Maker seems to remove the item from the DOM). Works perfectly...
2. You cannot open pages from the app in another tab. In principle something like this would do it:
var w=window.parent.parent;'//''#PrintPage', '_blank');
But since the app is running in frame nested two deep from the launching page, and with a different origin, you will not be able to access the url that you need (the above code results in a cross origin frame access error). So you would have to hard code the URL, which changes at deployment, so it gets ugly very fast. Not that you want to anyway, the load time of an app should discourage you from wanting to do that anyway.

Generate aspx file one below other in single tab

I am having a complete .aspx page which contains header,footer,textbox,tables everything. Values in these all fields come from code behind .cs file.
For different set of data i am generating different .aspx page file in tabs. so that user can take print of it.
i was doing something like this to open multiple tabs
var cust_prop_id = $('#hdnPropertyNo').val().split(',');
$.each(cust_prop_id, function (i, val) {
var myWindow ='UserInfo.aspx?Prop=' + val, '', '');
All of sudden client said user wont go to each tab and say "Print".
Instead generated all .aspx one below other in single tab. so in one single click user can able to print all generated .aspx files
What is the best way to do it ?
You can do this in many ways here are two most common.
Method 1
Create user control for each page which you want to be printed add these user controls in the page where user will print the page.Load each user control in separate div and place in main container and at print time get css of container div which will include all data.
Method 2
Create div for each page which you were opening in new window in a main container .Load data in divs at page load and when user press Print get all html of container div and print it.

Input Validation When Using a Rich Text Editor

I have an ASP.NET MVC application and I'm using CKEditor for text entry. I have turned off input validation so the HTML created from CKEditor can be passed into the controller action. I am then showing the entered HTML on a web page.
I only have certain buttons on CKEditor enabled, but obviously someone could send whatever text they want down. I want to be able to show the HTML on the page after the user has entered it. How can I validate the input, but still be able to show the few things that are enabled in the editor?
So basically I want to sanitize everything except for a few key things like bold, italics, lists and links. This needs to be done server side.
How about AntiXSS?
See my full answer here from similar question:
I have found that replacing the angel
brackets with encoded angel brackets
solves most problems
You could create a "whitelist" of sorts for the html tags you'd like to allow. You could start by HTML encoding the whole thing. Then, replace a series of "allowed" sequences, such as:
"<strong>" and "</strong>" back to "<strong>" and "</strong>"
"<em>" and "</em>" back to "<em>" and "</em>"
"<li>" and "</li>" back to ... etc. etc.
For things like the A tag, you could resort to a regular expression (since you'd want the href attribute to be allowed too). You would still want to be careful about XSS; someone else already recommended AntiXSS.
Sample Regexp to replace the A tags:
<a href="([^"]+)">
Then replace as
<a href="$1">
Good luck!
